Rens Tacoma
Associate Professor
- Name
- Dr. L.E. Tacoma
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2632
- 0000-0001-9387-1590

Rens Tacoma is a university lecturer at the Institute for History.
Spreekuur / Hours
Na afspraak / by appointment
Laurens Ernst (Rens) Tacoma (1967) studied History at Leiden University, where he graduated cum laude in 1994 in Ancient History. Having spent a year as visiting fellow in Columbia University, New York, he became a PhD at Leiden University in 1995, a position he combined later onwards with a position as Researcher at the Leiden Papyrological Institute. He defended his PhD-thesis on the urban elites of Roman Egypt in 2003. In 2003/2004 he was temporarily a lecturer in ancient history at Groningen University. Since then he has been Lecturer in Ancient History at Leiden University, researching and teaching in the field of Roman social history. From 2010 to 2014 he worked in the NWO-project Moving Romans. Urbanisation, migration and labour in the Roman Principate, a project which he helped to design and for which he stayed in the year 2013/4 as a Fellow at the Royal Dutch Institute in Rome (KNIR). In 2021 he became Senior Lecturer, and spent a semester as Visiting Professor at the KNIR. Over the years he has worked in many collaborative research projects with colleagues at Leiden and elsewhere. Since 2023 he is leading the NWO Open Competition project ‘Roman Fake News? Documentary Fictions in the Roman World’. He is series editor of Ancient Mobility and Migration from Bloomsbury Academic.
Fields of interest
Roman social history of the Roman world. The ancient city. Ancient economic and demographic history. Ancient migration and mobility. Roman political culture from the Principate to Late Antiquity. Documentary texts. Greek and Latin epigraphy, in particular Greek epigrams. Documentary fictions and fake news.
Tacoma’s research is situated at the interface of the analysis of documentary texts and Roman social history. He has worked and published on a wide variety of subjects, most notably local elites, migration and mobility, and political culture. Tacoma has written numerous articles, co-edited two edited volumes, and has thus far published three monographs.
Associate Professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Oude Geschiedenis
- Hekster O.J., Huliselan I.C., Kroes R. & Tacoma L.E. 9 April 2024, Analogie. Oog op de Oudheid 2. Rijksmuseum van Oudheden [podcast].
- Prins K., Huliselan I.C. & Tacoma L.E. (2024), 'Echt, de Romeinen meenden het goed.' Misleidde geschiedschrijver Josephus zijn lezers?, Geschiedenis Magazine 59(7): 33-36.
- Dijkstra E.C.A., Kraaijeveld N.J.C., Tacoma L.E. & Waerzeggers C. (2024), Venster op het verleden?: Romeinse archieven in de archival turn, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 137(3): 283-298.
- Tacoma L.E., Claes L.M.G.F.E. & Huliselan I. (2022), Propaganda: een modern begrip voor antieke praktijken, Amphora 41(1): xi-xiv.
- Tacoma L.E. & Claes L.M.G.F.E. (2022), Propaganda in de Grieks-Romeinse oudheid, Hermeneus 94(1): 4-11.
- Tacoma L.E. & Claes L.M.G.F.E. (2022), Propaganda in de Grieks-Romeinse oudheid, Hermeneus 94(1): 4-11.
- Tacoma L.E. (2022), Romeinse propaganda: de Res Gestae van Augustus tot Mussolini, Amphora 41(2): 19-22.
- Tacoma L.E., Burger J.P. & Huliselan I.C. (2022), Romeins nepnieuws ten tijde van Eusebius?: De Handelingen van Pontius Pilatus als documentaire fictie, Leidschrift 37(2): 17-34.
- Tacoma L.E. (2020), Roman Political Culture. Seven Studies of the Senate and City Councils of Italy from the First to the Sixth Century AD. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Tacoma L.E. (2020), Review of: Lendering J. & Hunink V. (2018), Het visioen van Constantijn. Een gebeurtenis die de wereld veranderde . Utrecht: Omniboek. Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 62: 59-61.
- Tacoma L.E. (2020) Eusebius’ constructie van de vroeg-Christelijke geschiedenis. Review of: Corke-Webster J. (2019), Eusebius and Empire. Constructing Church and Rome in the Ecclesiastical History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 133(3): 552-553.
- Tacoma L.E. & Tybout R.A. (2019), Inscribing Near Eastern mobility in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. In: Yoo J., Zerbini A. & Barron C. (Eds.), Migration and Migrant Identities in the Near East from Antiquity to the Middle Ages. London and New York: Routledge. 43-69.
- Tacoma L.E. (2018), 'The Labor Market'. In: Holleran C. & Claridge A. (Eds.), A companion to the city of Rome. Malden: Wiley Blackwell. 427-442.
- Groen M.J. & Tacoma L.E. (2017), The value of labour: Diocletian's Prices Edict. In: Verboven K. & Laes C. (Eds.), Work, Labour, and Professions in the Roman World. Impact of Empire no. 23. Leiden: Brill. 104-132.
- Tacoma L.E. & Lo Cascio E. (2017), Writing Migration. In: Lo Cascio E., Tacoma L.E. & Groen M.J. (Eds.), The Impact of Mobility and Migration in the Roman Empire. Proceedings of the Twelfth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Rome, June 17-19, 2015). Impact of Empire no. 22. Leiden: Brill. 13-24.
- Tacoma L.E. (2017), Bones, Stones, and Monica. Isola Sacra revisited. In: Lo Cascio E., Tacoma L.E. & Groen M.J. (Eds.), The Impact of Mobility and Migration in the Roman Empire. Proceedings of the Twelfth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Rome, June 17-19, 2015). Impact of Empire no. 22. Leiden: Brill. 132-154.
- Lo Cascio E., Tacoma L.E. & Groen M.J. (Eds.) (2017), The Impact of Mobility and Migration in the Roman Empire. Proceedings of the Twelfth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Rome, June 17-19, 2015). Impact of Empire no. 22. Leiden: Brill.
- Tacoma L.E. (2016), Moving Romans. Migration to Rome in the Principate. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Tacoma L.E. & Tybout R.A. (2016), Moving epigrams. Migration and mobility in the Greek East. In: Ligt L. de & Tacoma L.E. (Eds.), Migration and mobility in the Roman world. Leiden: Brill. 305-344.
- Tacoma L.E. (2016) More than a marshy space. Review of: Blouin K. (2014), Triangular Landscapes. Environment, Society, and the State in the Nile Delta under Roman Rule. Oxford Studies in the Roman Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Classical Review 66(2): 517-519.
- Ligt L. de & Tacoma L.E. (Eds.) (2016), Migration and mobility in the Roman world. Leiden: Brill.
- Ligt L. de & Tacoma L.E. (2016), Approaching migration in the Early Roman Empire. In: Ligt L. de & Tacoma L.E. (Eds.), Migration and Mobility in the Early Roman Empire. Leiden: Brill. 1-22.
- Tacoma L.E., Ivleva T. & Breeze D.J. (2016), Lost along the way: a centurion domo Britannia in Bostra, Britannia 47: 31-42.
- Tacoma L.E. (2015), Imperial wealth in Roman Egypt: The Julio-Claudian ousiai. In: Erdkamp P., Verboven K. & Zuiderhoek A. (Eds.), Ownership and exploitation of land and natural resources in the Roman world. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 71-87.
- Groen-Vallinga M.J. & Tacoma L.E. (2015), Contextualising condemnation to hard labour in the Roman Empire. In: Vito C.G. de & Lichtenstein A. (Eds.), Global convict labour. Leiden: Brill. 49-78.
- Tacoma L.E. (2015), Roman elite mobility. In: Fisher N. & Wees H. van (Eds.), ‘Aristocracy’ in antiquity. Redefining Greek and Roman elites. Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales. 125-146.
- Tacoma L.E. (2014), Migrants quarters at Rome?. In: Kleijn G. de & Benoist S. (Eds.), Integration in Rome and the Roman world. Leiden - Boston: Brill. 127-146.
- Oerlemans A.P.A. & Tacoma L.E. (2014), Three great killiers. Infectious disease and patterns of mortality in imperial Rome, Ancient Society 44: 213-241.
- Tacoma L.E. (2013) ‘Overlappende identiteiten in het Romeinse Rijk’. Review of: Boatwright M.T. (2012), Peoples of the Roman World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 126(1): 119-120.
- Tacoma L.E. (2012), Imperial Estates (Egypt). In: Bagnall R.S., Brodersen K., Champion C.B., Erskine A. & Huebner S.R. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Tacoma L.E. (2012), Settlement and population. In: Riggs C. (Ed.), Oxford Companion to Roman Egypt. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 122-135.
- Tacoma L.E. (2012) Antieke kindslaven tussen uitbuiting en affectie. Review of: Heinen H. (2012), Kindersklaven – Sklavenkinder. Schicksale zwischen Zuneigung und Ausbeutung in der Antike und im interkulturellen Vergleich. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 125(4): 582-583.
- Tacoma L.E. (2012) Babylonische beeldverwarring. Review of: Boiy T. (2010), Babylon. De echte stad en de mythe. Leuven: Davidsfonds. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 125: 398.
- Tacoma L.E. (2011), 'The councillor's dilemma. Political Culture in Third-Century Roman Egypt'. In: Alston R. & Nijf O.M. van (Eds.), Political Culture in the Greek City after the Classical Age. Leuven: Peeters. 243-262.
- Tacoma L.E. (2011), Autochtoon en allochtoon in Rome ten tijde van het Principaat, Hermeneus 83(2): 98-103.
- Tacoma L.E. (2010), Review of: Mennen I. (2010), Power and Status. Administration, appointment politics and social hierarchies in the Roman Empire no. 3. Nijmegen: dissertatie Nijmegen. Ex Tempore 29.3: 260-262.
- Tacoma L.E. (2008), Urbanisation and access to land in Roman Egypt. Alston R. & Nijf O. van (Eds.), Feeding the ancient Greek city. . Leuven: Peeters. 85-108.
- Tacoma L.E. (2008), Review of: Mueller K. (2006), Settlements of the Ptolemies: city foundation and new settlement in the Hellenistic world (Studia Hellenistica 43). Leuven: Peeters. Bibliotheca Orientalis 65: 653-656.
- Tacoma L.E. (2006), Fragile Hierarchies. The Urban Elites of Third-Century Roman Egypt. Leiden: Brill.
- Tacoma L.E. (29 October 2003), Fragile Hierarchies. The Urban Elites of Third Century Roman Egypt (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Versnel H.S.
- Kruit N., Rupprecht H.-A., Verhoogt A.M.F.W., Hengstl J. & Tacoma L.E. (Eds.) (2002), Berichtigungsliste der griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypten, Elfter Band. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Tacoma L.E. (1998), Replacement Parts for an Irrigation Machine of the Divine House at Oxyrhynchus, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik : 123-130.