Universiteit Leiden

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Sander Dijkstra

Professor Emeritus Orthopaedics, in particular Orthopaedic Oncology

Prof.dr. P.D.S. Dijkstra
+31 71 526 9111

P.D. Sander Dijkstra is a professor of orthopaedic surgery, in particular oncological orthopaedic surgery, and taking care of bone and soft-tissue tumors, especially sarcoma, of the extremity and is specialized in the spinal and pelvic surgery. He is also member of the Netherlands Committee for Bone Tumours and treasurer of the European Musculo-Skeletal Oncology Society (EMSOS) and chairmen of the annually advanced surgical techniques in pelvic reconstructions: hands-on course in Leiden. With more than 4000 oncologic orthopaedic outpatient consultations, and more than 650 new patients a year and more than 500 surgical procedures, the LUMC is the largest bone and soft tumour center in the Netherlands and is one of prestigious members of the Sarcoma European References Netwerk (ERN).

More information about Sander Dijkstra

Oncological orthopaedic surgery

P.D. Sander Dijkstra is a professor of orthopaedic surgery, in particular oncological orthopaedic surgery, and taking care of bone and soft-tissue tumors, especially sarcoma, of the extremity and is specialized in the spinal and pelvic surgery. He is also member of the Netherlands Committee for Bone Tumours and treasurer of the European Musculo-Skeletal Oncology Society (EMSOS) and chairmen of the annually advanced surgical techniques in pelvic reconstructions: hands-on course in Leiden. With more than 4000 oncologic orthopaedic outpatient consultations, and more than 650 new patients a year and more than 500 surgical procedures, the LUMC is the largest bone and soft tumour center in the Netherlands and is one of prestigious members of the Sarcoma European References Netwerk (ERN). 

Academic career

P.D.Sander Dijkstra absolved Medical School at Erasmus University (1992). The title of his doctoral thesis (1997) reads ‘“Impending and manifest pathological fractures of the long bones due to bone metastases”’. He was trained to orthopaedic surgeon (2000) at the Haags Medical Center (HMC) and Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). In 2000 he entered the staff of the orthopaedic surgery department at the LUMC. Subsequently, he specialized in oncologic orthopedics at the University hospital of Kanazawa in Japan and University hospital Navarra in Spain. In 2017 he was appointed professor in orthopaedics of the LUMC, his inaugural lecture was ‘customization’ and appointed the urge to change to more personalized care in bone and soft tissue tumours. He carried out research into surgical treatment of bone and soft-tissue tumours, with over 100 scientific publications and various influential reviews and 5 chapters of books to his name.

P.D. Sander Dijkstra’s research, clinical expertise and development work has focused on the tumours fibrous dysplasia, giantcel tumour, chondrosarcoma, Ewingsarcoma and on the site specific spine and pelvic surgery. He developed new treatment strategies and innovative reconstructions and prosthesis in especially the pelvic surgery, introducing computer assisted surgery and 3D printed prostheses. His team developed a new type of reconstruction after Internal hemipelvectomy with in LUMC designed prosthesis as wel as patient-specific joint sparing 3printed tumour prostheses.

In order to identify risk factors to predict patient's survival his research group established big data sets based on collaborating tumour centers world-wide. He’s been invited numerous times to present lectures at international meetings, including EMSOS, EFORT and SICOT congresses. Furthermore, he has served as editor of Dutch national guidelines on fibrous dysplasia, pathological fractures, intensive care and spinal bone metastasis.  He developed with his team the recently successful launched two tumour app's: PerSARC and Optimodel. Lastly, an oval bone saw that has been developed that cuts within a few seconds with curved corners to reduce stress risers and secondly pathological fractures has been patented.

Prizes and honourable appointments

P.D. Sander Dijkstra received Tammeling prize for best medical teacher of the LUMC (2003),  and the best medical course of the LUMC for the course ‘musculoskeletal system’ (2009). 
He was supervisor of the following researchers receiving prizes; the EMSOS 2014 prize give to Laurens Bollen: spinal bone metastases, best innovative paper award EMSOS 2015 give to L van der Heijden: giant cell tumor, the best paper award EMSOS 2016 give to Julie Willeumier: pathological fractures of the long bones, best paper award ISOLS 2017 give to Michiel van de Sande: PReSARC, and CTOS young investigator award 2017 given to Monique Mastboom.

Professor Emeritus Orthopaedics, in particular Orthopaedic Oncology

  • Faculteit Geneeskunde
  • LUMC - Medische Faculteit Leiden
  • Divisie 1
  • Orthopedie
  • Adviescommissie Implantcast (Duitsland) Advies omtrent nieuwe ontwikkelingen in m.n. tumorprothesiologie
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