Sebastián Peredo Cardenas
PhD candidate
- Name
- Mr. S.A. Peredo Cardenas
- Telephone
- 071 5272727

Political theorist and philosopher. Contemporary political thought. Main research area: politics and affect. Adjunct Professor at Universidad Diego Portales (UDP) School of Political Science . Founder, researcher, and coordinator at UDP's Language and Politics Research Center. Institute of Philosophy Ph.D. Candidate at UDP . ANID National Doctorate Fellow.
More information about Sebastián Peredo Cardenas
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Fields of interest
Contemporary political thought. Politics and affect.
The field of study of my current PhD. research refers to the relationship between ethics and politics. Specifically, its main purpose is to establish the link between a dysphoric mode of existence and the powerlessness/alienation we observe in contemporary politics. It is founded on the idea that the two modes of existence identified by Spinoza in his Ethics—the “free man” (good) and the “slave” (bad)—can be thought of as the foundation for two radically different types of politics. Namely, politics of and politics of sorrow. Sad passions prevail in the emotional landscape of contemporary societies and, consequently, I propose that we live in times of the politics of sorrow. The most prominent feature of this scenario is the powerlessness of the individual, embodied in the relinquishment or alienation of his power to act in the world and his ability to be affected by it. Adopting an ethological perspective inspired by the work of Deleuze, it seeks to trace the different routes that lead us to this particular mode of existence. We call these routes: pathways of disaffection.
Grants and awards
ANID National Doctorate Scholarship
Curriculum Vitae
Adjunct Professor, School of Political Science UDP.
Researcher, Project FONDECYT No. 1231356.
Founder, researcher, and coordinator at UDP’s Language and Politics Research Center.
Selected publications
Hamamé, E., & Peredo, S. (2023). ¿ Tiene sentido aún hablar del perdón político?. Refracción: revista sobre lingüística materialista, (8), 57-72.
Peredo, S. (2022). ¿Es el asco (in) compatible con el proyecto político de una sociedad liberal?: El problema del asco en la teoría de las emociones de Martha Nussbaum. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre Cuerpos, Emociones y Sociedad, 3(40), 8-19.
Peredo y Sandoval. 2022. ¿Hay algo fuera del texto? Reflexiones para la teoría política y social. Cuadernos De Teorí a Social, 8(15), 4–13.
PhD candidate
- Faculty of Humanities
- Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte