Robert Smit
- Name
- Dr. R. Smit
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6465
- 0000-0003-2576-4851

- Science
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Quantum Matter & Optics
- Haas T. de, Smit R., Tebyani A., Bhattacharyya S., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Buda F. & Orrit M.A.G.J. (2025), Charge Transfer-Induced Weakening of Vibronic Coupling for Single Terrylene Molecules Adsorbed onto Hexagonal Boron Nitride, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 16(1): 349-356.
- Smit R. (12 June 2024), Low-temperature spectroscopic studies of single molecules in 3-D and on 2-D hosts (Dissertatie. Leiden Institute of Physics (LION), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Orrit M.A.G.J., Zant H.S.J. van der.
- Smit R., Ristanovic Z., Deperasinska I. Kozankiewicz B. & Orrit M.A.G.J. (2024), Probing the in-plane dipole moment vector between ground and excited state of single molecules by the Stark effect, ChemPhysChem 25(6): e202300881.
- Adhikari S., Smit R. & Orrit M.A.G.J. (2024), Future paths in cryogenic single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128(1): 3-18.
- Smit R., Tebyani A., Hameury J., Molen S.J. van der & Orrit M.A.G.J. (2023), Sharp zero-phonon lines of single organic molecules on a hexagonal boron-nitride surface, Nature Communications 14: 7960.
- Smit R., Ristanovic Z., Kozankiewicz B. & Orrit M.A.G.J. (2022), Reverse intersystem crossing of single deuterated perylene molecules in a dibenzothiophene matrix, ChemPhysChem 23(2): e202100679.