Raymond Corbey
Professor emeritus Philosophy of Science and Anthropology
- Name
- Prof.dr. R.H.A. Corbey
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- r.h.a.corbey@arch.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-9787-0480

Raymond Corbey, a philosopher and anthropologist, is an emeritus professor of both Philosophy of Science and Anthropology in the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University.
Office days
On appointment.
Most of his research deals with human cognition, sociality, and cultural behaviour in an evolutionary perspective. A major focus here is the analysis of "domain assumptions" (implicit ontologies) guiding research in various anthropological disciplines, in particular cultural anthropology and evolutionary anthropology.
Corbey departs from the idea of "history and philosophy of science" and that of anthropology as an integrated, holistic, interdisciplinary discipline, emerging out of its four fields, engaging with both evolutionary and interpretative approaches, and - still one of its major challenges - struggling to work out how these two relate.
One of his research lines focuses on the reception and rebuttal of evolutionary analysis in 20th-century and present-day continental-European philosophy and in the humanities, for example in research on reciprocal exchange and on narrative meaning (in myth, ritual, art). One angle of approach here is ethnozoology, specifically the relations between folk taxonomies and scientific taxonomy (e.g., of primates and humans).
Another line of research concerns western representations and practices (stereotypes, photography, collecting, exhibiting, missions, iconoclasm) regarding nonwestern societies and, in particular, nonwestern ritual art. At the intersection of these two lines of research are such issues as the use of animal metaphors for cultural others and parallels between western domination over colonial others and human domination over (the rest of) nature.
Curriculum vitae
Born 1954. Dutch nationality. Holds degrees in Anthropology (BA), Psychology (BA) and Philosophy (BA, MA and PhD) - all from Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Attached to the School of Humanities of Tilburg University from 1990-2016 and, next to that, to Leiden University since 1995.
Visiting scholar for periods up to one year at the Husserl Institute of Leuven University (Belgium), the Smithsonian Institution (African Art/Natural History; Washington DC), the AHRC Centre for the Evolution of Cultural Diversity of University College London, and the Department of Anthropology of the University of British Columbia (Vancouver).
Regular advisorships to (mainly ethnological) museums and exhibitions in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, and Germany. Fellow of the Eugène Dubois Foundation (Eijsden, the Netherlands). Member of the Escadron des Pays-Bas de la Compagnie des Mousquetaires d’Armagnac.
Corbey also has a keen interest in animal behaviour and is a bird watcher.
PhD supervision
- David van Reybrouck. From primitives to primates: A history of ethnographic and primatological analogies in the study of prehistory. Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University 2000 (supervised with Prof. W.Roebroeks)
- Gerrit Dusseldorp. A view to a kill: Investigating Middle Palaeolithic subsistence using an optimal foraging perspective. Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University 2009 (supervised with Prof. W.Roebroeks)
- Erik van Rossenberg. Cultural landscapes, social networks and historical trajectories: A data-rich synthesis of Early Bronze Age networks (c. 2200-1700 BC) in Abruzzo and Lazio, Central Italy. Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University 2012 (supervised with Prof. H. Fokkens)
- Angus Mol. The connected Caribbean: A socio-material network approach to patterns of homogeneity and diversity in the pre-colonial period. Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University 2014 (supervised with Prof. C. Hofman)
- Eva Mol, Egypt in material and mind: The use and perception of Aegyptiaca in Roman domestic contexts of Pompeii. Leiden University 2015 (with Prof. M.J. Versluys)
- Steven Frost, The Altar of Primordial Treasure: Ritual, theater and community life in the Mountains of China’s Guizhou Province. Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University 2017 (supervised with Prof. B. ter Haar, Oxford University)
- Shumon Hussain. The French-Anglophone divide in lithic research: A plea for pluralism in palaeolithic archaeology. Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University 2019 (supervised with Prof. M. Soressi and Dr. K. Vaesen)
- Eva Paulsen. Everything has its jaguar: A narratological approach to conceptualising Caribbean Saladoid animal imagery. Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, 2019 (supervised with Prof. C. Hofman and Dr. Eithne Carlin)
- Joachim Nieuwland. Towards an interspecies health policy: Great Apes and the right to health. Faculty of Archaeology and Institute of Philosophy, Leiden University, 2020 (supervised with Dr B. Verbeek and Dr F. Meijboom, the latter of Utrecht University)
- Peter ten Hoopen. Ikat textiles of Timor and neighbouring isles: Insular or interwoven? (Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, 2021; supervised with Prof. P. ter Keurs)
Professor emeritus Philosophy of Science and Anthropology
- Faculteit Archeologie
- Archaeological Heritage
- Corbey R.H.A. (2024), Death and display: Kuba funerary art from the Congo River Basin. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Corbey R. (2024), Negeren filosofen de prehistorie? : Een reactie, Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 116(4): 407-414.
- Corbey R. (2022), Foreword. In: Urbani B., Youlatos D. & Antczak A. (Eds.), World archaeoprimatology: interconnections of humans and non-human primates in the past. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xvii-xix.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2021), Foreword. In: Malone N. (Ed.), The dialectical primatologist: the past, present and future of life in the hominoid niche. Abingdon: Routledge. v-ix.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2020), Snelnaam en doopnaam bij de Marind-Anim van Nieuw-Guinea, Tribale Kunst en Cultuur 8(2): 8-13.
- Corbey R. (2020), Baldwin effects in early stone tools, Evolutionary Anthropology 29(5): 237-244.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2019), Korwar: Northwest New Guinea ritual art according to missionary sources. Leiden: C. Zwartenkot Art Books.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2019), Wilfried van Damme: Kunsthistoricus en antropoloog, VVE Jaarboek (Vereniging Vrienden van Etnografica) 7: 20-27.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2018), Jurookng: Shamanic amulets from Southeast Borneo. Leiden: C. Zwartenkot Art Books.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2017), Raja Ampat ritual art: Spirit priests and ancestor cults in New Guinea’s far West. Leiden: Zwartenkot Art Books.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2017), Review of: Glynn Custred (2016), A history of anthropology as a holistic science. London: Lexington Books. Anthropos 2017(112): 660-661.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2016), Of jars and gongs: Two keys to Ot Danum Dayak cosmology. Leiden: Zwartenkot Art Books.
- Corbey R.H.A., Jagich A., Vaesen K. & Collard M. (2016), The Acheulean handaxe: More like a bird's song than a Beatle's tune?, Evolutionary Anthropology 25(1): 6-19.
- Corbey R.H.A. & Weener K. (2015), Collecting while converting: Missionaries and ethnographics, Journal of Art Historiography 12(June): .
- Corbey R.H.A. (2015), Review of "Aap zoekt zin: Waarom wij bewustzijn, vrije wil, moraal en religie hebben" by Pouwel Slurink (2015) and "The hermeneutic niche: Language within Darwinism " by Maurits in 't Veld (2015), Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 107(4): 466-469.
- Corbey R.H.A. & Damme W. van (2015), The European scholarly reception of "primitive art" in the decades around 1900, special of the Journal of Art Historiography 12 (June 2015). Journal of Art Historiography: University of Birmingham.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2014), Crows and jays [Review of the books The accidental species: Misunderstandings of human evolution, H. Gee, 2013, and The gap: The science of what separates us from other animals, T. Suddendorf, 2013], TLS: The Times Literary Supplement 2014(5799): 22.
- Corbey R.H.A. & Lanjouw A. (2013), Between exploitation and respectful coexistence. In: Corbey R.H.A. & Lanjouw A. (Eds.), The politics of species: Reshaping our relationship with other animals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-16.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2013), Habermas, Jürgen. In: McGee R.J. & Warms R.L. (Eds.), Theory in social and cultural anthropology: An encyclopedia. Thousand Oaks CA: SAGE. 371-374.
- Corbey R.H.A. & Lanjouw A. (2013), The politics of species: Reshaping our relationships with other animals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2013), 'Race' and species in the post-WW2 United Nations discourse on human rights. In: Corbey R. & Lanjouw A. (Eds.), The politics of species: Reshaping our relationships with other animals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 67-76.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2013), Ethnographic showcases, 1870-1930. In: Smart B., Peggs K. & Burridge J. (Eds.), Observation methods. London: SAGE. 338-369.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2012), 'Aping humans' en 'minding animals', De Academische Boekengids 93: 6-8.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2012), Ethnograpische Schaukästen: Multimediale Erzählmuster. In: Blanchard P. & et al. (Eds.), MenschenZoos: Schaufenster der Unmenschlichkeit. Hamburg: Les Éditions du Crieur Public. 117-135.
- Corbey R.H.A. & Mol A.A.A. (2012), 'By weapons made worthy': a Darwinian perspective on Beowulf. In: Collard M. & Slingerland E. (Eds.), Creating consilience: Integrating the sciences and the humanities. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 342-367.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2012), Homo habilis’s humanness: Phillip Tobias as a philosopher, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 2012(34): 103-116.
- Corbey R.H.A. & Stanley N. (2011), The Asmat Art Project / Proyek kesenian Asmat. In: Hoogerbrugge J. (Ed.), Asmat: Arts, crafts and people.. Leiden: Zwartenkot Art Books. 6-21.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2011), Woeker en verbijstering. In: Kampen H. van & Jaroszek T.E. (Eds.), Th.C.W. Oudemans 60. Leiden: Wallenbeeks Nieuwsbrief. 64-66.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2010), Etno-esthetica tussen geestes- en levenswetenschappen, Dante Magazine 2(2): 4-5.
- Corbey R. (2010), Headhunters from the swamps: The Marind Anim of New Guinea as seen by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, 1905-1925. Leiden: KITLV Press and Zwartenkot Art Books.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2010), De mens blijft verborgen: Helmut Plessner laveerde tussen Kant en Darwin, De Academische Boekengids 79: 9-11.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2009), Natuurlijke historie als exploratie en exploitatie. In: Sliggers B. & Allegaert P. (Eds.), De exotische mens. Gent: Lannoo. 67-76.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2009), The folk zoology of Southeast Asian wildmen. [Review of the book Images of the wildman in Southeast Asia. An anthropological perspective, G. Forth, 2008], The Newsletter - International Institute for Asian Studies 2009(52): 31-31.
- Roebroeks J.W.M. & Corbey R.H.A. (2009) Review of [Axe age: Acheulian tool-making from quarry to discard] by [N. Goren-Inbar and G. Sharon]. Review of: Goren-Inbar N. & Sharon G. (2006), Axe age: Acheulian tool-making from quarry to discard. London/Oakville: Equinox Publishing. Lithic Technology 34(1): 53-59.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2008), Honderdduizend doden. In: , Tijdreizigers: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden. 24-25.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2008), Marcel Mauss. In: Achterhuis H. & Sperna Weiland J. (Eds.), Kritisch Denkerslexicon. Diemen: Veen. 1-14.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2008), Metafisiche delle scimmie. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
- Amkreutz L.W.S.W. & Corbey R.H.A. (2008), An eagle-eyed perspective. Haliaetus albicilla in the Mesolithic and Neolithic of the Lower Rhine Area. In: Fokkens H. & et al. (Eds.), Between foraging and farming: An extended broad spectrum of papers presented to Leendert Louwe Kooijmans.. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia no. 40. Leiden: Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University. 167-181.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2007), Comment on "The once and future "apeman", 48(5): 645-646.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2007), Review of: Buskes C. (2006), Evolutionair denken: De invloed van Darwin op ons wereldbeeld. Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 99(2): 165-166.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2007), Bilderwelten, Mischwesen, Metamorphosen. In: Gaudzinski-Windheuser S., Höfer R. & Jöris O. (Eds.), Ganz Alt: Die Archaeologie des Eiszeitalters, umgesetzt von Otmar Alt. Mainz: Roemisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum. 12-13.
- Corbey R.H.A. & Roebroeks J.W.M. (2007), From shell beads to syntax [conference review of The Cradle of Language, University of Stellenbosch, November 2006], Anthropology Today 23(4): 24-26.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2007), Cultural Heritage: Trade. In: Middleton J. & Miller J.C. (Eds.), New Encyclopedia of Africa. Farmington Hills, MI: Charles Scribner's Sons and Thomson Gale. 458-461.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2007), Snellen om namen: De Marind Anim van New Guinea door de ogen van de Missionarissen van het Heilig Hart, 1905-1925. Leiden: KITLV - Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde with Zwartenkot Art Books.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2007), Anthropology. In: Beller M. & Leerssen J. (Eds.), Imagology: The cultural construction and literary representation of national characters. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi. 98-108.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2007), Menschen, Menschenaffen, Affenmenschen: Zur Geschichte der Idee der menschlichen Sonderstellung. In: Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgemeinschaft Tierethik Heidelberg (Ed.), Tierrechte: Eine interdisziplinaere Herausforderung. Erlangen: Harald Fischer Verlag. 54-70.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2006), Gorillas as Others, Gorilla Journal 32: 23-24.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2006), Doden doet leven: De kunst van mammoetsteppe en regenwoud in biologisch perspectief, De Academische Boekengids 59(november): 22-23.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2006), Homo reciprocans: Mauss, Hobbes en Darwin (inaugural lecture). Leiden: Leiden University.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2006), Laying aside the spear: Hobbesian w a r r e and the Maussian gift. In: Otto T., Thrane H. & Vandkilde H. (Eds.), Warfare and society: Archaeological and Social Anthropological Perspectives. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press. 29-36.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2005), Homo reciprocans: Hoe uitwisseling de samenleving constitueert, De Academische Boekengids 53(november): 9-10.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2005), The metaphysics of apes: Negotiating the animal-human boundary. Cambridge: University Press.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2004), Review of the book Why some apes became humans: Competition, consciousness and culture, by Pouwel Slurink (2002), Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 96(2): 162-163.
- Corbey R.H.A., Layton R. & Tanner J. (2004), Archaeology and art. In: Bintliff J. (Ed.), A companion to archaeology. London, New York: Blackwell. 357-379.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2004), The authenticity of Kamoro and Asmat art, Tribal Art 35(Summer): 72-75.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2004), Neandertal e Cro-Magnon: Due pesi e due misure?, Il Bollettino di Clio 92(15): 37-44.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2003), Het 'homo symbolicus' mensbeeld in de culturele antropologie. In: Zilfhout P. van (Ed.), Denken over cultuur. Heerlen: Open Universiteit. 279-304.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2003), Vetrine ethnografiche: Il racconto e lo sguardo. In: Lemaire S. & et al. (Eds.), Zoo Umani. Verona: Ombro Corte. 81-90.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2003), Iconoclasm and conversion. In: Nas P. & Persoon G. (Eds.), Framing Indonesian realities: Essays in symbolic anthropology in honour of Reimar Schefold: KITLV Press. 113-132.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2003), Review of the book "The ape and the sushi master: Cultural reflections by a primatologist" by Frans de Waal (2001), International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 17(1): 103-106.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2003), Darwin voor de socioloog, De Academische Boekengids (40): 14-15.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2003), Destroying the graven image: Religious iconoclasm on the Christian frontier, Anthropology Today 19(4): 10-14.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2002), From Lake Toba to Lake Sentani. In: Schefold R. & Vermeulen H. (Eds.), Treasure hunting? Collectors and collections of Indonesian artefacts. Leiden: Research School of Asian, African and Amerindian Studies (Mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde 30). 289-301.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2002), Image breaking on the Christian frontier. In: Latour B. & Weibel P. (Eds.), Iconclash: Beyond the image-wars in science, religion and art. Karlsruhe: Center for Art and Media. 69-71.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2002), Review of: O'Hanlon M. & Welsh R. (eds.), Hunting the gatherers: Ethnographic collectors, agents and agency in Melanesia, 1870s-1930s. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde 158: 104-105.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2002), Objects-in-motion. In: Vermeulen H. & Kommers J. (Eds.), Tales from academia: History of anthropology in the Netherlands no. 1. Saarbrücken: Verlag fuer Entwicklungspolitik. 995-1014.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2002), Naäpen bij mensapen, De Academische Boekengids (32): 4-6.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2001), Tijger, varken, baviaan: Mens-dier relaties in (inter-)cultureel perspectief, De Academische Boekengids (27): 7-8.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2001), Apes might well be self-conscious, free agents and more like us than we might think. In: Luizzi V. & McKinney L. (Eds.), New and old world philosophy. New York: Prentice Hall. 47-51.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2001), Negotiating the ape-human boundary. In: Beck B., Arluke A. & Stevens E.F. (Eds.), Great apes and humans: The ethics of coexistence. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. 163-177.
- Corbey R.H.A. & Roebroeks W. (2001), Biases and double standards in palaeoanthropology. In: Corbey R.H.A. & Roebroeks J.W.M. (Eds.), Studying human origins: Disciplinary history and epistemology. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 67-76.
- Corbey R.H.A. & Roebroeks W. (2001), Does disciplinary history matter? An Introduction. In: Corbey R.H.A. & Roebroeks J.W.M. (Eds.), Studying human origins: Disciplinary history and epistemology. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 1-7.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2001), ExitCongoMuseum: The travels of Congolese art, Anthropology Today 17(3): 26-28.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2001), Un bouclier trobriandais en Westphalie, Tribal VI(5): 132-133.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2000), Review of the books Interculturele communicatie en multiculturalisme: Enige filosofische voorbemerkingen, J. van Brakel, 2000; 'Culturen bestaan niet': Het onderzoek van interculturaliteit als het openbreken van vanzelfsprekendheden, W.J.M. van Binsbergen, 1999, Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 92(1): 112-113.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2000), On becoming human: Mauss, the gift and social origins. In: Vandevelde A. (Ed.), Gifts and interests. Leuven: Peeters. 157-174.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2000), Tribal art traffic: a chronicle of taste, trade and desire in colonial and post-colonial times. Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute.
- Corbey R.H.A. (2000), 'Arts Premiers' in the Louvre, Anthropology Today 16(4): 3-6.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1999), Archeologie en filosofie, Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 91(2): 95-111.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1999), Periodisations and double standards in the study of the Palaeolithic. In: Roebroeks W. (Ed.), Hunters of the Golden Age: The Mid-Upper Palaeolithic of Eurasia, 30.000-20.000 BP. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 77-86.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1999), African Art in Brussels, Anthropology Today 15(6): 11-16.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1998), Review of the book Heidegger en de wereld van het dier, B. Blans & S. Lijmbach, 1998, Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 90(2): 158-159.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1998), Theoretische Probleme zur Kognition, Sprache und Gesellschaft bei frühen Hominiden, EAZ : Ethnographisch Archeologische Zeitschrift 39: 321-333.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1998), De l'histoire naturelle à l'histoire humaine: Comment conceptualiser les origines de la culture?. In: Ducros A., Ducros J. & Joulian F. (Eds.), La culture est-elle naturelle? Histoire, épistémologie et applications récentes du concept de culture. Paris: Éditions Errance. 223-238.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1997), De prehistorie van het menselijk samenleven, Facta: Sociaal Wetenschappelijk Magazine 5(7): 2-6.
- Roebroeks J.W.M. & Corbey R.H.A. (1997), Ancient minds, Current Anthropology 38(4): 917-921.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1996), Asmat in Berlin (exhibition review), Anthropology Today 12(3): 21-23.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1996), De bedreiging van het menselijke monopolie, Filosofie Magazine 11(9): 44-45.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1996), Review of the book Helmuth Plessner oder die verkörperte Philosophie, H. Redeker, 1993, Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 88(1): 73-76.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1996), Roots, backgrounds and contexts of primatology, Primate Report (45): 29-44.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1996), Review of the book Les frères ennemis: René Caillois et Claude Lévi-Strauss, by M. Panoff, 1996, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 2(1): 178.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1995), Explaining human origins: An archaeological dialogue with Wiktor Stoczkowski, Archaeological Dialogues 2(1): 57-66.
- Corbey R.H.A. & Theunissen B. (1995), Introduction: Missing links, or the ape's place in nature. In: Corbey R.H.A. & Theunissen B. (Eds.), Evaluative Proceedings of the Symposium Ape, Man, Apeman: Changing views since 1600. Leiden: Department of Prehistory, Leiden University. 1-10.
- Corbey R.H.A. & Roebroeks W. (1995), Comment on M. Chazan, "The language hypothesis and lithic analysis", Current Anthropology 36(5): 759-759.
- Corbey R.H.A. & Mason P. (1994), Limited company, Anthrozoos VII(2): 90-102.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1994), Review of: Struyker Boudier H., Filosofische wegwijzer. Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 56: 154-156.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1994), Wie zijn wij? Archeologie en identiteit, Spiegel Historiael: Maandblad voor geschiedenis en archeologie 29(7-8): 272-275.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1994), Gift en transgressie: Kanttekeningen bij Bataille, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 56(2): 272-312.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1993), Freud et le sauvage. In: Blanckaert C. (Ed.), Des sciences contre l'homme, Volume II: Au nom du bien. Paris: Autrement. 83-103.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1993), Ambiguous apes. In: Cavalieri P. & Singer P. (Eds.), The great ape project: Equality beyond humanity . London: Fourth Estate. 126-136.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1993), Burgers en wilden: Negentiende-eeuwse interpretaties van cultuur, ras en evolutie. In: Breemen A. van (Ed.), Denken over cultuur: Gebruik en misbruik van een concept. Heerlen: Open Universiteit. 159-182.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1993), Etnografische verzamelingen: Retoriek en politiek, koloniaal en postkoloniaal. In: Breemen A. van (Ed.), Denken over cultuur: Gebruik en misbruik van een concept: Open Universiteit. 445-470.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1993), Review of the book Schriften aus dem Nachlass: Philosophie und Geschichte (Gesammalte Werke Bd. 4) by Max Scheler, 1990, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 55: 353-354.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1993), Ethnographic showcases, 1870-1930, Cultural Anthropology 8(3): 338-369.
- Corbey R.H.A. & Sleutels J. (1992), Darwin, Dilthey and beyond. In: , Tractrix no. 4 114-125.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1991), Review of: Ankersmit F. (1990), Op verhaal komen: Over narrativiteit in de mens- en cultuurwetenschappen. Antropologische Verkenningen 10(3): 75-76.
- Corbey R.H.A. & Leerssen J.T. (1991), Alterity, identity, image: Selves and Others in society and scholarship. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1991), Review of: Ankersmit F., Op verhaal komen. Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 83(4): 309-311.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1991), Freud's phylogenetic narrative. In: Corbey R.H.A. & Leerssen J.T.L. (Eds.), Alterity, identity, image: Selves and Others in society and scholarship. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 37-56.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1991), Kant als Erblasser der philosophischen Anthropologie. In: Nispen J. van & Tiemersma D. (Eds.), The quest for man: The topicality of philosophical anthropology / Die Frage nach dem Menschen: die Aktualität der philosophischen Anthropologie. Assen: Van Gorcum. 21-26.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1991), Review of: Jaarsma S.R. (1990), Waarneming en interpretatie: Vergaring en gebruik van etnografische informatie in Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea, 1950-1962. Antropologische Verkenningen .
- Corbey R.H.A. (1990), Fetisj/rariteit/kunst/artefact. In: Corbey R.H.A. & Grijp P. van der (Eds.), Natuur en cultuur: Beschouwingen op het raakvlak van antropologie en filosofie: Liber amicorum voor Ton Lemaire. Baarn: Ambo. 256-270.
- Corbey R.H.A. & Melssen F. (1990), Paters over Papoea's, Antropologische Verkenningen 9(1): 11-27.
- Corbey R.H.A. & Grijp P. van der (Eds.) (1990), Natuur en cultuur: Beschouwingen op het raakvlak van antropologie en filosofie (Liber amicorum voor Ton Lemaire). Baarn: Ambo.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1989), Review of the book Schriften aus dem Nachlass (Gesammelte Werke Bd. 3: Philosophische Anthropologie) by Max Scheler, 1987, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 51: 353-354.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1989), Wildheid en beschaving: De Europese verbeelding van Afrika. Baarn: Ambo.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1988), Aapmensen, mensapen, primitieven, De Gids 151(7-8): 504-513.
- Corbey R.H.A. (10 October 1988), De mens een dier? Scheler, Plessner en de crisis van het traditionele mensbeeld (Dissertatie, Archaeology, Leiden University) Nijmegen: Radboud University. Supervisor(s): Struyker Boudier C. & Verwey G.
- Corbey R.H.A. & Struyker Boudier C. (1987), Zur Scheler-Rezeption in den Niederlanden und in Belgien, Phänomenologische Forschungen 20: 150-161.
- Corbey R.H.A. & Struyker Boudier C. (1987), Review of: B.E. van Vucht Tijssen (1985), Uit de ban van de rede: Een confrontatie tussen de cultuur- en kennissociologische visies van Max Scheler en Max Weber. Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 49(1): 141-142.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1986), Plessner, Scheler en de menselijke geest, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 48: 49-65.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1985), Over de menselijkheid van vroege Hominidae, Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 77(2): 65-76.
- Corbey R.H.A. (1983), Max Schelers onmachtsthese, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 45: 363-387.
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