Rick van Well
- Name
- R.L. van Well MSc
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- r.l.van.well@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-7989-3862
Rick van Well is a researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Political Science.
Rick van Well is a researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Political Science at Leiden University. His main areas of research include government and parliament, political parties, electoral behaviour and local politics.
Van Well is coordinator of the Dutch Parliamentary Study 2025. This is a comprehensive study on the functioning of the Dutch parliament. For this eighth study in a series that started in 1968, all members of the Senate and House of Representatives are approached for a personal interview.
Furthermore, Van Well is involved in Dr Tom Louwerse’s research project Who Opposes? as a PhD candidate. His PhD study focuses on explanations of government-opposition relations in parliament.
As one of the Faces of Science of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), he regularly writes about his work as a young researcher in academia. Previously, Van Well was a researcher at ProDemos - House for Democracy and the Rule of Law. He completed a Bachelor in Political Science (2016) and a Research Master in Political Science and Public Administration (2018) at Leiden University.
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
- Well R.L. van (19 January 2024), Spannende tijden voor oppositie voeren. Faces of science: NEMO Kennislink. [blog entry].
- Well R.L. van (2024), Relations between local councillors and executive boards: conceptualisations, explanations and empirical evidence from the Netherlands, Local Government Studies : .
- Well R.L. van (18 September 2024), Waarom een PVV-minister voor ontwikkelingshulp is. Faces of Science: Nemo Kennislink. [blog entry].
- Well R.L. van (4 September 2023), 3 manieren om standpunten van politieke partijen te meten. NEMO Kennislink: Faces of Science. [blog entry].
- Well R.L. van (20 September 2023), Verkiezingsprogramma's doorvlooien om politieke standpunten te meten. NEMO kennislink: Faces of Science. [blog entry].
- Well R.L. van (28 September 2023), Gedrag in het parlement meten. NEMO Kennislink: Faces of Science. [blog entry].
- Louwerse T.P. & Well R.L. van (18 November 2023), Hoe representatief is de stemhulp die terugkijkt?. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Well R.L. van (2023), Explaining coalition parties’ differentiation strategies using parliamentary questions. 8th Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments 6 July 2023 - 8 July 2023.
- Louwerse T.P. & Well R.L. van (2023), Government-opposition distinctiveness in legislatures: a longitudinal analysis. Opposition Studies Conference 18 July 2023 - 18 July 2023.
- Well R.L. van (21 February 2023), Hoe je de landelijke politiek beïnvloedt met je provinciale stem. Faces of Science: NEMO Kennislink. [blog entry].
- Well R.L. van (11 January 2022), Hoe “eerlijk” zijn de ministersposten in Rutte IV verdeeld?. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Well R.L. van (2022), Review of: Fortunato D. (2021), The cycle of coalition: how parties and voters interact under coalition governance. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press. Party Politics 28(4).
- Well R.L. van (2022), Between conflict and consensus: explaining opposition parties’ voting behaviour in parliament.
- Well R.L. van (7 July 2022), Hoe voer je oppositie in Nederland?. Faces of Science: NEMO Kennislink. [blog entry].
- Otjes S.P., Nagtzaam M.A.M. & Well R.L. van (2022), Scrutiny and policymaking in local councils: how parties use council tools, Local Government Studies 49(5): 1110-1134.
- Well R.L. van, Otjes S.P. & Nagtzaam M.A.M. (14 October 2022), Analyse van raadsinstrumenten laat zien: ook in gemeenteraden heerst het monisme. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Well R.L. van (16 February 2021), Waarom onder Rutte het coalitieoverleg machtiger leek te worden dan de ministerraad. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Well R.L. van (31 August 2021), Wat ‘The Cycle of Coalition’ ons kan leren over de moeizame kabinetsformatie. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Well R.L. van (25 October 2021), Hoe realistisch is de ambitie voor een beknopt regeerakkoord?. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Well R.L. van (9 December 2021), Wat bepaalt het succes van politieke leiders? Schaduwleiders?. Stuk Rood Vlees. [blog entry].
- Well R.L. van (2021), Explaining relations between local councillors and the local executive : empirical evidence from Dutch local councils .
- Otjes S.P., Nagtzaam M.A.M. & Well R.L. van (2021), The use of parliamentary tools by local councillors.
- Vollaard J.P. & Van Well R.L. (2018), Getuigen of samenwerken? : De SGP in de politieke praktijk. In: Vollaard J.P. & Voerman G. (Eds.), Mannen van Gods Woord: De Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij 1918-2018. Verloren: Uitgeverij Verloren. 166-198.