Ronald van Luijk
Professor of Mathematics
- Name
- Prof.dr. R.M. van Luijk
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7147
- 0000-0003-1799-7188

Personal webpage
Former PhD candidates
Professor of Mathematics
- Science
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Winter R. & Luijk R.M. van (2021), The action of the Weyl group on the E_8 root system, Graphs and Combinatorics 37: 1965-2064.
- Bright M.J., Logan A. & Luijk R.M. van (2020), Finiteness theorems for K3 surfaces over arbitrary fields, European Journal of Applied Mathematics 6: 336-366.
- Festi D. & Luijk R.M. van (2016), Unirationality of del Pezzo surfaces of degree 2 over finite fields, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 48(1): 135-140.
- Poonen B., Testa D. & Luijk R.M. van (2015), Computing Néron-Severi groups and cycle class groups, Compositio Mathematica 151(4): 713-734.
- Salgado C. & Luijk R.M. van (2014), Density of rational points on del Pezzo surfaces of degree one, Advances in Mathematics 261: 154-199.
- Festi D., Garbagnati A., Geemen B. de & Luijk R.M. van (2013), The Cayley-Oguiso automorphism of positive entropy on a K3 surface, Journal of Modern Dynamics 7(1): 75-97.
- Luijk R.M. van & Stoll M. (2013), Explicit Selmer groups for cyclic covers of P^1, Acta Arithmetica 159(2): 133-148.
- Luijk R.M. van, Flynn E.V. & Testa D. (2012), Two-coverings of Jacobians of curves of genus two, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 104(3): 387-429.
- Luijk R.M. van (2012), Density of rational points on elliptic surfaces, Acta Arithmetica 156(2): 189-199.
- Luijk R.M. van & Bennett M.A. (2012), Squares from blocks of consecutive integers: a problem of Erdos and Graham, Indagationes Mathematicae 23: 123-127.
- Luijk R.M. van (2011), Wehler K3 surfaces with Picard number 3 and 4. Appendix to: Orbits of points on certain K3 surfaces", by Arthur Baragar, Journal of Number Theory 131(3): 600-603.
- Luijk R.M. van, Macasieb M. & Petersen K. (2011), On character varieties on two-bridge knot groups, Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 103. 473-507.
- Luijk R.M. van (2011), Cubic points on cubic curves and the Brauer-Manin obstruction on K3 surfaces, Acta Arithmetica 146(2): 153-172.
- Luijk R.M. van, Logan A. & McKinnon D. (2010), Density of rational points on diagonal quartic surfaces, Algebra & Number Theory 4(1): 1-20.
- Luijk R.M. van, Schuett M. & Shioda T. (2010), Lines on Fermat surfaces, Journal of Number Theory 130(9): 1939-1963.
- Luijk R.M. van (2009), Nontrivial elements of Sha explained through K3 surfaces, Math. Comp. 78: 441-483.
- Luijk R.M. van (2008), The diameter of the circumcircle of a Heron triangle, Elem. Math 63(3): 118-121.
- Luijk R.M. van (2008), Non-Euclidean Pythagorean triples, a problem of Euler, and rational points on K3 surfaces, Mathematical Intelligencer : .
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