Universiteit Leiden

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Pieter Kroonenberg

Professor by Special appointment emeritus Multivariate Analyse, in het bijzonder Driewegdata

Prof.dr. P.M. Kroonenberg
+31 71 527 2727

Academic Career

  • Professor emeritus (2014 – present)
  • Director The Three-Mode Company (2014 – present)
  • Lid Commissie Senior Kwalificatie Onderwijs (2019 – present)
  • Statistical consultant eNose Company (2015, 2016)
  • Professor of Multivariate analysis in particular of three-way data  - special chair (2004-2014)
  • Visiting professor, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, Paris, France (May 2010)
  • NIAS Fellow (2003/2004)
  • Visiting Fellow, Department of Education and Child Studies, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan (1996, 2001, 2003) 
  • Visiting Fellow, Department of Agriculture, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Australia (1991, 1995, 2002)
  • Visiting senior lecturer at the Department of Psychology, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Australia (1987/1988)
  • Statistical consultant Industrial Products Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan (February 1986)
  • PhD Social Sciences, Leiden University (supervisor J. de Leeuw) (1983)
  • Lecturer and research associate (senior lecturer from 1/1/1986) in statistics at the Institute of Education and Child Studies, Leiden University (1975-2014)
  • MSc Mathematics - statistics and numerical mathematics, Leiden University (1975)
  • BSc Mathematics, Leiden University (1972)
  • BSc Astronomy, Leiden University (1971)

Former teaching activities

  • Director of Master Thesis Lab FSW – (Scriptie-atelier)  (2007 – 2014)
  • Applied multivariate data analysis
  • Introduction to structural equation modelling
  • Praktijk van het empirisch onderzoek (Conducting and evaluating empirical research)
  • Data-analysis in research methods and statistics
  • Introduction to test theory
  • Onderzoekspracticum I and II
  • Three-mode data analysis workshops across the world

Research areas and activities

  • Three-way and multi-way data analysis, in particular three-mode principal component analysis. Website for three-mode data analysis
  • Modelling in multiway contingency tables
  • Consultancy in applied social science research and Ph.D. projects
  • Author of 3WayPack - a program suite for three-mode analysis
  • AsymTab - a program for asymmetric analysis of asymmetric tables.
  • Co-author of FISHER, a program for exact tests in contingency tables. Available from The Three-Mode Company

Selected publications

  • Kroonenberg, P.M. (2021, in press). Multivariate Humanities. New York, NY: Springer.
  • Kroonenberg, P.M. & Verbeek, A. (2018) The Tale of Cochran's rule: My contingency table has so many expected values smaller than 5. What am I to do? The American Statistician, 72, 175-183.
  • Van Ginkel, J. R. & Kroonenberg. P. M. (2014). Analysis of variance of multiply imputed data. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 49,78–91,
  • Kroonenberg, P.M. (2008). Applied multiway data analysis. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley
  • Kroonenberg, P.M., & Greenacre, M.J. (2005). Correspondence analysis. In S. Kotz, C.B. Read, N. Balakrishnan, & B. Vidakovic (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences [2nd Edition]. New York: Wiley. pp.1394-1403. 
  • Van IJzendoorn, M. H. & Kroonenberg. P.M. (1988). Cross-cultural patterns of attachment: a meta-analysis of the Strange Situation. Child Development, 59, 147-156.
  • Kroonenberg, P.M. (1983). Three-mode principal component analysis. Theory and applications . Leiden: DSWO Press. (Also doctoral dissertation). Now available as PDF on the website of The Three-Mode Company
  • Kroonenberg, P.M. (2005). Full text Inaugural Lecture (in Dutch).
  • Kroonenberg, P.M. (2014). Full text Farewell Lecture available from The Three-Mode Company

Professor by Special appointment emeritus Multivariate Analyse, in het bijzonder Driewegdata

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Faculteitsbureau
  • Emeriti FSW



  • No relevant ancillary activities
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