Universiteit Leiden

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Regine Mulders

Communications Officer

R.C. Mulders MSc
+31 71 527 8093

Regine Mulders is a Marketing and Communications Officer at the Faculty of Humanities’ communication department. Her main responsibilities comprise the (international) marketing for bachelor’s programmes, in particular for International Studies and Urban Studies in The Hague. Besides this, internal communications for these programmes also form a part of her portfolio e.g. the coordination of the Newsletter of International Studies.

More information about Regine Mulders

Working days in The Hague:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Friday

Working days in Leiden:


Communications Officer

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Faculteitsbureau
  • Communicatie & Marketing

Work address

Herta Mohr
Witte Singel 27A
2311 BG Leiden
Room number 1.72


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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