Robert Ross
Professor emeritus of African Studies
- Name
- Prof.dr. R.J. Ross
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 1646
- 0000-0003-4152-1892

Robert Ross is Professor Emeritus in African Studies at the Leiden University Institute for History (chair from 2004 to 2014).
More information about Robert Ross
Things Change. Black Material Culture and the Development of a Consumer Society in South Africa, 1800-2020
Being a Slave: Histories and Legacies of European Slavery in the Indian Ocean
These Oppressions won't cease: An Anthology of the Political Thought of the Cape Khoesan, 1777–1879
Commonplace - Photographs from the Drummond-Fyvie Collection and the Ngilima Collection
The Borders of Race in Colonial South Africa. The Kat River Settlement, 1829–1856
Robert Ross is Professor Emeritus in African Studies at the Leiden University Institute for History (chair from 2004 to 2014).
Fields of interest
- Colonial South Africa, especially the Cape Colony—slavery, religion, economy, government and the frontier
- Black consumption patterns in Southern Africa since the mineral revolution
- The global homogenisation of world material culture, especially clothing
Curriculum vitae
Born in London, studied in Cambridge, Ph.D (1974) on the history of the Griquas in central South Africa. Since 1976 in Leiden, as coordinator and (later) professor in African history. His teaching has been in the BA degree course Languages and Cultures of Africa, and the MAs (including the Research MA) on African Studies. In addition to his specialised research, he has written general works on South African history, and was involved as senior editor in the Cambridge History of South Africa (Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2010 and 2012)
Key publications
- (2010) Ross, R.J. & Hamilton, C.A. & Mbenga, B.K. (Eds.)
Cambridge History of South Africa, Volume I. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press - (2008) Ross, R.J. Clothing: a Global History; or the Imperialists’ New Clothes. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- (2003) “Ambiguities of resistance and collaboration on the Eastern Cape Frontier: The Kat River Settlement, 1829-1856”, Rethinking Resistance: Revolt and Violence in African History, Jon Abbink, Mirjam de Bruijn & Klaas van Walraven (eds.), Leiden & Boston, Brill, pp. 117 – 141.
- (1999) A Concise History of South Africa, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. xv + 219.
- (1999) Status and respectability at the Cape of Good Hope: A Tragedy of Manners, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp.xii + 203.
- (1993) Beyond the Pale: Essays on the History of Colonial South Africa, Hanover and London, Wesleyan University Press/University Press of New England, pp. xii + 270.
- (1983) Cape of Torments: Slavery and Resistance in South Africa, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
Professor emeritus of African Studies
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Afrika studies
- Ross R.J. (2023), Things change: black material culture and the development of a consumer society in South Africa, 1800-2020. Afrika-Studiecentrum series no. 43. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Ross R.J. (2018), The Archaeology of Missions: Afterword, Journal of Southern African Studies 44(4): 743-747.
- Gewald J.B. (2017), People on the move. In: Gosselink M., Holtrop M., Ross R.J. & Badenhorst G. (Eds.), Good Hope: South Africa and The Netherlands from 1600. Amsterdam [etc.]: Rijksmuseum [etc.]. 181-193.
- Ross R.J. (2014), The borders of race in colonial South Africa: the Kat River Settlement, 1829 - 1856 no. 128. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Ross R.J., Fourie J. & Viljoen R. (2014), Literacy at South African Mission Stations, Journal of Southern African Studies 40(4): 781 - 800.
- Ross R.J. (2013), Land Compensation in the Upper Kat River Valley”, . In: Hebinck P. & Cousins B. (Eds.), In the Shadow of Policy: everyday practices in South Africa’s land and agrarian reform. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand UNiversity Press. 149-158.
- Ross R.J., Pesa I. & Hinfelaar M. (Eds.) (2013), The Objects of Life in Central Africa: the history of consumption and social change, 1840 – 1980. Afrika-Studiecentrum series. Leiden, Boston: Brill.
- Ross R.J., Hinfelaar M. & Pesa I. (2013), The objects of life in Central Africa: the history of consumption and social change, 1840-1980. Afrika-Studiecentrum series no. 30. Leiden: Brill.
- Teeuwisse J., Brans-van der Straeten A., Ross R., Reinewald C., Schreuder E. & Nehuleni M. (Eds.) (2012), The Rainbow Nation: Hedendaagse beeldhouwkunst uit Zuid-Afrika = Contemporary South African Sculpture. Zwolle: Wbooks.
- Schrikker A.F. & Ross R.J. (2012), The VOC official elite. In: Worden N. (Ed.), Cape Town between East and West. Johannesburg: Jacana. 26-45.
- Ross R.J., Mager A.K. & Nasson W. (2011), Introduction. In: Ross R.J., Mager A.K. & Nasson W. (Eds.), Cambridge History of South Africa, vol II, 1885-1994. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-16.
- Ross R.J., Mager A.K. & Nasson W. (Eds.) (2011), The Cambridge History of South Africa, Volume 2, 1885-1994. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Ross R.J. (2010), Martin Legassick, the Griqua and the beginnings of South Africa’s historiographical revival. In: Legassick M.C. (Ed.), The Politics of a South African Frontier: The Griqua, the Sotho-Tswana, and the Missionaries, 1780-1840. Basel9783905758146: Basler Afrika Bibliographien. xii-xxii.
- Ross R.J. (2010), “’De algemene geschiedenis is hem een onding’; Fruin en de Wereldgeschiedenis”. In: Paul H. & Velde H. te (Eds.), Het Vaderlandse Verleden: Robert Fruin en de vaderlandse geschiedenis. Amsterdam: Bert Bakker. 175-194.
- Ross R.J. & Legassick M.C. (2010), From Slave Economy to Settler Capitalism: The Cape Colony and Its Extensions, 1800–1854. In: Ross R.J., Hamilton C.A. & Mbenga B.K. (Eds.), Cambridge History of South Africa, volume I. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 253-318.
- Ross R.J. (2010), Khoesan and Immigrants: The Emergence of Colonial Society in the Cape, 1500–1800. In: Ross R.J., Hamillton C.A. & Mbenga B.K. (Eds.), Cambridge History of South Africa, volume I. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 168-209.
- Ross R.J., Hamilton C.A. & Mbenga B.K. (2010), The Production of Preindustrial South African History. In: Ross R.J., Hamilton C.A. & Mbenga B.K. (Eds.), Cambridge History of South Africa vol I. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-63.
- Ross R.J., Hamilton C.A. & Mbenga B.K. (Eds.) (2010), Cambridge History of South Africa, Volume I. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Ross R.J., Kirkaldy A. & Jeanerrat C. (2009), Introduction: Christian Missions in Southern Africa, South African Historical Journal 61(2): 213-215.
- Ross R.J. & Viljoen Russel (2009), The 1849 Census of Missions in the Cape Colony, South African Historical Journal 61(2): 389-406.
- Ross R.J. (2008), Clothing: a Global History; or the Imperialists’ New Clothes. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Ross R.J. (2008), Preface. In: Gewald J.B., Hinfelaar M. & Macola G. (Eds.), One Zambia, many nations. Leiden: Brill. ix-xi.
- Ross R.J. (2008) A history of the early days of Cape Colonial slavery. Review of: Schoeman K. (2007), Early Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope, 1652–1717 no. 2. Pretoria: Protea. Journal of Southern African Studies 34: 455-455.
- Ross R.J. (2006), Comparisons and Ways forward. Worden N. (Ed.), Contingent Lives: Social Identity and Material Culture in the VOC World. . Cape Town: University of Cape Town. 602-612.
- Ross R.J. (2006), Sumptuary Laws in Europe, the Netherlands and the Dutch colonies. Worden N. (Ed.), Contingent Lives: Social Identity and Material Culture in the VOC World. . Cape Town: University of Cape Town. 382-391.
- Ross R.J. (2006), 105 Kaappstad: Slave Lodge; Zwart en wit in Zuid-Afrika. Prak M. (Ed.), Plaatsen van Herinnering: Nederland in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw. . Amsterdam: Bert Bakker. 366-375.
- Ross R.J. (2006) Economic history of the Merina Empire. Review of: Campbell G. (2005), An Economic History of Imperial Madagascar, 1750-1895: The Rise and fall of an Island Empire no. 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Journal of African History 47: 151-153.
- Ross R.J. (2006) Mission Life and Sources in the Eastern Cape. Review of: Baudet F.R. & Keegan T. (2005), Moravians in the Eastern Cape, 1828-1928: Four accounts of Moravian mission work on the Eastern Cape Frontier no. 1. Cape Town: Van Riebeeck Society. Journal of African History 47: 154-156.
- Ross R.J. (2006), Cross-continental cross-fertilization in clothing, European Review 14(1): 135-147.
- Ross R.J. & Koolhof S. (2005), Upas, September and the Bugis at the Cape of Good Hope: the context of a slave's letter, Archipel: Études interdisciplinaires sur le monde insulindien 70: 281-308.
- Ross R.J. (2004), "Horse troop in Hottentots Holland", "Travelling and ploughing at the Cape", "Khoikhoi and colonist wagons on the Cape Flats", & "Card evening". In: Bruin M. de & Raben R. (Eds.), The World of Jan Brandes, 1743-1808: drawings of a Dutch traveller in Batavia, Ceylon and Southern Africa. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum. 367-384.
- Ross R.J. (2004), Ethnic competition and claims to Land in South Africa: the Kat River valley, Eastern Cape. In: Engerman S.L. & Metzer J. (Eds.), Land Rights, Ethno-nationalism and Sovereignty in History. Lodon/New York: Routledge. 294-317.
- Ross R.J. (2004), Johannes Theodorus van der Kemp. Harrison B. & Matthew C. (Eds.), New Dictionary of National Biography. . Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Ross R.J. (2004) Remaking the nations: Afrikaners and Afrikanerdom. Review of: Giliomee H. (2003), The Afrikaners: Biography of a People no. 4. Charlottesville: University of Virgia Press. Journal of Southern African Studies 30: 518-519.
- Ross R.J. (2004) Boekbespreking. Review of: Witz L. (2003), Aparteid's Festival: Contesting South Africa's national Past. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Kronos: journal of Cape History 30: 254-256.
- Ross R.J. (2004), John Philip. In: Harrison B. & Matthew C. (Eds.), New Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Ross R.J. (2004), Hermanus Matroos, aka Ngxukumeshe: a life on the border, Kronos: journal of Cape History 30: 47-69.
- Ross R.J. (2004) Discourses of race and class in Britain and South AFrica. Review of: Magubane Z. (2003), Bringing the Emprie Home: Race, Class and Gender in Britain and Colonial South Africa no. 3. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Journal of African History 45: 509-510.
- Ross R.J. (2003), Ambiguities of resistance and collaboration on the Eastern Cape Frontier: The Kat River Settlement, 1829-1856. In: Abbink J., Bruijn M. de & Walraven K. van (Eds.), Rethinking Resistance: Revolt and Violence in African History. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 117-141.
- Ross R.J. (2003), Ambiguities of resistance and collaboration on the Eastern Cape frontier: the Kat River settlement 1829-1856. In: Abbink J., Bruijn M.E. de & Walraven K. van (Eds.), Rethinking resistance: revolt and violence in African history. African dynamics no. 2. Leiden: Brill. 118-140.
- Ross R.J. (2001), The Photographic Presentation of South Africa, 1874 and 1923, Itinerario 25: 142-153.
- Ross R.J. (2001) Review. Review of: Allen R.B. (2001), Slaves, Freedmen and Indentured Laborers in Colonial Mauritius no. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Journal of Southern African Studies 27.
- Ross R.J. (2000), The Dutch as Globalisers in the Western Basin of the Indian Ocean?. Evers S.J.T.M. & Hookoomsingh V.Y. (Eds.), Globalisation and the South-West Indian Ocean. . Reduit/Leiden: University of Mauritius & International Institute for Asian. 7-16.
- Ross R.J. (2000) Review. Review of: Kuperus T. (2000), State, Civil Society and Apartheid in South Africa: An Examination of Dutch Reformed Church-State Relations. Houndsmills: Macmillan. Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines .
- Ross R.J. (2000) Review. Review of: Edgar R.R. (2000), African Apocalypse: The story of Notetha Nkwenkwe¿ a Twentieth-century South African Prophet. Athens/Johannesburg: Ohio UP & Witwarsrand UP. H-Safrica .
- Ross R.J. (2000) Review. Review of: (2000), De Kaap de Goede Hoop: een Nederlandse vestingskolonie, 1680-1730. Amsterdam: Prometheus/Bert Bakker. Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis .
- Ross R.J. (1999), Congregations, Missionaries and the Grahamstown Schism of 1842-3. In: Gruchy J. de (Ed.), The London Missionary Society in Southern Africa: historical essays in celebration of the bicentenary of the LMS in Southern Africa, 1799-1999. Cape Town: David Philip. 120/210-131/212.
- Ross R.J. (1999), Status and respectability at the Cape of Good Hope: A Tragedy of Manners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Ross R.J. (1999), A Concise History of South Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Ross R.J. (1999), Protestzangers en weglopers, Zuidelijk Afrika: Kwartaalblad over Zuidelijk Afrika III(1): 24-25.
- Ross R.J. (1999), Missions, respectability and civil rights: the Cape Colony, 1828-1854, Journal of Southern African Studies 25(3): 333-345.
- Ross R.J. (1998), Adam Kok. In: Middleton J. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Africa South of the Sahara. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.
- Ross R.J. (1998), The Dutch in Africa, 1600-1800. In: Middleton J. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of South Africa South of the Sahara. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.
- Ross R.J. (1998) Boekbespreking. Review of: Dedering T. (1998), Hate the Old and Follow the New: Khoekhoe and missionaries in Early Nineteenth-Century Namibia. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. Kleio. Tijdschrift van de vereniging van docenten in geschiedenis en staatsinrichting in Nederland XXX: 158-159.
- Ross R.J. (1998) Recensie. Review of: Szalay M. (1998), The San and the Colonization of the Cape, 1770-1879. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. Journal of African History .
- Ross R.J. (1998) recensie. Review of: Dedering T. (1998), Hate the Old and Follow the New: Khoekhoe and missionaries in Early Nineteenth-Century Namibia. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. Kleio. Tijdschrift van de vereniging van docenten in geschiedenis en staatsinrichting in Nederland XXX: 158-159.
- Ross R.J. (1998), Commentary on Hermann Giliomee, 'Explaining South Africa's Democratic 'Miracle''. In: Kuitenbrouwer M. & Werff N. van der (Eds.), Incomplete Transitions in Southern Africa. Utrecht 71-75.
- Ross R.J. (1998), Towards A Concise History of South Africa, European Review of History : 283-289.
- Ross R.J. (1997), Combatting Spiritual and Social Bondage: early missions in the Cape Colony. In: Elphick R. & Davenport R. (Eds.), Christianity in South Africa: a political, social and cultural history. Cape Town: David Philip. 31/403-50/409.
- Ross R.J. (1997) Grahamstown versus Cape Town. Review of: Keegan Timothy (1996), Colonial South Africa and the Origins of the Racial Order: The University of Virginia Press. South African Historical Journal 36: 277-283.
- Ross R.J. (1997) Boekbespreking. Review of: Huigen S. (1997), De Weg naar Monomotapa: Nederlandstalige representaties van geografische, historische en sociale werkelijkheid in Zuid-Afrika. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. BMGN: Low Countries Historical Review .
- Ross R.J. (1997) Boekbespreking. Review of: Schoeman K. (1997), Griqua records: the Philippolos captaincy, 1825-1861. Kleio. Tijdschrift van de vereniging van docenten in geschiedenis en staatsinrichting in Nederland XXIX.
- Ross R.J. (1997) Colonial South Africa and the Origins of the Racial Order. Review of: Keegan T. (1997), Grahamstown versus Cape Town. Suid Afrikaanse Historiese Joernaal / South African Historical Journal 36: 277-283.
- Ross R.J. (1997), The Kat River, Rebellion and Khoikhoi nationalism: the fate of an ethnic identification, Kronos: journal of Cape History 24: 91-105.
- Ross R.J. (1997), Conference report: Khoisan identities and cultural heritage, Kronos: journal of Cape History 24: 154-155.
- Ross R.J. (1996), Afrika en die wereldoorlogen. De Baobab.
- Obdeijn H.L.M. & Ross R.J. (1996), Afrika na 1945. In: Bosscher D. (Ed.), De wereld na 1945. Utrecht: NN. 425-449.
- Ross R.J. (1996) Strategies of Slaves & Women. Review of: Wright M. (1996), Strategies of Slaves & Women: Life-stories from East/Central Africa. New York: Lilian Barber Press. Social Dynamics .
- Ross R.J. (1996) Einiqualand. Review of: Smith A.B. (1996), Einiqualand: Studies of the Orange River Frontier. Cape Town: University of Cape Town Press. South African Archaeological Bulletin .
- Ross R.J. (1996) From Slave Trade to 'Legitimate' Commerce. Review of: Law R. (1996), From Slave Trade to 'Legitimate' Commerce: The commercial transition in nineteenth-century West Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Itinerario .
- Ross R.J. (1996) Slavery in South Africa. Review of: Eldredge E.A. (1996), Slavery in South Africa: Captive Labor on the Dutch Frontier. Pietermaritzburg: Westview Press. Journal of African History .
- Ross R.J. (1996) Les Africaine. Review of: Coquery-Vidrovitch C. (1996), Les Africaines: Histoire des femmes d'Afrique noire du XIXe au XXe siècle. Paris: Desjonquères. Itinerario .
- Ross R.J. (1996), The Self-Image of Jacob Adams. In: Skotnes P. (Ed.), Miscast: Negotiating the Presence of the Bushmen. Cape Town: University of Cape Town Press. 61-66.
- Ross R.J. (1996) Boekbespreking. Review of: Fast H.H. (1996), The Journal and Selected letters of Rev. William J.Shresbury, 1826-1835: First Missionary to the Transkei. Grahamstown: Witwatersrand Univ.Press. Kronos: journal of Cape History 23: 168-169.
- Ross R.J. (1996), Getting to the New South Africa from the Old, Ethnic and Racial Studies 19(2): 438-444.
- Ross R.J. (1995), The social and political theology of Western Cape missions. In: Bredekamp H. & Ross R. (Eds.), Missions and Christianity in South African History. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand UP. 97-112.
- Ross R.J. (Ed.) (1995), Missions and Christianity in South African History. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press.
- Ross R.J. (1995), Paternalism, Patriarchy and Afrikaans, Suid Afrikaanse Historiese Joernaal / South African Historical Journal 32: 34-47.
- Ross R.J. (1995), Abolitionism, the Batavian Republic, the British and the Cape Colony. In: Oostindie G. (Ed.), Fifty Years Later: The Netherlands and Abolitionism. Leiden: KITLV. 179-192.
- Ross R.J. (1994), 'Rather mental than physical': Emancipations and the Economy of the Cape Colony. In: Worden N. & Clifton C.C. (Eds.), Breaking the Chains: Slavery and its legacy in the Nineteenth century Cape Colony. Nigel Worden and Clifton C. Crais (eds), Breaking the Chains: Slavery and its legacy in the Nineteenth century Cape Colony, Johannesburg, Witwatersrand University Press. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press. 145-167.
- Ross R.J. (1994), Naevii Ukaas: the Cedarberg San in the 1830s, Kronos: journal of Cape History 21: 109-112.
- Ross R.J. (1993), The Politics of Tradition in Africa, Groniek: Historisch Tydschrift, 27 122: 47-56.
- Ross R.J. (1993), Zijn chiefs chief door het volk of door de donorgemeenschap?, Zuidelijk Afrika kombinatie, Ontwikkelingen in Zuidelijk Afrika, ZAK agenda : 11-17.
- Ross R.J. (1993), Beyond the Pale: Essays on the History of Colonial South Africa, Hanover and London. Hanover | London: Wesleyan University Press.
- Ross R.J. (1992), The first imperial masters of colonial South Africa: a review article, South African Historical Journal 25: 177-183.
- Ross R.J. (1991), The Portuguese and Dutch in Southern Africa: some comparisons, Itinerario 15(1): 29-36.
- Arkel D. van, Haar Barend J. ter, Lucassen Leo, Ramakers Jan & Ross R.J. (Eds.) (1990), Van Oost naar West. Racisme als mondiaal verschijnsel. Baarn: Ambo.
- Ross R.J. (1990), Der koloniale Hintergrund des modern Südafrika, Journal Geschichte 3(90): 16-25.
- Ross R.J. (1990), Commentary on Edwin N. Wilmsen and James R. Denbow, `Paradigmatic History of San-speaking peoples and current attempts at revision', Current Anthropology 31(5): 512-514.
- Ross R.J. (1990), Montagu's Roads to Capitalism: the distribution of landed property in the Cape Colony, 1845, Collected Seminar papers of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London, The Societies of Southern Africa in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries 16: 149-165.
- Ross R.J. (1990), The Top Hat in South African history: the changing significance of an article of material culture, Social Dynamics 16(2): 90-100.
- Ross R.J. (1989), Structure and culture in pre-industrial Cape Town: a survey of knowledge and ignorance. In: James W.D. & Simons M. (Eds.), The Angry Divide: Social and Economic History of the Western Cape. Johannesburg and Cape Town: David Philip. 40-46, 228-231.
- Ross R.J. (1989), James Cropper, John Philip and the Researches in South Africa. In: Macmillan H. & Marks S. (Eds.), Africa and Empire: W.M. Macmillan, Historian and Social Critic. London 140-152.
- Ross R.J. (1989), The last years of the slave trade to the Cape Town. In: Clarence-Smith W.G. (Ed.), The Economics of the Indian Ocean Slave Trade in the Nineteenth Century. London: Frank Cass. 209-219.
- Ross R.J. (1989), The Cape of Good Hope and the World Economy, 1652 - 1835. In: Elphick R. & Giliomee H. (Eds.), The Shaping of South African Society, 1652 - 1835. R. Elphick and H. Giliomee (eds) The Shaping of South African Society, 1652 - 1835 (2nd edition) 243-282.
- Ross R.J. (1987), The fundamentalisation of Afrikaner Calvinism. In: Diederiks H. & Quispel G.C. (Eds.), Onderscheid en minderheid: sociaal-historische opstellen over discriminatie en vooroordeel. H. Diederiks and G.C.Quispel (eds.), Onderscheid en minderheid: sociaal-historische opstellen over discriminatie en vooroordeel 201-222.
- Ross R.J. (1987), Staat, samenleving en ontwikkeling in Afrika, Internationale Spectator 41(9): 448-451.
- Ross R.J. & Duin P.C. van (1987), The Economy of the Cape Colony in the Eighteenth Century.
- Ross R.J. (1986), The origins of capitalist agriculture in the Cape Colony: a survey. In: Beinart W., Delius P. & Trapido S. (Eds.), Putting a Plough to the Ground: Accumulation and dispossession in rural South Africa, 1850 - 1930. William Beinart, Peter Delius and Stanley Trapido (eds.) Putting a Plough to the Ground: Accumulation and dispossession in rural South Africa, 1850 - 1930 56-100.
- Ross R.J. (1986), The Dutch on the Swahili coast, 1776 - 1778: Two slaving journals, International Journal of African Historical Studies 19(2/3): 305-360, 479-506.
- Ross R.J. (1985), Cape Town: synthesis in the dialectic of continents. In: Ross R.J. & Telkamp G.J. (Eds.), Colonial Cities. Essays on Urbanism in a Colonial Context. Ross and Telkamp, Colonial Cities 105-122.
- Ross R.J. & Quispel G.C. (1985), Theorie en mentaliteit in de historiografie van Zuid-Afrika, TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 98: 366-380.
- Ross R.J. (1985), The relative importance of exports and the internal market for the agriculture of the Cape Colony, 1770 - 1855. In: Liesegang G., Pasch H. & Jones A. (Eds.), Figuring African trade: Proceedings of the symposium on the quantification and structure of the import and export and Long-distance trade of Africa in the Nineteenth Century. G. Liesegang, H. Pasch and A. Jones (eds), Figuring African trade: Proceedings of the symposium on the quantification and structure of the import and export and Long-distance trade of Africa in the Nineteenth Century 248-260.
- Ross R.J. (1985), Slavery. In: Kuper A. & Kuper J. (Eds.), The Social Science Encyclopedia. Adam Kuper and Jessica Kuper (eds), The Social Science Encyclopedia 753-754.
- Ross R.J. (1984), Cape of Torments: Slavery and Resistance in South Africa. London, Boston, Melbourne, Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
- Ross R.J. & Telkamp G.J. (1984), Colonial Cities - Essays on Urbanism in a Colonial Context. Comparative Studies in Overseas History no. 5.
- Ross R.J. (1983), The first two centuries of colonial agriculture in the Cape colony: a historiographical review, Social Dynamics 9(1): 30-49.
- Ross R.J. (1983), The rise of the Cape Gentry, Journal of Southern African Studies 9(2): 193-217.
- Ross R.J., Arkel D. van & Quispel G.C. (1983), De Wijngaard des Heeren? De oorsprong van "die blanke Baasskap" in Zuid-Africa. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff.
- Ross R.J. (1982), The mountain has gone into labour: the UNESCO General history of Africa, Itinerario 6(2): 149-153.
- Ross R.J. (1982), White supremacy, Itinerario 6(1): 150-156.
- Ross R.J., Emmer P.C. & Kolff D.H.A. (1982), The expansion of Europe and the Transformation of Third World Agriculture, Itinerario 6(1): 43-77.
- Ross R.J. (1982), Pre-industrial and industrial racial stratification in South Africa. In: Ross R.J. (Ed.), Racism and Colonialism: Essays on Ideology and Social Structure. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. 79-91.
- Ross R.J. (1981), Capitalism, Expansion and Incorporation on the South African Frontier. In: Lamar H. & Thompson L.M. (Eds.), The Frontier in History: North America and South Africa compared. Howard Lamar and L.M. Thompson (eds.), The Frontier in History: North America and South Africa compared 209-233.
- Ross R.J. (1981), La contribution hollandaise à la recherche historique africaine, Etudes africaines en Europe, bilan et inventaire (2 vols) : 313-321.
- Ross R.J. (1981), The changing legal position of the Khoisan in the Cape Colony, 1652 -1795, African Perspectives 5(2): 67-87.
- Ross R.J. (1980), Zuid-Afrika onder de VOC, Algemene Geschiedenis der Nederlanden 9: 484-494.
- Ross R.J. (1980), The occupations of slaves in eighteenth century Cape Town, Studies in the History of Cape Town 2: 1-14.
- Ross R.J. (1980), The Rule of Law at the Cape of Good Hope in the Eighteenth Century, Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 9(1): 5-16.
- Ross R.J. (1980), Ethnic identity, demographic crises and Xhosa-Khoikhoi interaction, History in Africa 7: 259-271.
- Ross R.J. (1980), Oppression, sexuality and slavery at the Cape of Good Hope, Historical Reflections/Reflections Historiques 6(2): 421-434.
- Ross R.J. (1979), Hunter-gatherers, San, Archeologists, Anthropologists and historians. In: Uhlenbeck G.C. (Ed.), Anthropologie en Archeologie, ICA Publikatie. G.C. Uhlenbeck (ed.), Anthropologie en Archeologie, ICA Publikatie 49-57.
- Ross R.J. (1979), Adam Kok III. In: Saunders C. (Ed.), Black Leaders in South African History. Christopher Saunders (ed.), Black Leaders in South African History 114-126.
- Ross R.J. (1979), African resistance to the Imposition of Colonialism: a historiographical review, Itinerario 3(2): 89-95.
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- Ross R.J. (1977), Smallpox at the Cape of Good Hope in the Eighteenth Century, African Historical Demography : 416-428.
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