Pim Rank
Professor Private Law in particular Financial Law / Head of department
- Name
- Prof.mr. W.A.K. Rank
- Telephone
- 071 5278910
- w.a.k.rank@law.leidenuniv.nl

Pim Rank is a Professor of Financial Law at Leiden University and an Of Counsel at NautaDutilh in Amsterdam.
Studies and career
Since 1997, Professor Rank has combined academia with legal practice, from 1997 until September 2012 as a Professor of Banking and Securities Law at Radboud University in Nijmegen and since September 2012 as a Professor of Financial Law at Leiden University.
Both his academic work and practical experience focus on financial products, derivatives, netting and collateral enforceability, repos, securities lending, custody of securities, clearing and settlement, payments and payment services, cash management and regulatory supervision.
Professor Rank is the author of various books and articles on money, monetary obligations and payment, netting and set-off, and the custody of securities and asset segregation. He is a frequent speaker at seminars on banking and securities law. He is the original author of the ISDA Collateral Opinion for the Netherlands, the ISDA Cleared Opinion for the Netherlands, the ISDA CM Reliance Opinion for the Netherlands, the ISDA Client Reliance Opinion for the Netherlands and the ICMA/ISLA Opinions for the Netherlands and for Curaçao and Sint-Maarten.
Furthermore, Professor Rank was a member of the committee advising the Dutch government on bearer securities, he represented the Netherlands at the negotiations on the Hague Convention on the Law applicable to Securities held with an Intermediary and was a member of the EU Clearing & Settlement Legal Certainty Group. He also advised the Dutch government on legislation regarding the segregation of derivatives and on the effects of government intervention at financial institutions on netting enforceability in the event of a mandatory transfer or expropriation of such institution. He is a member of the P.R.I.M.E. Finance Management Board and a P.R.I.M.E. Finance Expert.
In 1996, Professor Rank obtained a Doctorate in Law from Leiden University. His thesis focused on money, monetary obligations and payment. He graduated from Leiden University in 1981 and worked as a lecturer at Leiden University until 1991. He joined NautaDutilh in 1991, becoming a Partner in 1997 and an Of Counsel in 2017.
Key publications
In Dutch:
Geld, geldschuld en betaling, diss. Universiteit Leiden, Kluwer 1996 (Money, Monetary obligations and Payment, PhD thesis 1996)
Bewaring en eigendom van effecten, pre-advies Vereniging voor Effectenrecht 1996, Kluwer 1997 (Custody and Ownership of Securities, pre-advice Securities Law Association 1996)
De (on)hanteerbaarheid van het Nederlandse recht voor de moderne financiele praktijk, inaugural lecture in Nijmegen 1998, Kluwer 1998 (The (Un)Suitability of Netherlands Law for Modern Financial Practice, Inaugural Lecture Nijmegen 1998)
Interventie bij banken en verzekeraars; rechten van crediteuren en wederpartijen, inaugural lecture in Leiden 2013, Boom Juridische uitgevers 2014 (Intervention at Banks and Insurance Companies; Rights of Creditors and Counterparties, Inaugural Lecture Leiden 2013)
Vermogensscheiding: a bird's eye overview in: Vermogensscheiding in de financiële praktijk, Uitgeverij Paris 2018, p. 11-60 (Asset segregation in the Fianancial Sector, Handbook 2018)
In English:
Custody of Securities in the Netherlands, in: Vertrouwd met de Trust, Kluwer 1996, p. 319-338
Cross Border Collateralisation in the Netherlands, in: Cross Border Collateralisation: Legal Risk and the Conflict of Laws, Butterworths 2002, p. 397-416 (with A.J. van der Lely)
Banking Regulation in the Netherlands, in: Regulation of Foreign Banks, Lexis Nexis 2005, p. 685-744 (with M.G.C.M. Peeters)
Harmonisation of National Security Rights, in: Divergences of Property Law, an Obstacle to the Internal Market?, Munchen 2006, p. 201-215
Security over Receivables; the Netherlands, in: Security over Receivables; an International Handbook, Oxford University Press 2008, p.351-366
Giral Payment, Set-off and Bankruptcy, in: The Past and Future of Money, Boom Juridische Uitgevers 2008, p. 121-131
The Netherlands: The Financial Crisis and The Government’s Response, in Global Financial Crisis; Navigating and Understanding the Legal and Regulatory Aspects, London, 2009, p.131-143
Repos and Securities Lending, in: Financial Law in the Netherlands, Kluwer Law International 2010, p. 303-334
Set-off in the Netherlands, in: Set-off Law and Practice; an International Handbook, Oxford University Press 2010, third edition 2018, p. 325-344 (with L.J. Silverentand)
International Secured Transactions in the Netherlands, in: International Secured Transactions, Thomson Reuters 2017, p. 22 C-1/22 C/31 (with Y. Diamant).
Professor Private Law in particular Financial Law / Head of department
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Privaatrecht
- Financieel Recht
Professor emeritus Private Law in particular Financial Law
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Privaatrecht
- Financieel Recht
- member Geographical Advisory Board
- Of Counsel
- lid redactie
- Lid Adviesraad
- Legal expert
- Voorzitter Redactieraad