Sjoert van Velzen
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. S. van Velzen
- Telephone
- 071 5278494
- 0000-0002-3859-8074

Assistant professor
- Science
- Sterrewacht
- Sterrewacht
- Nicholl M., Pasham D.R., Mummery A., Guolo M., Gendreau K., Dewangan G.C., Ferrara E.C., Remillard R., Bonnerot C., Chakraborty J., Hajela A., Dhillon V.S., Gillan A.F., Greenwood J., Huber M.E., Janiuk A., Salvesen G., Velzen S. van, Aamer A., Alexander K.D., Angus C.R., Arzoumanian Z., Auchettl K., Berger E., de Boer T., Cendes Y., Chambers K.C., Chen T.-W., Chornock R., Fulton M.D., Gao H., Gillanders J.H., Gomez S., Gompertz B.P., Fabian A.C., Herman J., Ingram A., Kara E., Laskar T., Lawrence A., Lin C.-C., Lowe T.B., Magnier E.A., Margutti R., McGee S.L., Minguez P., Moore T., Nathan E., Oates S.R., Patra K.C., Ramsden P., Ravi V., Ridley E.J., Sheng X., Smartt S.J., Smith K.W., Srivastav S., Stein R., Stevance H.F., Turner S.G.D., Wainscoat R.J., Weston J., Wevers T. & Young D.R. (2024), Quasi-periodic X-ray eruptions years after a nearby tidal disruption event, Nature 634(8035): 804-808.
- Christy C.T., Alexander K.D., Margutti R., Wieringa M., Cendes Y., Chornock R., Laskar T., Berger E., Bietenholz M., Coppejans D.L., De Colle F., Eftekhari T., Holoien T.W.-S., Matsumoto T., Miller-Jones J.C.A., Ramirez-Ruiz E., Saxton R. & Velzen S. van (2024), The peculiar radio evolution of the tidal disruption event ASASSN-19bt, The Astrophysical Journal 974(1): 18.
- Hannah C.H., Seth A.C., Stone N.C. & Velzen S. van (2024), Counting the unseen. I: nuclear density scaling relations for nucleated galaxies, Astronomical Journal 168(3): 137.
- Velzen S van (2024), Finding jets in transients with (near-)future observatories, EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting. EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 1 July 2024 - 5 July 2024. Padova, Italy 2657.
- Velzen S. van & Mummery A (2024), The extraordinary power of late-time emission from tidal disruption events, EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting. EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 1 July 2024 - 5 July 2024. Padova, Italy 1293.
- Yao Y., Gezari S., Lu W., Somalwar J., Ravi V. & Velzen S. van (2024), Tidal disruption events in the ultraviolet and optical, HEAD 21 Abstracts. AAS High Energy Astrophysics Division meeting #21 7 April 2024 - 12 April 2024. Bulletin of the AAS no. 56. Horseshoe Bay, Texas: AAS Publishing .
- Guolo M., Gezari S., Yao Y., Velzen S. van, Hammerstein E., Cenko S.B. & Tokayer Y.M. (2024), A systematic analysis of the X-ray emission in optically selected tidal disruption events: observational evidence for the unification of the optically and X-ray-selected populations, The Astrophysical Journal 966(2): 160.
- Velzen S. van, Stein R., Gilfanov M., Kowalski M., Hayasaki K., Reusch S., Yao Y., Garrappa S., Franckowiak A., Gezari S., Nordin J., Fremling C., Sharma Y., Yan L., Kool E.C., Stern D., Veres P.M., Sollerman J., Medvedev P., Sunyaev R., Bellm E.C., Dekany R.G., Duev D.A., Graham M.J., Kasliwal M.M., Kulkarni S.R., Laher R.R., Riddle R.L. & Rusholme B. (2024), Establishing accretion flares from supermassive black holes as a source of high-energy neutrinos, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 529(3): 2559-2576.
- Stein R., Mahabal A., Reusch S., Graham M., Kasliwal M.M., Kowalski M., Gezari S., Hammerstein E., Nakoneczny S.J., Nicholl M., Sollerman J., Velzen S. van, Yao Y., Laher R.R. & Rusholme B. (2024), tdescore: an accurate photometric classifier for tidal disruption events, Astrophysical Journal Letters 965(2): L14.
- Guolo M., Pasham D.R., Zajaček M., Coughlin E.R., Gezari S., Suková P., Wevers T., Witzany V., Tombesi F., Velzen S. van, Alexander K.D., Yao Y., Arcodia R., Karas V., Miller-Jones J.C.A., Remillard R., Gendreau K. & Ferrara E.C. (2024), X-ray eruptions every 22 days from the nucleus of a nearby galaxy, Nature Astronomy 8: 347-358.
- Masterson M., De K., Panagiotou C., Kara E., Arcavi I., Eilers A.-C., Frostig D., Gezari S., Grotova I., Liu Z., Malyali A., Meisner A.M., Merloni A., Newsome M., Rau A., Simcoe R.A. & Velzen S. van (2024), A new population of mid-infrared-selected tidal disruption events: implications for tidal disruption event rates and host galaxy properties, The Astrophysical Journal 961(2): 211.
- Ward C., Gezari S., Nugent P., Kerr M., Eracleous M., Frederick S., Hammerstein E., Graham M.J., Velzen S. van, Kasliwal M.M., Laher R.R., Masci F.J., Purdum J., Racine B. & Smith R. (2024), Panic at the ISCO: time-varying double-peaked broad Lines from evolving accretion disks are common among optically variable AGNs, The Astrophysical Journal 961(2): 172.
- Mummery A., Velzen S. van, Nathan E., Ingram A., Hammerstein E., Fraser-Taliente L. & Balbus S. (2024), Fundamental scaling relationships revealed in the optical light curves of tidal disruption events, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527(2): 2452-2489.
- Veronesi N., Velzen S. van & Rossi E.M. (2024), AGN flares as counterparts to LIGO/Virgo mergers: no confident causal connection in spatial correlation analysis, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 536(3): 3112-3122.
- Hammerstein E., Cenko S.B., Gezari S., Veilleux S., O'Connor B., Velzen S. van, Ward C., Yao Y. & Graham M. (2023), Integral field spectroscopy of 13 Tidal Disruption Event hosts from the Zwicky Transient Facility survey, The Astrophysical Journal 957(2): 86.
- Hambleton K.M., Bianco F.B., Street R., Bell K., Buckley D., Graham M., Hernitschek N., Lund M.B., Mason E., Pepper J., Prša A., Rabus M., Raiteri C.M., Szabó R., Szkody P., Andreoni I., Antoniucci S., Balmaverde B., Bellm E., Bonito R., Bono G., Botticella M.T., Brocato E., Bučar Bricman K., Cappellaro E., Carnerero M.I., Chornock R., Clarke R., Cowperthwaite P., Cucchiara A., D'Ammando F., Dage K.C., Dall'Ora M., Davenport J.R.A., Martino D. de, Somma de G., Di Criscienzo M., Di Stefano R., Drout M., Fabrizio M., Fiorentino G., Gandhi P., Garofalo A., Giannini T., Gomboc A., Greggio L., Hartigan P., Hundertmark M., Johnson E., Johnson M., Jurkic T., Khakpash S., Leccia S., Li X., Magurno D., Malanchev K., Marconi M., Margutti R., Marinoni S., Mauron N., Molinaro R., Möller A., Moniez M., Muraveva T., Musella I., Ngeow C.-C., Pastorello A., Petrecca V., Piranomonte S., Ragosta F., Reguitti A., Righi C., Ripepi V., Rivera Sandoval L., Stassun K.G., Stroh M., Terreran G., Trimble V., Tsapras Y., Velzen S. van, Venuti L. & Vink J.S. (2023), Rubin observatory LSST transients and variable stars roadmap, Publications of the ASP 135(1052): 105002.
- Bučar Bricman K., Velzen S. van, Nicholl M. & Gomboc A. (2023), Rubin observatory's survey strategy performance for tidal disruption events, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 268(1): 13.
- Yao Y., Ravi V., Gezari S., Velzen S. van, Lu W., Schulze S., Somalwar J.J., Kulkarni S.R., Hammerstein E., Nicholl M., Graham M.J., Perley D.A., Cenko S.B., Stein R., Ricarte A., Chadayammuri U., Quataert E., Bellm E.C., Bloom J.S., Dekany R., Drake A.J., Groom S.L., Mahabal A.A., Prince T.A., Riddle R., Rusholme B., Sharma Y., Sollerman J. & Yan L. (2023), Tidal disruption event demographics with the Zwicky Transient Facility: volumetric rates, luminosity function, and implications for the local black hole mass function, Astrophysical Journal Letters 955(1): L6.
- Goodwin A.J., Alexander K.D., Miller-Jones J.C.A., Bietenholz M.F., Velzen S. van, Anderson G.E., Berger E., Cendes Y., Chornock R., Coppejans D.L., Eftekhari T., Gezari S., Laskar T., Ramirez-Ruiz E. & Saxton R. (2023), A radio-emitting outflow produced by the tidal disruption event AT2020vwl, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 522(4): 5084-5097.
- Wen S., Jonker P.G., Stone N.C., Velzen S. van & Zabludoff A.I. (2023), Optical/UV emission in the Tidal Disruption Event ASASSN-14li: implications of disc modelling, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 522(1): 1155-1168.
- Stein R., Reusch S., Franckowiak A., Kowalski M., Necker J., Weimann S., Kasliwal M.M., Sollerman J., Ahumada T., Amaro Seoane P., Anand S., Andreoni I., Bellm E.C., Bloom J.S., Coughlin M., De K., Fremling C., Gezari S., Graham M., Groom S.L., Helou G., Kaplan D.L., Karambelkar V., Kong A.K.H., Kool E.C., Lincetto M., Mahabal A.A., Masci F.J., Medford M.S., Morgan R., Nordin J., Rodriguez H., Sharma Y., Santen J. van, Velzen S. van & Yan L. (2023), Neutrino follow-up with the Zwicky transient facility: results from the first 24 campaigns, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 521(4): 5046-5063.
- Gomez S., Villar V.A., Berger E., Gezari S., Velzen S. van, Nicholl M., Blanchard P.K. & Alexander K.D. (2023), Identifying tidal disruption events with an expansion of the FLEET machine-learning algorithm, The Astrophysical Journal 949(2): 113.
- Goodwin A.J., Miller-Jones J.C.A., Velzen S. van, Bietenholz M., Greenland J., Cenko B., Gezari S., Horesh A., Sivakoff G.R., Yan L., Yu W. & Zhang X. (2023), Radio observations of the tidal disruption event AT2020opy: a luminous non-relativistic outflow encountering a dense circumnuclear medium, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 518(1): 847-854.
- Hammerstein E., Velzen S. van, Gezari S., Cenko S.B., Yao Y., Ward C., Frederick S., Villanueva N., Somalwar J.J., Graham M.J., Kulkarni S.R., Stern D., Andreoni I., Bellm E.C., Dekany R., Dhawan S., Drake A.J., Fremling C., Gatkine P., Groom S.L., Ho A.Y.Q., Kasliwal M.M., Karambelkar V., Kool E.C., Masci F.J., Medford M.S., Perley D.A., Purdum J., Roestel J. van, Sharma Y., Sollerman J., Taggart K. & Yan L. (2023), The final season reimagined: 30 tidal disruption events from the ZTF-I survey, The Astrophysical Journal 942(1): 9.
- Hannah C., Seth A., Stone N. & Velzen S. van (2023), Black hole demographics in low-mass galaxies: improving tidal disruption event rate estimations, American Astronomical Society meeting abstracts. American Astronomical Society Meeting #241 8 January 2023 - 12 January 2023. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society no. 55. Seattle: AAS publishing. 214.03.
- Hammerstein E., Cenko S., Gezari S. & Velzen S. van (2023), Integral field spectroscopy of 13 Tidal Disruption Event host galaxies from the ZTF survey, American Astronomical Society meeting abstracts. American Astronomical Society Meeting #241 8 January 2023 - 12 January 2023. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society no. 55. seattle: AAS publishing. 214.01.
- Veronesi N., Rossi E.M. & Velzen S. van (2023), The most luminous AGN do not produce the majority of the detected stellar-mass black hole binary mergers in the local universe, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526(4): 6031-6040.
- Pasham D.R., Lucchini M., Laskar T., Gompertz B.P., Srivastav S., Nicholl M., Smartt S.J., Miller-Jones J.C.A., Alexander K.D., Fender R., Smith G.P., Fulton M., Dewangan G., Gendreau K., Coughlin E.R., Rhodes L., Horesh A., Velzen S. van, Sfaradi I., Guolo M., Castro Segura N., Aamer A., Anderson J.P., Arcavi I., Brennan S.J., Chambers K., Charalampopoulos P., Chen T.-W., Clocchiatti A., Boer T. de, Dennefeld M., Ferrara E., Galbany L., Gao H., Gillanders J.H., Goodwin A., Gromadzki M., Huber M., Jonker P.G., Joshi M., Kara E., Killestein T.L., Kosec P., Kocevski D., Leloudas G., Lin C.-C., Margutti R., Mattila S., Moore T., Müller-Bravo T., Ngeow C.-C., Oates S., Onori F., Pan Y.-C., Perez-Torres M., Rani P., Remillard R., Ridley E.J., Schulze S., Sheng X., Shingles L., Smith K.W., Steiner J.F., Wainscoat R., Wevers T. & Yang S. (2023), The birth of a relativistic jet following the disruption of a star by a cosmological black hole, Nature Astronomy 7: 88-104.
- Veronesi N., Rossi E.M., Velzen S. van & Buscicchio R. (2022), Detectability of a spatial correlation between stellar mass black hole mergers and active galactic nuclei in the local Universe, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514(2): 2092-2097.
- Cannizzaro G., Levan A.J., Velzen S. van & Brown G. (2022), The fall of CSS100217: a tidal disruption-induced low state in an apparently hostless active galactic nucleus, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516(1): 529-539.
- Yao Y., Lu W., Guolo M., Pasham D.R., Gezari S., Gilfanov M., Gendreau K.C., Harrison F., Cenko S.B., Kulkarni S.R., Miller J.M., Walton D.J., García J.A., Velzen S. van, Alexander K.D., Miller-Jones J.C.A., Nicholl M., Hammerstein E., Medvedev P., Stern D., Ravi V., Sunyaev R., Bloom J.S., Graham M.J., Kool E.C., Mahabal A.A., Masci F.J., Purdum J., Rusholme B., Sharma Y., Smith R. & Sollerman J. (2022), The tidal disruption event AT2021ehb: evidence of relativistic disk reflection, and rapid evolution of the disk-corona system, The Astrophysical Journal 937(1): 8.
- Reusch S., Stein R., Kowalski M., Velzen S. van, Franckowiak A., Lunardini C., Murase K., Winter W., Miller-Jones J.C.A., Kasliwal M.M., Gilfanov M., Garrappa S., Paliya V.S., Ahumada T., Anand S., Barbarino C., Bellm E.C., Brinnel V., Buson S., Cenko S.B., Coughlin M.W., De K., Dekany R., Frederick S., Gal-Yam A., Gezari S., Giroletti M., Graham M.J., Karambelkar V., Kimura S.S., Kong A.K.H., Kool E.C., Laher R.R., Medvedev P., Necker J., Nordin J., Perley D.A., Rigault M., Rusholme B., Schulze S., Schweyer T., Singer L.P., Sollerman J., Strotjohann N.L., Sunyaev R., van Santen J., Walters R., Zhang B.T. & Zimmerman E. (2022), Candidate tidal disruption event AT2019fdr coincident with a high-energy neutrino, Physical Review Letters 128(22): 221101.
- Hammerstein E., Velzen S. van, Gezari S. & Cenko B. (2022), The final season reimagined: 30 tidal disruption events from the ZTF-I survey, American Astronomical Society meeting abstracts. American Astronomical Society Meeting #240 12 June 2022 - 16 June 2022 no. 54. Washington: AAS Publishing. 432.07.
- Goodwin A.J., Velzen S. van, Miller-Jones J.C.A., Mummery A., Bietenholz M.F., Wederfoort A., Hammerstein E., Bonnerot C., Hoffmann J. & Yan L. (2022), AT2019azh: an unusually long-lived, radio-bright thermal tidal disruption event, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511(4): 5328-5345.
- Hodgkin S.T., Harrison D.L., Breedt E., Wevers T., Rixon G., Delgado A., Yoldas A., Kostrzewa-Rutkowska Z., Wyrzykowski Ł., Leeuwen M. van, Blagorodnova N., Campbell H., Eappachen D., Fraser M., Ihanec N., Koposov S.E., Kruszyńska K., Marton G., Rybicki K.A., Brown A.G.A., Burgess P.W., Busso G., Cowell S., De Angeli F., Diener C., Evans D.W., Gilmore G., Holland G., Jonker P.G., Leeuwen F. van, Mignard F., Osborne P.J., Portell J., Prusti T., Richards P.J., Riello M., Seabroke G.M., Walton N.A., Ábrahám P., Altavilla G., Baker S.G., Bastian U., O'Brien P., Bruijne J. de, Butterley T., Carrasco J.M., Castañeda J., Clark J.S., Clementini G., Copperwheat C.M., Cropper M., Damljanovic G., Davidson M., Davis C.J., Dennefeld M., Dhillon V.S., Dolding C., Dominik M., Esquej P., Eyer L., Fabricius C., Fridman M., Froebrich D., Garralda N., Gomboc A., González-Vidal J.J., Guerra R., Hambly N.C., Hardy L.K., Holl B., Hourihane A., Japelj J., Kann D.A., Kiss C., Knigge C., Kolb U., Komossa S., Kóspál Á., Kovács G., Kun M., Leto G., Lewis F., Littlefair S.P., Mahabal A.A., Mundell C.G., Nagy Z., Padeletti D., Palaversa L., Pigulski A., Pretorius M.L., Reeven W. van, Ribeiro V.A.R.M., Roelens M., Rowell N., Schartel N., Scholz A., Schwope A., Sipőcz B.M., Smartt S.J., Smith M.D., Serraller I., Steeghs D., Sullivan M., Szabados L., Szegedi-Elek E., Tisserand P., Tomasella L., Velzen S. van, Whitelock P.A., Wilson R.W. & Young D.R. (2021), Gaia early data release 3: Gaia photometric science alerts, Astronomy and Astrophysics 652: A76.
- Jonker P.G., Arcavi I., Sterl Phinney E., Rossi E.M., Stone N.C. & Velzen S. van (2021), Editorial to the topical collection: the tidal disruption of stars by massive black holes, Space Science Reviews 217(5): 62.
- Stein R., Velzen S. van, Kowalski M., Franckowiak A., Gezari S., Miller-Jones J.C.A., Frederick S., Sfaradi I., Bietenholz M.F., Horesh A., Fender R., Garrappa S., Ahumada T., Andreoni I., Belicki J., Bellm E.C., Böttcher M., Brinnel V., Burruss R., Cenko S.B., Coughlin M.W., Cunningham V., Drake A., Farrar G.R., Feeney M., Foley R.J., Gal-Yam A., Golkhou V.Z., Goobar A., Graham M.J., Hammerstein E., Helou G., Hung T., Kasliwal M.M., Kilpatrick C.D., Kong A.K.H., Kupfer T., Laher R.R., Mahabal A.A., Masci F.J., Necker J., Nordin J., Perley D.A., Rigault M., Reusch S., Rodriguez H., Rojas-Bravo C., Rusholme B., Shupe D.L., Singer L.P., Sollerman J., Soumagnac M.T., Stern D., Taggart K., Santen J. van, Ward C., Woudt P. & Yao Y. (2021), A tidal disruption event coincident with a high-energy neutrino, Nature Astronomy 5: 510-518.
- Sazonov S., Gilfanov M., Medvedev P., Yao Y., Khorunzhev G., Semena A., Sunyaev R., Burenin R., Lyapin A., Meshcheryakov A., Uskov G., Zaznobin I., Postnov K.A., Dodin A.V., Belinski A.A., Cherepashchuk A.M., Eselevich M., Dodonov S.N., Grokhovskaya A.A., Kotov S.S., Bikmaev I.F., Zhuchkov R.Y., Gumerov R.I., Velzen S. van & Kulkarni S. (2021), First tidal disruption events discovered by SRG/eROSITA: X-ray/optical properties and X-ray luminosity function at z < 0.6, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508(3): 3820-3847.
- Nyland K., Dong D.Z., Patil P., Lacy M., Velzen S. van, Kimball A.E., Sarbadhicary S.K., Hallinan G., Baldassare V., Clarke T.E., Goulding A.D., Greene J., Hughes A., Kassim N., Kunert-Bajraszewska M., Maccarone T.J., Mooley K., Mukherjee D., Peters W., Petrov L., Polisensky E., Rujopakarn W., Whittle M. & Vaccari M. (2021), Powerful quasars with young jets in multi-epoch radio surveys, Astronomical Notes 342(9-10): 1146-1150.
- Frederick S., Gezari S., Graham M.J., Sollerman J., Velzen S. van, Perley D.A., Stern D., Ward C., Hammerstein E., Hung T., Yan L., Andreoni I., Bellm E.C., Duev D.A., Kowalski M., Mahabal A.A., Masci F.J., Medford M., Rusholme B., Smith R. & Walters R. (2021), A family tree of optical transients from narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies, The Astrophysical Journal 920(1): 56.
- Velzen S. van, Pasham D.R., Komossa S., Yan L. & Kara E.A. (2021), Reverberation in tidal disruption events: dust echoes, coronal emission lines, multi-wavelength cross-correlations, and QPOs, Space Science Reviews 217(5): 63.
- Wevers T., Pasham D.R., Velzen S. van, Miller-Jones J.C.A., Uttley P., Gendreau K.C., Remillard R., Arzoumanian Z., Löwenstein M. & Chiti A. (2021), Rapid accretion state transitions following the tidal disruption event AT2018fyk, The Astrophysical Journal 912(2): 151.
- Roth N., Velzen S. van, Cenko S.B. & Mushotzky R.F. (2021), Forward modeling populations of flares from tidal disruptions of stars by supermassive black holes, The Astrophysical Journal 910(2): 93.
- Malyali A., Rau A., Merloni A., Nandra K., Buchner J., Liu Z., Gezari S., Sollerman J., Shappee B., Trakhtenbrot B., Arcavi I., Ricci C., Velzen S. van, Goobar A., Frederick S., Kawka A., Tartaglia L., Burke J., Hiramatsu D., Schramm M., Boom D. van der, Anderson G., Miller-Jones J.C.A., Bellm E., Drake A., Duev D., Fremling C., Graham M., Masci F., Rusholme B., Soumagnac M. & Walters R. (2021), AT 2019avd: a novel addition to the diverse population of nuclear transients, Astronomy and Astrophysics 647: A9.