Steven Kunnen
- Name
- S.J. Kunnen Ph.D.
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0001-9549-1719

- Science
- Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- LACDR/Toxicology
- Kunnen S.J., Arnesdotter E., Willenbockel C.T., Vinken M. & Water B. van de (2024), Qualitative and quantitative concentration-response modelling of gene co-expression networks to unlock hepatotoxic mechanisms for next generation chemical safety assessment, ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation 41(2): 213-232.
- Callegaro G., Schimming J.P., Piñero González J., Kunnen S.J., Wijaya L.S., Trairatphisan P., Berk L. van den, Beetsma K., Furlong L.I., Sutherland J.J., Mollon J., Stevens J.L. & Water B. van de (2023), Identifying multiscale translational safety biomarkers using a network-based systems approach, iScience 26(3): 106094.
- Vrijenhoek N.G., Wehr M.M., Kunnen S.J., Wijaya L.S., Callegaro G., Moné M.J., Escher S.E. & Water B. van de (2022), Application of high-throughput transcriptomics for mechanism-based biological read-across of short-chain carboxylic acid analogues of valproic acid, ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation : .
- Callegaro G., Kunnen S.J., Trairatphisan P., Grosdidier S., Niemeijer M., Hollander W. den, Guney E., Piñero Gonzalez J., Furlong L., Webster Y.W., Saez-Rodriguez J., Sutherland J.J., Mollon J., Stevens J.L. & Water B. van de (2021), The human hepatocyte TXG-MAPr: gene co-expression network modules to support mechanism-based risk assessment, Archives of Toxicology 95(12): 3745-3775.
- Kunnen S.J. (27 September 2018), Shear stress regulated signaling in renal epithelial cells and polycystic kidney disease (Dissertatie, Faculty of Medicine, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Peters D.J.M.