Sony Jean
Post doc
- Name
- Dr. J.S. Jean
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-4919-5086
Joseph (Sony) Jean has a bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology from the Université d’Etat d’Haiti and was an exchange student in History and Archaeology at the University of the West Indies Mona campus in Jamaica.
He holds a Research Master from the Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail in France. His current PhD research is financed by NWO-Spinoza, affiliated to the ERC project NEXUS1492 directed by Prof. dr. Corinne Hofman. It focuses on archaeological landscapes of Northern Haiti, and data from ethnography and ethnohistory will be combined with archaeological records in this research.
Post doc
- Gelieerde instellingen
- Kon Inst Taal-, Land en Volkenkunde
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Algemene Geschiedenis
- Casale S.C., Jean J.S., Capelli C., Braekmans D.J.G., Degryse P.A.I.H. & Hofman C.L. (2021), Transatlantic connections in colonial and post-colonial Haiti: archaeometric evidence for taches noires glazed tableware imported from Albissola, Italy to Fort Liberté, Haiti, International Journal of Historical Archaeology 25: 423–447.
- Jean J.S., Sonnemann T.F. & Hofman C.L. (2021), Complex landscape biographies: palimpsests of Fort-Liberté, Haiti, Landscape Research : 1-20.
- Jean J.S. (10 September 2019), La biographie d’un paysage. Etude sur les transformations de longue durée du paysage culturel de la région de Fort-Liberté, Haïti (Dissertatie. Department of World Archaeology, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University). Leiden: Sidestone Press. Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Hofman C.L., Sonnemann T. & Rostain S.
- Casale S., Capelli C., Braekmans D., Degryse P., Hofman C., Gavagnin S. & Jean J.S. (2019), La ceramica a Taches Noires albisolese e la sua distribuzione nel mercato coloniale. Un caso di studio archeometrico da Haiti. In: , Ceramica 4.0: Nuove Esperienze e tecnologie per la comunicazione, catalogazione e musealizzazione della ceramica. Atti dei Convegni Internazionali della Ceramica. Sesto Fiorentino (FI): All'Insegna del Giglio s.a.s.. 123-127.
- Hofman C.L., Ulloa Hung J., Herrera Malatesta E.N., Jean J.S., Sonnemann T.F. & Hoogland M.L.P. (2018), Indigenous Caribbean perspectives: archaeologies and legacies of the first colonised region in the New World, Antiquity 92(361): 200-216.
- Jean J.S. & Hofman C.L. (2018), Dynamiques interculturelles des traces mémorielles amérindiennes d'Haïti. In: Aje L. & Gachon N. (Eds.), La Mémoire de l'Esclavage. Traces mémorielles de l'esclavage et des traites dans l'espace atlantique. Paris: Edition L'Harmattan.