Ruben Huele Lecturer / guest automated whale identification biodiversity mathematical modeling signal processing Name Drs. R. Huele Telephone +31 71 527 FLEX E-mail News 16 January 2016 The city as a mine has the future Lecturer / guest Science Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden CML/Industriele Ecologie Work address Van Steenis Einsteinweg 2 2333 CC Leiden Room number flex Contact +31 71 527 FLEX Publications No relevant ancillary activities - International Constitution Center - Vereniging Thorbecke - Stichting Professor Mr. J.R. Thorbecke Leerstoel - International Association for Legislation - Thorbecke- en Bachienestichting - Vrienden van de Juridische Faculteit - Share on Facebook Share by Bluesky Share on LinkedIn Share by WhatsApp Share by Mastodon