Roos van der Haer
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Dr. R. van der Haer
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3886
- 0000-0001-5953-9041

Roos van der Haer is senior assistant professor of International Relations at the Institute of Political Science.
More information about Roos van der Haer
Selected publications
PhD candidates
Her current research focuses on the empirical examination of the causes and consequences of child soldiering, recruitment strategies of rebel groups, psychological consequences of conflict participation, quantitative survey research (especially in conflict settings), and more broadly, micro level conflict research. Her work has been published, among others, in the Journal of Peace Research, Journal of European International Relations, Conflict Management and Peace Science, Aggressive Behavior, Third World Quarterly, Comparative Political Studies, and Survey Methodology. Since December 2024, she is also part of the editorial team of the Journal of Peace Research (JPR). She has conducted field research in the DRC, Mali, Namibia, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda.
Roos received her PhD from the University of Konstanz (Germany) in 2012, and prior to that studied at the University of Leiden and the University of Manchester.
› Curriculum vitae Roos van der Haer
PhD supervision
Roos van der Haer is available to supervise PhD students and invites PhD research proposals in the areas of:
- civil wars
- children and youth in conflict and post-conflict societies
- rebel groups and their recruitment strategies
See for more information on PhD positions:
Assistant Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
- Giuseppe M.R. di, Haer R. van der & RezaeeDaryakenari S. (2024), Farming then fighting: agricultural idle time and armed conflict, Political Science Research and Methods : 1-10.
- Haer R. van der & Brown K.J. (2024), The effect of war exposure on children: an exploration of conflict and post-conflict gendered experiences, The International Journal of Human Rights : 1-22.
- Scharpf F., Haer R. van der & Hecker T. (2024), Close relationships with caregivers as protective factor for the mental health and functioning of war-affected Congolese youth, Conflict and Health 18: 65.
- Brown K.J., Haer R. van der & Østby G. (2023), Local food price volatility and school dropout in Sub‐Saharan Africa, Population and Development Review 49(3): 443-468.
- Haer R. van der & Østby G. (2023), Aiding education? : The effect of international aid on local educational enrolment in Nigeria no. 103. Helsinki: UNU-Wider (UNU-Wider). [working paper].
- Faulkner C.M. & Haer R. (2023), The pitfalls and potential of the systematic collection of data on child soldier recruitment, Civil Wars : 1-23.
- Haer Roos RezaeeDaryakenari Babak (2022), Disasters and civilian victimization: Exploring the dynamic effect in Africa, 1997–2017, Journal of Peace Research 59(1): 43-57.
- Østby G., Rustad S.A., Van der Haer R. & Arasmith A. (2022), Children at risk of being recruited for armed conflict, 1990–2020, Children & Society : .
- Dumke L., Haer R. van der, Zawadka A., Salmen C. & Hecker T. (2022), The role of violence perpetration in driving externalizing problems and offending behavior among youth from eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Journal of Traumatic Stress 35(6): 1696–1708.
- Bakaki Z. & Haer R. van der (2022), The impact of climate variability on children: the recruitment of boys and girls by rebel groups, Journal of Peace Research : .
- DiGiuseppe M.R. & Haer R. (2022), The wedding bells of war: the influence of armed conflict on child marriages in West Africa, Journal of Peace Research 0(0): 1-15.
- Dumke L., Haer R., Koos C. & Hecker T. (2021), Patterns of conflict-related trauma exposure and their relation to psychopathology: a person-centered analysis in a population-based sample from eastern DRC, SSM - Mental Health 1: .
- Demarest L. & Haer R. (2021), A perfect match? : The dampening effect of interethnic marriage on armed conflict in Africa , Conflict Management and Peace Science : 1-20.
- Giri K. & Haer R. van der (2021), Female combatants and durability of civil war, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 47(5): 526-547.
- Haer R van der. (28 September 2021), War devastates the lives of children: what the research tells us, and what can be done. The Conversation. [blog entry].
- Haer R. van der, Østby G., Rustad S.R. & Arasmith A., Children at risk of being recruited for armed conflict, 1990-2020. PRIO Conflict Trends. Oslo: PRIO. [blog entry].
- Østby G., Nordås R. & Haer R (2021), Children in Conflict. Oslo: PRIO's Peace in a Pod. [audio].
- Demarest L & Haer R. van der (9 December 2021), What interethnic marriage rates tell us about ethnic conflict and cooperation in Africa. Africa at LSE. London: LSE. [blog entry].
- Haer R., Faulkner C.M. & Whitaker B.E. (2020), Rebel funding and child soldiers: Exploring the relationship between natural resources and forcible recruitment, European Journal of International Relations 26(1): 236-262.
- Haer R. van der Demarest L. (2020), COVID-19 in Africa: Turning a Health Crisis into a Human Security Threat?, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy : .
- Haer Roos, Scharpf Florian & Hecker Tobias (2020), The social legacies of conflict: The mediating role of mental health with regard to the association between war exposure and social capital of Burundian refugees, Psychology of Violence 11(1): 40-49.
- Haer R. & Hecker T. (2019), Recruiting Refugees for Militarization: The Determinants of Mobilization Attempts, Journal of Refugee Studies 23(1): 1-22.
- Haer R. van der (2019), Children and armed conflict: looking at the future and learning from the past, Third World Quarterly 40(1): 74-91.
- Holzinger K., Haer R., Bayer A., Behr D.M. & Neupert-Wentz C. (2019), The Constitutionalization of Indigenous Group Rights, Traditional Political Institutions, and Customary Law, Comparative Political Studies 52(12): 1175-1809.
- Haer R., Vüllers J. & Weidmann N.B. (2019), Studying micro dynamics in civil wars: introduction, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung 8(2): 151-159.
- Haer R., Faulkner C.M. & Whitaker B.E., Why Resource-Exploiting Rebels Are More Likely To Forcibly Recruit Children. Leiden Security and Global Affairs Blog. The Hague: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Haer R. & Hecker T. (2018), Violence. In: Shackelford T.K. & Weekes-Shackelford V.A. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science: SpringerLink.
- Haer R. & Boehmelt T. (2018), Girl soldiering in rebel groups, 1989–2013: Introducing a new dataset, Journal of Peace Research 55(3): 395-403.
- Schutte S. & Haer R. (2018), Research report: A software solution for rapid policy assessment with reimbursed SMS and mobile cash, International Journal of Social Research Methodology 21(6): 685-694.
- Haer R. (2017), The Study of Child Soldiering: Issues and Consequences for DDR Implementation, Third World Quarterly 38(2): 450-466.
- Haer R., Hermenau K., Elbert T., Moran J.K. & Hecker T. (2017), The role of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in committing violence during combat: A cross-sectional study with former combatants in the DR Congo, Aggressive Behavior 43(3): 241-250.
- Haer R. & Böhmelt T. (2017), Could rebel child soldiers prolong civil wars?, Cooperation and Conflict 52(3): 332-359.
- Kibris A. & Haer R. (2017), Introduction to the Proceedings of the 17th Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy 23(4): 20170042.
- Behr D., Haer R. & Kromrey D. (2017), What is a chief without land? Impact of land reforms on power structures in Namibia. In: Erk J. (Ed.), Decentralization, Democracy, and Development in Africa. London: Routledge.
- Meidert N., Meidert M. & Haer R. (2016), Die Umfrage ist anonym...Zur Formulierung von Datenschutzhinweise in wissenschaftlichen Onlineumfragen, Soziologie 45(5): 448-460.
- Haer R., Lost Generations? Consequences of and Responses to Child Soldier Recruitment. Sustainable Security. Oxford: Oxford Research Group. [blog entry].
- Haer R. (2016), Trafficking in Persons: The Use of Children in Armed Conflict. In: Heil E.C. & Nichols A.J. (Eds.), Broadening the Scope of Human Trafficking. A Reader. Durham: Carolina Academic Press. 59-73.
- Haer R. & Böhmelt T. (2016), The impact of child soldiers on rebel groups' fighting capacities, Conflict Management and Peace Science 33(2): 153-173.
- Haer R. & Böhmelt T. (2016), Child soldiers as time bombs? Adolescents’ participation in rebel groups and the recurrence of armed conflict, European Journal of International Relations 22(2): 408-436.
- Haer R. & Kibris A. (2015), Introduction to the Proceedings of the 15th Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy 21(4): 1-7.
- Haer R. (2015), Armed Group Structure and Violence in Civil Wars: The organizational dynamics of civilian killing. London: Routledge.
- Hecker T. & Haer R. (2015), Drugs Boosting Conflict? A Micro-Level Test of the Linkage between Substance Use and Violence, Terrorism and Political Violence 27(2): 205-224.
- Haer R. & Banholzer L. (2015), The Creation of Committed Combatants, Small Wars and Insurgencies 26(1): 25-48.
- Haer R., Hecker T. & Maedl A. (2015), Former Combatants on Sexual Violence during Warfare; A Comparative Study of the Perspectives of Perpetrators, Victimes, and Witnesses, Human Rights Quarterly 37(3): .
- Behr D., Haer R. & Kromrey D. (2015), What is a chief without land? Impact of land reforms on power structures in Namibia, Regional & Federal Studies 25(5): 455-472.
- Haer R. & Meidert N. (2014), Undisclosed Privacy. The effect of privacy rights on response rates, Survey Practice 7(2): 1-10.
- Banholzer L. & Haer R. (2014), Group's Attachment and the Successful Reintegration of Child Soldiers, Journal of Development Effectiveness 6(2): 111-127.
- Haer R., Banholzer L., Elbert T. & Weierstall R. (2013), Analyzing the Microfoundations of Human Violence in the DRC - Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards and the Prediction of Appetitive Aggression, Conflict and Health 7(11): e11.
- Weierstall R., Haer R., Banholzer L. & Elbert T. (2013), Becoming cruel - appetitive aggression released by detrimental socialisation in former Congolese soldiers, International Journal of Behavioral Development 37(6): 505-513.
- Haer R. & Meidert N. (2013), Does the first impression count? Examining the effect of the welcome screen design on the response rate, Survey Methodology 39(2): 419-434.
- Haer R. & Becher I. (2012), A methodological note on quantitative field research in conflict zones: Get your hands dirty, International Journal of Social Research Methodology 15(1): 1-13.
- Haer R. (2012), The Organization of Political Violence by Insurgencies, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy 18(3): 1-11.
- Maedl A., Haer R. & Odenwald M. (2011), Using Micro-Level Data to Map State Failure: The Example of Somalia, Civil Wars 13(1): 61-79.
- Haer R., Banholzer L. & Ertl V. (2011), Creating Compliance and Cohesion - How Rebel Organizations Manage to Survive, Small Wars and Insurgencies 22(3): 415-434.
- Haer R. (2011), Commitment among Fighters: A Research Note, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy 17(1): 1-6.
- Gold V. & Haer R. (2011), The Diffusion of Atrocities"A Spatial Analysis on the Role of Refugees. NEPS Working Paper Series.
- Schneider G., Banholzer L. & Haer R. (2010), Cain's Choice: Causes of One-Sided Violence against Civilians. In: Jakobsen T.G. (Ed.), War: An Introduction to Theories and Research on Collective Violence. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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