Stefan Cetkovic
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Dr. S. Cetkovic
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9500
- 0000-0002-0254-3709
Stefan Ćetković is Assistant Professor of Environmental and Energy Politics and Policy at the Institute of Political Science.
Stefan Ćetković is Assistant Professor of Environmental and Energy Politics and Policy at the Institute of Political Science. His research focuses on low-carbon energy transition governance in a comparative perspective. He is particularly interested in the interplay between politics, policy and clean energy technologies at different governance levels.
Before joining Leiden University in 2023, Stefan held a postdoc position at the Munich School of Politics and Public Policy at the Technical University of Munich. He received his PhD in political science from the Freie Universität Berlin.
Stefan’s work has been published in the leading academic outlets and journals including Journal of European Public Policy, Environmental Politics, Energy Policy, Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning and Energy Research & Social Science.
PhD supervision
Stefan Ćetković is available to supervise PhD students and invites PhD research proposals in the areas of:
- Energy politics
- Climate politics
- European politics
See more information on PhD positions:
Assistant Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
- Cetkovic S. & Stockburger J. (2024), Hydrogen strategy of Sweden: unpacking the multiple drivers and potential barriers to hydrogen development. In: Quitzow R. & Zabanova Y. (Eds.), The Geopolitics of Hydrogen. Studies in Energy, Resource and Environmental Economics: Springer, Cham.
- Buzogány A., Cetkovic S. & Maltby T. (2023), EU renewable energy governance and the Ukraine war: moving ahead through strategic flexibility?, Politics and Governance 11(4): 263-274.
- Ćetković S (2022), Energy Governance in Serbia. In: Knodt M. & Kemmerzell J (Eds.), Handbook of Energy Governance in Europe: Springer, Cham.
- Buzogany Aron Cetkovic Stefan (2021), Fractionalized but ambitious? Voting on energy and climate policy in the European Parliament, Journal of European Public Policy 28(7): 1038-1056.
- Huber Robert A. Maltby Tomas Szulecki Kacper Cetkovic Stefan (2021), Is populism a challenge to European energy and climate policy? Empirical evidence across varieties of populism, Journal of European Public Policy 28(7): 998-1017.
- Ćetković Stefan Buzogány Aron (2020), Between markets, politics and path-dependence: Explaining the growth of solar and wind power in six Central and Eastern European countries, Energy Policy 139: 111325 (111325).
- Ćetković Stefan Hagemann Christian (2020), Changing climate for populists? Examining the influence of radical-right political parties on low-carbon energy transitions in Western Europe, Energy Research & Social Science 66: 101571 (101571).
- Ćetković Stefan Skjærseth Jon Birger (2019), Creative and disruptive elements in Norway´s climate policy mix: the small-state perspective, Environmental Politics 28(6): 1039-1060.
- Cetkovic Stefan Buzogany Aron (2019), The Political Economy of EU Climate and Energy Policies in Central and Eastern Europe Revisited: Shifting Coalitions and Prospects for Clean Energy Transitions, Politics and Governance 7(1): 124-138.
- Ćetković Stefan Buzogány Aron (2016), Varieties of capitalism and clean energy transitions in the European Union: When renewable energy hits different economic logics, Climate Policy 16: 642-657.
- Ćetković S. (2014), Policy Capacity for Promoting Green Sectors Reconsidered: Lessons from the Renewable Electricity and Organic Farming Sectors in Serbia, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 17: 65-83.
- Advisory and research support for a policy study on energy transition in Serbia