Saskia Dunn
PhD candidate
- Name
- S.E. Dunn
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2125

Saskia Dunn is a PhD candidate at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, interested in the history of the Indigenous languages of South America and the people who spoke them. Her PhD project is entitled "Language contact in the history of South America: the impact of Arawakan classifier systems".
More information about Saskia Dunn
Fields of interest
- Language contact
- Arawakan languages
- Amazonian languages
- Classifiers
I am investigating the role of inheritance and contact in the development of the Arawakan classifier system(s), in three areas of south America: the northwest Amazon, southwest Amazon, and the Guyanas.
Grants and awards
My research is funded by the NWO PhDs in the Humanities.
PhD candidate
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL promovendus
- Gijn E. van, Norder S., Arias Alvis L., Emlen N.Q., Azevedo M.C.B.C., Caine A., Dunn S.E., Howard A.H., Julmi N.P., Krasnoukhova O., Stoneking M. & Wiegertjes J.S. (2023), The social lives of isolates (and small language families): the case of the Northwest Amazon, Interface Focus 13(1): 1-22.
- Arias Alvis L., Emlen N.Q., Norder S., Julmi N.P., Lemus S.M., Chacon T., Wiegertjes J.S., Howard A.H., Azevedo M.C.B.C., Caine A., Dunn S.E., Stoneking M. & Gijn R. van (2023), Interpreting mismatches between linguistic and genetic patterns among speakers of Tanimuka (Eastern Tukanoan) and Yukuna (Arawakan), Interface Focus 13(1): 20220056.