Rint Sybesma
Professor of Chinese Linguistics
- Name
- Prof.dr. R.P.E. Sybesma
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2529
- r.p.e.sybesma@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-4366-5809

Rint Sybesma is a professor of Chinese Linguistics at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies (LIAS) and the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL).
Fields of Interest
The syntax of the Sinitic and non-Sinitic languages of China and comparative syntax more generally.
Rint Sybesma was educated in Leiden, the Netherlands (Universiteit Leiden), and Shenyang, China (Liaoning Daxue). He holds MAs in Linguistics and Sinology (1987; Leiden) and a Ph.D. in Linguistics (1992; Leiden). Dissertation: Causatives and accomplishments. The case of Chinese ba.
Key publications
- Sybesma, Rint, Editor in Chief, with Wolfgang Behr, Yueguo Gu, Zev Handel, C.-T. James Huang and James Myers, eds: Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics, Leiden: Brill. 2017.
- Lipták, Anikó and Rint Sybesma: “Missing and not found. What adjectival agreement reveals about determinerless headlines in Dutch and German.” Linguistic Variation 24/1: 77-115. 2024. [https://doi.org/10.1075/lv.22001.lip]
- Sybesma, Rint: “Voice and little v and VO-OV word-order variation in Chinese languages.” Syntax 24/1, 44-77. 2021.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/synt.12211]
Other publications can be found under 'Publications' (top of page).
Linguistics courses at all levels in the department of Chinese studies.
Professor of Chinese Linguistics
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS China
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Taalwetenschap
- Lipták A.K. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2023), Missing and not found: what adjectival agreement reveals about determinerless headlines in Dutch and German, Linguistic Variation : 1-39.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2022), Four different structures for locative resultatives, Journal of Chinese Linguistics 50(1): 277-289.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2022), Place and distance: locative expressions in Mandarin and Cantonese. In: Simpson A. (Ed.), New explorations in Chinese theoretical syntax: studies in honor of Yen-Hui Audrey Li. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 77-109.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2021), Raise is rise+v (rather than rise+Voice), Snippets 40: 7-8.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2021), Voice and little v and VO-OV word-order variation in Chinese languages, Syntax 24(1): 44-77.
- Lu M., Lipták A.K. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2019), A structural account of the difference between achievements and accomplishments: evidence from Changsha Xiang Chinese, Journal of East Asian Linguistics 28(3): 279-306.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2019), 限定性和汉语主句 : Finiteness and main clauses in Mandarin, International Journal of Chinese Linguistics 6(2): 325-344.
- Wolff M. de & Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Noun Modification. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. 238-247.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Tense. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. 281-290.
- Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (Eds.) (2017), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Chinese Loanwords in Dutch. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. 543-546.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Word Order, Modern. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. 589-591.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Classifiers, Nominal. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. 620-627.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Complement (and Object). In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics 645-646.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Finiteness. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. Vol II, 233-237.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Aspect, Inner. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. Vol I, 186-193.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Chinese in the Netherlands. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. Vol I, 456-462.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Chinese Linguistics in the Netherlands. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. 537-743.
- Reckman H., Cheng L.L., Hijzelendoorn P.M. & Sybesma R.P.E. (Eds.) (2017), Crossroads Semantics. Computation, experiment and grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Otting N. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Yes-no questions. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Chinese language and linguistics. Leiden: Brill. Vol IV, 663-670.
- Singhapreecha P. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2016), An ellipsis analysis of split nominals in Thai, Cahiers de linguistique Asie Orientale 44: 57-88.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2015), Mandarin. In: Kiss T. & Alexiadou A. (Eds.), Syntax – Theory and Analysis. An international handbook. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 1518-1559.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2014), The syntactic structure of noun phrases. In: Huang C.T. James, Li Y.H. Audrey & Simpson A. (Eds.), The handbook of Chinese linguistics. Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics. London: John Wiley & Sons. 248-274.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2014), Transitive psych-predicates. In: Li H.Y.A., Simpson A. & Tsai W.T.D. (Eds.), Chinese syntax in a cross-linguistic perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 207-228.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2013), Cantonese sin 先 and the question of microvariation and macrovariation. In: Cao Guangshun, Chappell Hilary, Djamouri Redouane & Wiebusch Thekla (Eds.), Breaking down the barriers: Interdisciplinary studies in Chinese linguistics and beyond. Taipei: Academia Sinica. 971-994.
- Shen Y. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2012), 作格动词的性质和作格结构的构造 Zuògédòngcí de xìngzhi hé zuògéjiégòu de gòuzào (On the nature of unaccusative verbs and the construction of unaccusative structures), Shìjiè Hànyǔ Jiàoxué 2012(3): 306-321.
- Cheng L.L., Doetjes J.S., Sybesma R.P.E. & Zamparelli R. (2012), On the interpretation of number and classifiers, Italian Journal of Linguistics / Rivista di Linguistica 24(2): 175-194.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2012), Classifiers and DP, Linguistic Inquiry 43(4): 634-650.
- Hsieh F.F. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2011), On the linearization of Chinese sentence-final particles: Max spell out and why CP moves?, Korea Journal of Chinese Language and Literature 1(1): 53-90.
- Crisma P., Marten L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2011), The point of Bantu, Chinese and Romance nominal classification, Italian Journal of Linguistics / Rivista di Linguistica 23(2): 251-299.
- Shen Y. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2010), 句法结构标记“给”与动词结构的衍生关系 Jùfǎ jiégòu biāojì ‘gěi’ yǔ dòngcíjiégòu de yǎnshēng guānxi (The syntactic marker ‘gei’ and the derivational relations in the structure of the verb), 中国语文 [Zhōngguó Yǔwén] (3): 222-237.
- Peng G.Z. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2010), 现代汉语中表偏离义的VA词组Xiàndài Hànyǔ zhōng biǎo piānlíyì de VA cízǔ (Modern Chinese VA phrases with an excessive meaning), 現代中國語研究 [Gendai Chūgokugo kenkyū] Contemporary Research in Modern Chinese 12(1): 19-29.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2009), Het Chinees en het Nederlands zijn eigenlijk hetzelfde. Houten: Het Spectrum.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2009) Review of Pieter Muysken’s Functional categories (CUP). Review of: (2008), Functional categories, door Pieter Muysken no. 3: CUP. Nederlandse Taalkunde 14: 402-404.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2009), De 的 as an underspecified classifier: first explorations, Yŭyánxué lùncóng 39: 1-19.
- Sio J.U.S. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2008), The nominal phrase in Northern Zhuang: a descriptive study, Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics 3(1): 175-225.
- Hsieh F.F. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2008), 生成语法理论和汉语语气词研究 Shēngchéng yǔfa lǐlùn hé Hànyǔ yǔqì yánjiū (Generative grammar and the study of sentence final particles in Chinese). In: Shen Y. & Feng S. (Eds.), 当代语言学理论和汉语研究/Contemporary linguistic theories and related studies on Chinese. Peking: Shangwu Shuju. 364-374.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2008), Zhuang: A Tai language with some Sinitic characteristics. Postverbal ‘can’ in Zhuang, Cantonese, Vietnamese and Lao. [Studies in Language Companion Series 90.]. Muysken P. (Ed.), From linguistic areas to areal linguistics. . Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 221-274.
- Sybesma R.P.E., Djamouri R. & Meisterernst B. (Eds.) (2008), Chinese linguistics in Leipzig. Paris: EHESS.
- Sybesma R.P.E. & Sio J.U.S. (2008), D is for Demonstrative. Investigating the position of the demonstrative in Chinese and Zhuang, The Linguistic Review 25: 253-478.
- Cheng L.L., Doetjes J.S. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2008), How universal is the Universal Grinder?, Linguistics in the Netherlands 25(1): 50-62.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2007), Whether we Tense-agree overtly or not, Linguistic Inquiry 38: 580-587.
- Sybesma R.P.E. & Li B. (2007), The dissection and structural mapping of Cantonese sentence final particles, Lingua 117: 1739-1783.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2007), ). 北方方言和粤语中名词的可数标记 Běifāng fāngyán hé Yuèyǔ zhōng míngcí de kěshǔbiāojì (Markers of countability on the noun in Mandarin and Cantonese), Yŭyánxué lùncóng 35: 234-245.
- Sybesma R.P.E. & Cheng L.L. (2006), A Chinese relative. In: Broekhuis H., Corver N., Huybregts R., Kleinhenz U. & Koster J. (Eds.), Organizing grammar: linguistic studies in honour of Henk van Riemsdijk. Studies in Generative Grammar no. 86. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 69-76.
- Djamouri R. & Sybesma R.P.E. (Eds.) (2006), Chinese linguistics in Budapest. Parijs: EHESS-CRLAO.
- Sybesma R.P.E. & Shen Y. (2006), Small clause results and the internal structure of the Chinese resultative small clause, Journal of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology 20(4): 40-46.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2005), Classifiers in four varieties of Chinese. In: Cinque G. & Kayne R.S. (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of comparative syntax. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 259-292.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2004), Exploring Cantonese tense. Cornips L. & Doetjes J. (Eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 2004. . Amsterdam: AVT/John Benjamins. 169-180.
- Sybesma R.P.E., Barbiers L.C.J., Dikken M. den, Doetjes J.S., Postma G.J. & Wyngaerd G. vanden (Eds.) (2004), Teun Hoekstra: Arguments and structure. Studies on the architecture of the sentence. Berlijn: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2004), Postverbal 'can' in Cantonese (and Hakka) and Agree, Lingua 114(4): 419-445.
- Barbiers L.C.J. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2004), On the different verbal behavior of auxiliaries, Lingua 114: 389-398.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2003), Forked modality, Linguistics in the Netherlands 20(1): 13-23.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (Eds.) (2003), The Second Glot International State-of-the-Article Book. Berlijn: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2002), Een generatieve inleiding. Bussum: Coutinho.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (Eds.) (2000), The First Glot International State-of-the-Article Book. Berlijn: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1999), The Mandarin VP. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1999), Overt wh-movement in Chinese and the structure of CP. Wang H.S., Tsai F.F. & Lien C.F. (Eds.), Selected Papers from the Fifth International Conference of Chinese Linguistics. . Taipei: The Crane Publishing Co. 279-299.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (Eds.) (1999), . Glot International.
- Sybesma R.P.E. & Cheng L.L. (1999), Bare and not so bare nouns and the structure of NP, Linguistic Inquiry 30(4): 509-542.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (1998), Yi-wan Tang, yi-ge Tang: Classifiers and Massifiers, Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies XXVIII(3): 385-412.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (Eds.) (1998), . Glot International.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (1998), On dummy objects and the transitivity of run. Bezooijen R. van & Kager R. (Eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 1998. . Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 81-93.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1997), Take and the theme in Chinese and Kwa. In: Déchaine R.M. & Manfredi V. (Eds.), Object Positions in Benue-Kwa. Den Haag: HAG. 169-188.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (Eds.) (1997), . Glot International.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1997), Why Chinese verb -le is a resultative predicate, Journal of East-Asian Linguistics 6(3): 215-261.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1997), Five books on Chinese, Glot International 2(7): 17-19.
- Sybesma R.P.E. & Wijngaerd G. van den (1997), Realizing end points: the syntax and semantics of Dutch ge and Mandarin le. In: Coerts J. & Hoop H. de (Eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 1997. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 207-218.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (Eds.) (1996), . Glot International.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1996) recensie. Review of: Shyu S.I. (1996), The syntax of topic and focus in Mandarin Chinese no. 4. NN: NN. Glot International 2: 13-14.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1995), The diachronics of verb-le in Chinese: Where does the perfective semantics come from?. In: Velde P. van de (Ed.), IIAS Yearbook 1994. Leiden: IIAS. 35-44.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (Eds.) (1995), . Glot International.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1995) recensie. Review of: Xiaobo R. (1995), Syntaxe des constructions passives en chinois no. 2. NN: NN. Cahiers de linguistique Asie Orientale 24: 287-302.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1995), Ge- en -le, TABU: Bulletin voor Taalwetenschap 25(4): 198-200.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1995) recensie. Review of: Tsai W.-T.D. (1995), On economizing the theory of A-bar dependencies no. 2. NN: NN. Glot International 1: 11-12.