Sarah Badwy
PhD candidate
- Name
- S. Badwy MA
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727

As of September 1, I have been appointed as a PhD candidate at LUCAS with a PhD grant for teachers ('promotiebeurs voor leraren') by NWO (Dutch Research Council). I work two days a week as a Dutch teacher at Christelijk lyceum Zandvliet in The Hague, primarily teaching in the upper years of HAVO and VWO. The other half of the week, I'm working at LUCAS on my research project titled "Learning to Read Ideologies for Citizenry." This project is supervised by prof. dr. Sander Bax (Leiden University) and dr. Jeroen Dera (Radboud University).
More information about Sarah Badwy
Fields of interest
- Literary education
- Contemporary literature
- Cultural analysis
- Citizenry
The focus of my research is the skill of ideological critical reading. This involves students analyzing imaginations in literary texts, examining so called "representations." The premise of ideological critical reading is that language is inherently political, meaning that all texts convey a particular perspective on the world around us.
Using Educational Design Research (EDR), I am developing a didactic model for the analysis of representations, along with a series of lessons that will enable students not only to recognize different worldviews in texts, but also to question them critically. This research is grounded in 'Critical Literatures Pedagogy', a teaching approach that encourages students to read canonical works 'with' and 'against' the text. For example, by examining who is given a voice and who is excluded or silenced. Additionally, this research draws on 'Ethical Criticism', a didactic that uses literature education to foster ethical coexistence with diverse others. Both didactics stem from the English-speaking academic tradition and share the goal of teaching students to read critically for citizenry. By interrogating the norms and values embedded in literary texts, students are encouraged to reflect on their own beliefs and prejudices.
Grants and awards
PhD Grant for Teachers by the Dutch Research Council (NWO promotiebeurs voor leraren, ronde 2024-I)
Curriculum vitae
2014-2028 BA Dutch Language and Culture (Leiden University)
2018-2020 ResMa Literary Studies with a specialization in Dutch postcolonial literature (Leiden University)
2020-2021 MA Teaching Dutch (eerstegraads docent Nederlands, ICLON Leiden University)
Selected publications
Badwy, S. (2023), ‘Genderkritisch lezen biedt jongeren een actuele toegang tot Couperus’ werk.’ In: De Volkskrant 20 juli.
Badwy, S. & Dijk, Y. van (2020), ‘Het gruwelijke gezicht van de geschiedenis. De politieke betekenis van de allegorie bij Boeli van Leeuwen.’ In: Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal en Letterkunde 136 (2), 127-148.
Badwy, S. (2019), ‘Een Hollandsche Handschoen. De representatie van het Nederlandse trouwideaal in Carry van Bruggens Een Indisch huwelijk.’ In: Indische Letteren 34, 131-144.
Dijk, Y. van & Badwy, S. (2020), ‘Niemand is een eiland. Het relationele schrijven van Boeli van Leeuwen.’ In: Spiegel der Letteren 62 (1), 31-55. doi: 10.2143/SDL.62.1.0000000
PhD candidate
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Moderne Nederlandse L&C