Sarah de Rijcke
Dean / Professor Science and Evaluation Studies
- Name
- Prof.dr. S. de Rijcke
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 4003
- 0000-0003-4652-0362

Sarah de Rijcke is dean of FSW and professor of Science, Technology and Innovation Studies at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University and dean of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Her work examines the interactions between science governance and knowledge creation. Sarah is a member of the Engagement & Inclusion and Evaluation & Culture focal areas. Between 2019 and 2023, she served as scientific director of CWTS. Do you have CTWS related questions? Then you can contact Sarah at
More information about Sarah de Rijcke
Sarah de Rijcke is professor of Science, Technology and Innovation Studies at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University and dean of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Her work examines the interactions between science governance and knowledge creation. Sarah is a member of the Engagement & Inclusion and Evaluation & Culture focal areas. Between 2019 and 2023, she served as scientific director of CWTS.
Sarah recurrently acts as expert advisor in European and global science policy initiatives, for instance as part a high-level UNESCO Expert Group that wrote a global recommendation on Open Science (2020-2021).
She serves as board member of the Netherlands Graduate Research School of Science, Technology and Modern Culture (WTMC) and as council member of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST). She is a member of multiple scientific advisory boards in Europe, including those of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna, and the Munich Center for Technology in Society (TU Munich).
In 2018, she received an ERC Starting Grant for the project 'FluidKnowledge - How evaluation shapes ocean science' (2019-2025).
From 2015-2017, Sarah was an Anna Boyksen Fellow at the TU Munich Institute for Advanced Study & the Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS). She was a visiting professor at the STS department in Vienna in 2015, a visiting research fellow at UC San Diego in 2010, and a visiting pre-doc at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in 2007.
Before coming to Leiden she held a postdoctoral position at the Virtual Knowledge Studio with Anne Beaulieu (KNAW, Amsterdam).
In 2010, she received her PhD degree with honors from the University of Groningen, with Douwe Draaisma and Trudy Dehue.
More information on current projects and events can be found at Sarah’s personal website.
Dean / Professor Science and Evaluation Studies
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Rushforth A.D. & Rijcke S. de (2024), Practicing responsible research assessment: qualitative study of faculty hiring, promotion, and tenure assessments in the United States, Research Evaluation : rvae007.
- Costas Comesana R., Rijcke S. de & Marres N.S. (2021), “Heterogeneous couplings”: operationalizing network perspectives to study science‐society interactions through social media metrics, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 72(5): 595-610.
- Scholten W., Franssen T.P., Drooge L. van, Rijcke S. de & Hessels L.K. (2021), Funding for few, anticipation among all: effects of excellence funding on academic research groups, Science and Public Policy 48(2): 265-275.
- Strinzel M., Brown J., Kaltenbrunner W., De Rijcke S. & Hill M. (2021), Ten ways to improve academic CVs for fairer research assessment, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 8: 251.
- Rijcke S. de, Waltman L.R. & Leeuwen T.N van (19 May 2021), Halt the h-index. Halt the h-index. Leiden University: Leiden Madtrics. [blog entry].
- Dix G., Kaltenbrunner W., Tijdink J.K., Valkenburg G. & Rijcke S. de (2020), Algorithmic allocation: untangling rival conceptions of fairness in research management, Politics and Governance 8(2): 15-25.
- Marres N. & Rijcke S. de (2020), From indicators to indicating interdisciplinarity: a participatory mapping methodology for research communities in-the-making, Quantitative Science Studies 1(3): 1041-1055.
- Benedictus R., Dix G., Valkenburg G., Tijdink J., De Rijcke S. & Zuijderwijk J.B. (2019), Optimizing the responsible researcher? A comparative study of practices of research assessment and ideals of responsible research at two biomedical institutions. World Conference on Research Integrity 2019, Hong Kong. 2 June 2019 - 5 June 2019. [conference poster].
- Hessels L.K., Franssen T., Scholten W. & De Rijcke S. (2019), Variation in Valuation: How Research Groups Accumulate Credibility in Four Epistemic Cultures, Minerva 57(2): 127-149.
- Kaltenbrunner W. & Rijcke S. de (2019), Filling in the gaps: The interpretation of curricula vitae in peer review, Social Studies of Science 49(6): .
- Baghramian M., Capaccioli M. & Rijcke S. de (2019), Making sense of science for policy under conditions of complexity and uncertainty no. 6. Berlin: SAPEA Working Group Evidence Review Report.
- Franssen T.P. & De Rijcke S. (2019), The rise of project funding and its effects on the social structure of academia. In: Cannizzo F. & Osbaldiston N. (Eds.), The Social Structures of Global Academia: Routledge. 144-161.
- Penders B., Holbrook J.B. & Rijcke S. de (2019), Rinse and Repeat: Understanding the Value of Replication across Different Ways of Knowing, Publications 7(3): e52.
- Wouters P.F., Sugimoto C.R., Lariviere V., McVeigh M.E., Pulverer B., De Rijcke S. & Waltman L.R. (2019), Rethinking impact factors: Better ways to judge a journal (comment), Nature 569: 621-623.
- Wilsdon J. & De Rijcke S. (2019), Europe the rule-maker, Nature 569: 479-481.
- De Rijcke S. (2019), Zullen we dan maar niet meer evalueren?, Scienceguide : .
- Dix G. & De Rijcke S. (2019), Anders waarderen is nodig, maar erken de moeilijkheden, Scienceguide : .
- Rushforth A.D., Franssen T.P. & Rijcke S. de (2019), Portfolios of Worth. Capitalizing on Basic and Clinical Problems in Biomedical Research Groups, Science, Technology, & Human Values 44(2): 209-236.
- Leeuwen T.N. van Reyes Elizondo A.E. Rijcke S. de Wouters P.F. (2018), Policy brief for scientific and scholarly publishers no. D 5.3. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit.
- Degn L., Franssen T.P., Sørensen M.P. & Rijcke S. de (2018), Research groups as communities of practice – a case study of four high-performing research groups, Higher Education 76(2): 231-246.
- Rijcke S. de & Penders B. (2018), Resist calls for replicability in the humanities, Nature 560(7716): 29.
- Forsberg E.M., Anthun F.O., Bailey S., Birchley G., Bout H., Casonato C., Fuster G.G., Heinrichs B., Horbach S.P.J.M., Jacobsen I.S., Janssen J., Kaiser M., Lerouge I., Meulen B.J.R. van der, Rijcke S. de, Sutrop M., Saretzki T., Varantola K., Tazewell M., Zwart H., Vie K.J. & Zöller M. (2018), Working with Research Integrity-Guidance for Research Performing Organisations: The Bonn PRINTEGER Statement, Science and Engineering Ethics 24(4): 1023-1034.
- Franssen T., Scholten W., Hessels L.K. & De Rijcke S. (2018), The Drawbacks of Project Funding for Epistemic Innovation: Comparing Institutional Affordances and Constraints of Different Types of Research Funding, Minerva 56(1): 11-33.
- De Rijcke S., Holtrop H., Kaltenbrunner W., Zuijderwijk J., Beaulieu A., Franssen T., Van Leeuwen T.N., Mongeon P., Tatum C.T., Valkenburg G. & Wouters P.F. (2018), Evaluative Inquiry: Engaging research evaluation analytically and strategically. Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities for a European Research Agenda – Valuation of SSH in mission-oriented research 28 November 2018 - 29 November 2018. Vienna: EU Council Conference on Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities for a European Research Agenda – Valuation of SSH in mission-oriented research.
- Rushforth A.D. & De Rijcke S. (2017), Quality monitoring in transition: The challenge of evaluating translational research programs in academic biomedicine, Science and Public Policy 44(4): 513-523.
- Kaltenbrunner W. & De Rijcke S. (2017), Quantifying ‘Output’ for Evaluation: Administrative Knowledge Politics and Changing Epistemic Cultures in Dutch Law Faculties, Science and Public Policy 44(2): 284-293.
- Reyes Elizondo A.E. Rijcke S. de Leeuwen T.N. van (2017), Handling publishing misconduct: tools used by publishing houses and editors no. PRINTEGER D 3.8. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit.
- Paul-Hus A., Desrochers N., De Rijcke S. & Rushfort A.D. (2017), The reward system of science, Aslib Journal of Information Management 69(5): 478-485.
- Müller R. & De Rijcke S. (2017), Thinking with indicators. Exploring the Epistemic Impacts of Academic Performance Indicators in the Life Sciences. Correction to earlier article, Research Evaluation 26(4): p. 361.
- Hammarfelt B.M.S., De Rijcke S. & Wouters P.F. (2017), From eminent men to excellent universities: university rankings as calculative devices, Minerva 55(4): 391-411.
- Fochler M. & De Rijcke S. (2017), Implicated in the Indicator Game? An Experimental Debate, Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 3: 21-40.
- Berghmans S., Cousijn H., Deakin G., Meijer I., Mulligan A., Plume A., De Rijcke S., Rushforth A., Tatum C., Van Leeuwen T. & Waltman L. (2017), Open Data: The researcher perspective: CWTS / Elsevier / Universiteit Leiden.
- Hammarfelt B.M.S., Rijcke S. de & Rushforth A.D. (2016), Quantified academic selves: The gamification of science through social networking services, Information Research 21(2): eSM1.
- De Rijcke S., Wouters P.F., Rushforth A.D., Franssen T.P. & Hammarfelt B. (2016), Evaluation practices and effects of indicator use - A literature review, Research Evaluation 25(2): 161-169.
- Hessels L., Scholten W., Franssen T.P. & De Rijcke S. (2016), Excellent Geld: De rol van excellentiesubsidies bij vier toponderzoeksgroepen in Nederland. Den Haag: Rathenau Instituut.
- Derrick G., Molas-Gallart J., De Rijcke S., Meijer I., Van der Weijden I.C.M. & Wouters P. (2016), On multiplying methods in the field of research evaluation. 21st International Conference in Science & Technology Indicators, Valencia. Ràfols I., Molas-Gallart J., Castro-Martínez E. & Woolley R. (Eds.), Congress UPV. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. 21st International Conference in Science & Technology Indicators (STI) 13 September 2016 - 16 September 2016 516-517.
- Hicks D., Wouters P., Waltman L., De Rijcke S. & Rafols I. (2015), The Leiden Manifesto for research metrics, Nature 520(7548): 429-431.
- Rushforth A.D. & De Rijcke S. (2015), Accounting for impact? The journal impact factor and the making of biomedical research in the Netherlands, Minerva 53(2): 117-139.
- Rijcke S. de & Rushforth A.D. (2015), To intervene, or not to intervene, is that the question? On the role of scientometrics in research evaluation, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) 66(9): 1954-1958.
- De Rijcke S., Wallenburg I., Wouters P.F. & Bal R. (2015), Comparing comparisons. On rankings and accounting in hospitals and universities. In: Guggenheim M., Deville J. & Hrdlickova Z. (Eds.), Practising Comparison: Logics, Relations, Collaborations. Manchester: Mattering Press.
- Rijcke S. de & Beaulieu J.A. (2014), Networked Neuroscience. Brain scans and visual knowing at the intersection of atlases and databases. In: Coopmans C., Lynch M., Vertesi J. & Woolgar S. (Eds.), New Representation in Scientific Practice: The MIT Press.
- Rushforth A.D. & De Rijcke S. (2014), The impact of indicators: The rise of performance indicators and commensuration in Dutch biomedical research, EU-SPRI Early Career Research Day. EU-SPRI Forum Conference 10 April 2013 - 12 April 2013.
- Rushforth A.D. & De Rijcke S. (2014), The impact of indicators: Comparing the dynamics of bibliometric indicators in Dutch biomedical research, European Group for Organisation Studies (EGOS) Conference. EGOS colloquium. Rotterdam.
- Hammarfelt B. & Rijcke S. de (2014), Accountability in context: Effects of research evaluation systems on publication practices, disciplinary norms and individual working routines in the faculty of Arts at Uppsala University no. CWTS-WP-2014-003. Leiden: Centre for Science and Technology Studies.
- De Rijcke S. (2013), Staging the studio. Enacting artful realities through digital photography. In: Esner R., Kisters S. & Lehmann A.S. (Eds.), Hiding Making - Showing Creation. The Studio from Turner to Tacita Dean. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 226-245.
- De Rijcke S. (2013) Book review Reinventing research? Information practices in the humanities. Review of: Bulger M.E., Meyer E.T., De la Flor G., Terras M., Wyatt S., Jirotka M., Eccles K. & McCarthy Madsen C., Reinventing Research? Information Practices in the Humanities. New Media & Society 15(2).
- De Rijcke S. (2013) Reinventing research? Information practices in the Humanities. Review of: . New Media & Society (15): 339-341.
- Beaulieu A., De Rijcke S. & Van Heur B. (2012), Authority and Expertise in New Sites of Knowledge Production. In: Wouters P., Beaulieu A., Scharnhorst A. & Wyatt S. (Eds.), Virtual Knowledge: Experimenting in the Humanities and the Social Sciences. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. 25-56.
- De Rijcke S. & Beaulieu A. (2011), Image as interface: consequences for users of museum knowledge, 59(4): 663-685.
- De Rijcke S. (2008), Drawing into abstraction. Practices of observation and visualization in the work of Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 33(4): 287-311.
- Rijcke S. de (2008), Light tries the expert eye: The introduction of photography in nineteenth-century macroscopic neuroanatomy, 17(3): 349-366.
- Draaisma D. & Rijcke S. (2001), The graphic strategy: the uses and functions of illustrations in Wundt's Grundzuge, History of the Human Sciences 14(1): 1-24.
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