Rijk van Dijk
Professor of Religion in Africa and its Diaspora
- Name
- Prof.dr. R.A. van Dijk
- Telephone
- +31 715272 727
- r.a.van.dijk@asc.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-1388-4733

For an overview of Rijk van Dijk's research and publications, visit his profile on the ASCL website.
Rijk van Dijk is an anthropologist. He is an expert on Pentecostalism, globalization and transnationalism, migration, youth and healing. He has been appointed Professor of Religion in Contemporary Africa and its Diaspora at the ASCL, University of Leiden, as of 1 September 2017.
Rijk van Dijk has done extensive research on the rise of Pentecostal movements in the urban areas of Malawi, Ghana and Botswana. He is the author of Young Malawian Puritans(Utrecht, ISOR Press, 1993) and has co-edited nine other books including The Quest for Fruition through Ngoma (Oxford, James Currey 2000) with Ria Reis and Marja Spierenburg, and Religion and AIDS Treatment in Africa. Saving Souls, Prolonging Lives(London, Ashgate Publ. 2014) with Hansjoerg Dilger, Marian Burchardt and Thera Rasing. His current research deals with religious, in particular Pentecostal, engagement with the domains of relationships and sexuality in Botswana. A recently published article, entitled ‘The Tent versus Lobola; marriage, monetary intimacies and the new face of responsibility in Botswana’ (2017) deals with insights gained from his ongoing research.
He is also the co-founder and former editor-in-chief of the journal African Diaspora. A Journal of Transnational Africa in a Global World (published by Brill).
Rijk van Dijk is a guest professor of the Centre of Excellence and the Ethnology-programme at the University of Konstanz, Germany. Here he is engaging with the study of Life Skills, Counselling and the Ethics of Responsibility by contributing his research on 'The Social Life of Responsibilization. Marriage as a "Life-Project" in Botswana'.
Professor of Religion in Africa and its Diaspora
- Afrika-Studiecentrum
- Wetenschappelijke staf
- Amha A., Bruijn M.E. de , Dekker M., Dijk R.A. van, Ditmars M.D., Kaag M.M.A., Leliveld A.H.M. & Nijenhuis C.T. (7 November 2024), African Studies is vibrant! : And we need future generations to pass on the baton. ASCL Africanist blog . Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [blog entry].
- Dijk R.A. van (2023), Religious relevance interests: pentecostalism and super-diversity in Gaborone, Botswana. In: Pellow D. & Scheld S. (Eds.), Africa and urban anthropology : theoretical and methodological contributions from contemporary fieldwork . Routledge Studies in Anthropology. London, New York: Routledge. 374-399.
- Kirsch T.G., Kirsten M. & Rijk R.A. van (Eds.) (2022), Domestic demons and the intimate uncanny. Routledge Studies in Religion. London: Routledge.
- Kirsch T.G., Mahlke K. & Dijk R.A. van (2022), Introduction: hedging in demons and the uncanny. In: Kirsch T.G., Mahlke K. & Dijk R.A. van (Eds.) Domestic demons and the intimate uncanny. Routledge studies in religion London: Routledge.
- Dijk R.A. van & Setume S.D. (2022), Marriage and the ambiguities of ‘seeds’: an exploration of intentions and transparency in relations in Botswana. In: Kirsch T.G., Mahlke K. & Dijk R.A. van (Eds.), Domestic demons and the intimate uncanny. Routledge Studies in Religion. London: Routledge.
- Bedert M., Bochow A. & Dijk R.A. van (2022), Conceptualizing the after-crisis through ethnographies of postcrisis situations in Africa, Africa Today 68(4): 1-17.
- Bedert M., Bochow A. & Dijk R.A. van (Eds.) (2022), Africa today : special issue on ethnographies of postcrisis situations in Africa. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
- Luning N. in collaboration with Dijk R.A. van & Kate L. ten (2021), ‘A question of faith’: an explorative pilot study on the relationship between West African religion, migration and human trafficking. Capelle aan den IJssel; Leiden; Utrecht: Centre against Child and Human Trafficking (CKM); African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL); University of Humanistic Studies Utrecht (UvH).
- Dijk R.A. van, Kirsch T.G. & Duarte dos Santos F. (2021), Family resemblances in action: an introduction to religio-political activism in Southern Africa, Journal of Religion in Africa 49(3-4): 233-256.
- Duarto dos Santos F., Kirsch T.G. & Dijk R.A. van (2021), Special issue Religiopolitical activism in Southern Africa Member of editorial staff Journal of Religion in Africa 49(3-4).
- Dijk R.A. van & Molenaar H.W. (2021), Pentecostalism and the arts of insistence: examples from Botswana, Journal of Religion in Africa 49(3-4): 257-287.
- Dijk R.A. van (2021) Book review of Astrid Bochow, Risiko und HIV/AIDS in Botswana: Leben in der Pandemie. Review of: Bochow A. (2020), Risiko und HIV/AIDS in Botswana: Leben in der Pandemie. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag. Anthropos 116(2): 471.
- Bakuri A., Spronk R. & Dijk R.A. van (2020), Labour of love: secrecy and kinship among Ghanaian-Dutch and Somali-Dutch in The Netherlands, Ethnography 2(3): 394-412.
- Dijk R.A. van (2020), Afterword: the hodological challenge, exploring middle-class pathways and their biography, Africa Today 66(3-4): .
- Kate L. ten, Braam A.W., Dijk R.A. van, Ravesteyn J. van & Bergmans F. (2020), Professional and religious approaches to care for West African victims of human trafficking in The Netherlands: the challenge of new Pentecostalism, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies : .
- Dijk R.A. van & Bemmel K.L. van (2019), Worlds apart?: exploring the problematic irrelevance of a psy-therapy promoting happiness-as-norm in an African context, Current Anthropology 60(2): 214-215.
- Dijk R.A. van, Miraculous unhappiness : does Botswana need a Ministry of Laughter?. ASCL Africanist Blog. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [blog entry].
- Bochow A., Kirsch T.G. & Dijk R.A. van (2017), Introduction: new ethical fields and the implicitness/explicitness of ethics in Africa, Africa 87(3): 447-461.
- Dijk R.A. van (2017), Event ethics and their elasticity: weddings in Botswana and the exploration of the tacit extraordinary, Africa 87(3): 462-478.
- Bochow A., Kirsch T. & Dijk R.A. van (Eds.) (2017), Ethics as ideals in practice. Africa.
- Pauli J. & Dijk R.A. van (2017), Marriage as an end, or the end of marriage? Change and continuity in Southern African marriages, Anthropology Southern Africa 40(4): 257-266.
- Dijk R.A. van (2017), The tent versus Lobola marriage : monetary intimacies and the new face of responsibility in Botswana, Africa 40(1): 29-41.
- Dijk R.A. van, Spierenburg M. & Wels H. (2017), The critical fence : a Dietzian reflection on divergent fieldwork. In: Beek W.E.A. van, Damen J.C.M. & Foeken D.W.J. (Eds.), The face of Africa :.essays in honour of Ton Dietz. ASCL occasional publications no. 28. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). 133-247.
- Pauli J. & Dijk R.A. (2016), Marriage as an end, or the end of marriage?: change and continuity in Southern African marriages, Anthropology Southern Africa 39(4): 257–266.
- Dijk R.A. van (2016), The tent versus lobola: marriage, monetary intimacies and the new face of responsibility in Botswana, Anthropology Southern Africa 39(4): 29-41.
- Krause K. & Dijk R.A. van (2016), Hodological care among Ghanaian Pentecostals: de-diasporization and belonging in transnational religious networks, Diaspora: a Journal of Transnational Studies 19(1): 97-115.
- Dekker M. & Dijk R.A. van (2010), Markets of well-being: navigating health and healing in Africa. African dynamics no. 9. Leiden: Brill.
- Prince R., Denis P. & Dijk R.A. van (2009), Introduction to special issue: engaging christianities: negotiating HIV/AIDS, health, and social relations in east and southern Africa, Africa Today 56(1): v-xviii.
- Dijk R.A. van (2009), Gloves in times of AIDS: Pentecostalism, Hair and Social Distancing in Botswana. In: Becker F. & Geizzler P.W. (Eds.), Aids and Religious Practice in Africa. Studies of Religion in Africa no. 36. Leiden, Boston: Brill. 283-306.
- Dijk R.A. van (2007), Testing nightscapes: Ghanaian Pentecostal politics of the nocturnal, Etnofoor 20(2): 41-57.
- Dijk R.A. van, Rasing T., Tellegen N. & Binsbergen W.M.J. van (2006), Een schijn van Voodoo. Culturele achtergronden van de handel in Nigeriaanse meisjes voor de Nederlandse prostitutie: een verkenning (vierde druk). Leiden: Afrika-Studiecentrum.
- Dijk R.A. van (2004), 'Beyond the rivers of Ethiopia': Pentecostal Pan-Africanism and Ghanaian identities in the transnational domain. In: , Situating globality: African agency in the appropriation of global culture. African dynamics no. 3. Leiden: Brill. 163-189.
- Dijk R.A. van & Sabar G. (2004), Editorial, Journal of Religion in Africa 34(4): 403-406.
- Dijk R.A. van (2004), Negotiating marriage: questions of morality and legitimacy in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora, Journal of Religion in Africa 34(4): 438-467.
- Binsbergen W.M.J. van & Dijk R.A. van (2004), Situating globality: African agency in the appropriation of global culture. African dynamics no. 3. Leiden: Brill.
- Binsbergen W.M.J. van, Dijk R.A. van & Gewald J.B. (2004), Situating globality: African agency in the appropriation of global culture: an introduction. In: Binsbergen W.M.J. van & Dijk R.A. van (Eds.), Situating globality: African agency in the appropriation of global culture. African dynamics no. 3. Leiden: Brill. 3-54.
- Dijk R.A. van, Rasing T., Tellegen N. & Binsbergen W.M.J. (2003), Een schijn van voodoo: culturele achtergronden van de handel in Nigeriaanse meisjes voor de Nederlandse prostitutie: een verkenning. Leiden: Afrika-Studiecentrum.
- Dijk R.A. van (2003), Localisation, Ghanaian Pentecostalism and the stranger's beauty in Botswana, Africa 73(4): 560-583.
- Dijk R.A. van (2002), Religion, reciprocity and restructuring family responsibility in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora. In: Bryceson D. & Vuorela U. (Eds.), The transnational family: new European frontiers and global networks. Cross-cultural perspectives on women. Oxford [etc.]: Berg. 173-196.
- Dijk R.A. van (2002), Localising anxieties: Ghanaian and Malawian immigrants, rising xenophobia, and social capital in Botswana. ASC Working Paper Series no. 49. Leiden: Afrika-Studiecentrum. [working paper].
- Dijk R.A. van (2002), Modernity's limits: Pentecostalism and the moral rejection of alcohol in Malawi. In: Bryceson D. (Ed.), Alcohol in Africa: mixing business, pleasure, and politics. Portsmouth: Heinemann. 249-264.
- Dijk R.A. van (2002), Ghanaian churches in the Netherlands: religion mediating a tense relationship. In: Kessel W.M.J. van (Ed.), Merchants, missionaries and migrants: 300 years of Dutch-Ghanaian relations. Amsterdam: KIT/Sub-Saharan Publishers. 89-97.
- Dijk R.A. van (2001), Contesting silence: the ban on drumming and the musical politics of Pentecostalism in Ghana, Ghana Studies 2001(4): 31-64.
- Dijk R.A. van (2001), 'Voodoo' on the doorstep: young Nigerian prostitutes and magic policing in the Netherlands, Africa 71(4): 558-586.
- Nijboer J., Vocks J. & Dijk R.A. van (2001), Sociale en culturele achtergronden van vrouwenhandel, Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 4(43): 390-401.
- Bruijn M.E. de, Dijk R.A. van & Foeken D.W.J. (2001), Mobile Africa: an introduction. In: Bruijn M.E. de, Dijk R.A. van & Foeken D.W.J. (Eds.), Mobile Africa: changing patterns of movement in Africa and beyond. African dynamics no. 1. Leiden: Brill. 1-8.
- Bruijn M.E. de, Dijk R.A. van & Foeken D.W.J. (2001), Mobile Africa: changing patterns of movement in Africa and beyond. African dynamics no. 1. Leiden: Brill.
- Dijk R.A. van, Reis R. & Spierenburg M. (2000), Introduction: beyond the confinement of affliction: a discursive field of experience. In: Dijk R.A. van, Reis R. & Spierenburg M. (Eds.), The quest for fruition through ngoma: political aspects of healing in southern Africa. London: James Currey. 1-11.
- Dijk R.A. van (2000), Secret worlds, democratization and election observation in Malawi. In: Abbink G.J. & Hesseling G.S.C.M. (Eds.), Election Observation and Democratization in Africa. Hampshire: MacMillan Press Ltd.. 180-210.
- Dijk R.A. van (2000), Afrikaanse gemeenschappen, religie en identiteit. Ghanese pinksterkerken in Den Haag. In: Kessel I. van, Tellegen N., Bergh E. van den & Etoundi Essamba A. (Eds.), Afrikanen in Nederland. Amsterdam / Leiden: KIT: KIT / African Studies Centre. 199-212.
- Dijk R.A. van (2000), Ngoma, born-again fundamentalism and contesting representations of time in urban Malawi. In: Dijk R.A. van, Reis R. & Spierenburg M. (Eds.), The quest for fruition through Ngoma: the political aspects of healing in Southern Africa. London: James Currey. 133-154.
- Dijk R.A. van (1999), The Pentecostal gift: Ghanaian charismatic churches and the moral innocence of the global economy. In: Fardon R., Binsbergen W.M.J. van & Dijk R.A. van (Eds.), Modernity on a shoestring: dimensions of globalization, consumption and development in Africa and beyond. Leiden [etc.]: EIDOS. 71-89.
- Dijk R.A. van & Rouveroy Van Nieuwaal E.A.B. van (1999), Introduction: the domestication of chieftaincy in Africa: from the imposed to the imagined. In: Dijk R.A. van & Rouveroy van Nieuwaal E.A.B. van (Eds.), African chieftaincy in a new socio-political landscape. Hamburg: LIT Verlag. 1-20.
- Dijk R.A. van (1999), Pentecostalism, gerontocratic rule and democratization in Malawi: the changing position of the young in political culture. In: Haynes J. (Ed.), Religion, globalization and political culture in the Third World. New York: St. Martin's Press. 164-188.
- Dijk R.A. van (1998), Pentecostalism, cultural memory and the state: contested representations of time in postcolonial Malawi. In: Werbner R. (Ed.), Memory and the postcolony: African anthropology and the critique of power. Postcolonial Encounters. London [etc.]: Zed Books. 155-181.
- Dijk R.A. van (1998), Spiegeling en verwonding: enkele bespiegelingen over Schoffeleers' tijdloosheid. In: Elias M. & Reis R. (Eds.), Getuigen ondanks zichzelf: voor Jan Mathijs Schoffeleers bij zijn zeventigste verjaardag. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing. 31-50.
- Dijk R.A. van (1997), From camp to encompassment: discourses of transsubjectivity in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora, Journal of Religion in Africa 27(2): 135-159.
- Dijk R.A. van & Pels P.J. (1996), Contested authorities and the politics of perception: deconstructing the study of religion in Africa. In: Werbner R. & Ranger T. (Eds.), Postcolonial identities in Africa. London: Zed Books. 245-270.
- Dijk R.A. van (1996), Foucault, hekserij en puritanisme in Malawi: een expressionistische kritiek op Douglas' 'grid/group' analyse, Focaal 28: 47-61.
- Dijk R.A. van (1995), Fundamentalism and its moral geography in Malawi: the representation of the diasporic and the diabolical, Critique of Anthropology 15(2): 171-191.
- Dijk R.A. van (1993), La guérisseuse du docteur Banda au Malawi, Politique Africaine 52: 145-150.
- Dijk R.A. van (1992), Young puritan preachers in post-independence Malawi, Africa 62(2): 159-181.
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