Universiteit Leiden

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Sandy Overgaauw

Assistant professor

Dr. S. Overgaauw
+31 71 527 2727

Sandy Overgaauw obtained her master’s degree in Education and Child studies (specialisation Clinical Child and Adolescent Studies) at Leiden University. During her PhD project she investigated the development of neural correlates of empathy in healthy children and adolescents. The objective was to gain understanding of developmental changes and individual differences in empathic concern as well as the relation with (pro)social behavior. 

More information about Sandy Overgaauw

Short CV

Sandy Overgaauw obtained her master’s degree in Education and Child studies (specialisation Clinical Child and Adolescent Studies) at the Leiden University. During her PhD project she investigated the development of neural correlates of empathy in healthy children and adolescents. The objective was to gain understanding of developmental changes and individual differences in empathic concern as well as the relation with (pro)social behavior. 
She is currently focusing on the role of self-focused attention in social performance monitoring in individuals with psychopathy in order to identify the underlying cognitive and neural mechanisms. 
Moreover, the research she performed during her PhD project provides a starting point to further investigate individual differences in developmental pathways in clinical populations. More specifically, from September 2018 onwards she will start a research project (funded by a KNAW Sara van Dam Project Grant) in collaboration with Dr. Einat Levy-Gigi of the Bar Ilan University and Prof. dr. Ellen de Bruijn (Clinical Psychology). The aim of this project is to unravel the neurocognitive developmental trajectory of social performance monitoring in typically developing adolescents in the Netherlands, and in adolescents growing up in a stressful environment in Israel. Specific attention will be paid to the role of anxiety and empathy.


Sandy Overgaauw coordinates the bachelor course Interpersonal Professional Skills (IBP-track). Additionally, Sandy is involved in the bachelor course Perspective on Career Planning (IBP students) as a workgroup teacher, and she supervises several master students during their master thesis.

Relevant links

Assistant professor

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Psychologie
  • Klinische Psychologie

Work address

Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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