Universiteit Leiden

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Pilar Jimenez Galindo


M.D.P. Jimenez Galindo MA
+31 71 527 1646

Fields of interest

  • Political, social and economic development
  • Ethnicity and Multiculturalism
  • Public policy and customized law
  • Human rights and politics of culture in Colombia and Latin America
  • Political and environmental conflicts
  • Judicialization of the Politics in Latin America


Born and raised in Colombia, I have been always puzzled by the different ways in which indigenous people interpret the world. My main interest is about the relation between the state and the indigenous groups especially those involved in a conflict and whose rights have been infringed. During three years in Colombia, I researched about the implementation of policies, especially related to ethno-education and development, and their impact on the Cosmo-vision (myth of origin) in indigenous people located in the eastern plains of the country. 
Along to this experience I witnessed some of the consequences of the armed conflict so my interest shifted towards this topic. During the following four years I researched about the overcoming of the forced displacement in different regions of the country (Bogota, Caribbean region and Amazon region), some of the main receptor spots of ID’s in the country. 

Currently I research about the response of the state to the consequences of the conflicts (both political and environmental) in Colombia, being force displacement the most devastating for the indigenous communities. I analyse how the policies concerning indigenous rights protection and rights restitution work in Colombia within the transitional justice process and the role of the judiciary in this matter.


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Institute for History
  • Geschiedenis diversen

Work address

Johan Huizinga
Doelensteeg 16
2311 VL Leiden
Room number 2.08a


  • No relevant ancillary activities -
  • International Constitution Center -
  • Vereniging Thorbecke -
  • Stichting Professor Mr. J.R. Thorbecke Leerstoel -
  • International Association for Legislation -
  • Thorbecke- en Bachienestichting -
  • Vrienden van de Juridische Faculteit -
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