Universiteit Leiden

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Rik de Ruiter

Associate Professor

Dr. R. de Ruiter
+31 70 800 9411

Rik de Ruiter’s current research focuses on the politics, governance and policy of the European Union, both at the supranational and national level. He is especially interested in the involvement of national parliaments in the European integration process.

More information about Rik de Ruiter

Rik de Ruiter studied political science at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He obtained in October 2007 a doctorate in social and political sciences from the European University Institute in Florence on the basis of his dissertation ‘To prevent a shift of competences? Developing the Open Method of Coordination: Education, social inclusion, research and development and e-Europe'. He worked as a lecturer at Maastricht University in the BA/MA programme European Studies, and was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Twente. His work has appeared in numerous international journals, including the Journal of European Public Policy, European Union Politics, West European Politics, Journal of European Integration and the Journal of Legislative Studies.

Associate Professor

  • Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
  • Instituut Bestuurskunde

Work address

Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague
Room number 4.120


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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