Piet Jan Slot
Emeritus professor European Substantive Law and Competition Law
- Name
- Prof.mr. P.J. Slot
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 8837
- p.j.slot@law.leidenuniv.nl

Piet Jan Slot taught European substantive law including competition law and state aid at the University of Leiden for more than twenty five years. He is also fellow of the Society for Advanced Legal Studies London and member of the Advisory Board, Common Market Law Review.
More information about Piet Jan Slot
Academic Experience
Prof. Slot taught European substantive law including competition law and state aid at the University of Leiden for more than twenty five years. He is the founder of the European Law LLM Program (now the European Business Law LLM Program) and was the director of the Europa Institute for more than twenty five years.
After being a member of the editorial board of the Common Market Law Review for twenty years, he is now member of the Advisory Board. He is member of the European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review as well as the Revista da Concurrencia.
He was visiting professor in Stanford University (2000-2001), Paris II, Panthéon-Assas (1997), Master of European Regulation of Network Industries, University of Bonn (2004 - 2011), visiting Jean Monnet professor at the Reinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn, Germany 1990 and 1996. In June 2012 he gave a presentation on “State Aid and Infrastructure” in Copenhagen for the government law firm Poul Schmith. In 2010, 2011 and 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015, he lectured in courses for judges in Spain, Portugal and Turkey. In 2015 he lectured on State Aid for the Chamber of Commerce in Ljubljana.
Advisory Experience
Prof. Slot has written many opinions for national court and arbitration procedures, for the General Court, the Court of Justice of the European Union as well as for major law firms.
He has been involved in a considerable number of high profile arbitration proceedings, in particular with Arnold & Porter LLP Brussels and Washington, White and Case LLP Brussels, London and New York, Mannheimer Swartling, Stockholm, Freshfields Paris, Cologne and Dusseldorf, Freget Tasso de Panfieu-avocats Paris and Weil, Gotshal & Manges. All assignments involved major arbitral disputes in Central European countries. In the arbitral dispute between AES v. Hungary and Electrabel v. Hungary, he assisted the Hungarian government. The first case was decided in favor of Hungary in September 2010. In addition, in AES case, the European Commission intervened as amicus, involves novel issues regarding the interaction of the Energy Charter Treaty and the EC Treaty's provisions regarding competition. In 2015 he assisted the Bulgarian government in the arbitral dispute between the Bulgarian government and EVN. In 2015 he advised the French electricity company Energie Direct in a state aid case.
In 2009 and 2010 he has advised the Nederlandsche Bank (the Dutch Central Bank) in matters relating to the state aid given to ING in the time of the financial crisis.
Has extensive experience in advising several national energy companies as well as foreign companies (EDF) on matters of European law in particular competition, state aid and energy law. He was for a number of years legal advisor to Gasunie (the National Gas Corporation of the Netherlands) as well as Statkraft (the national electricity company of Norway). In both positions the compatibility of long term contracts with EC law was a major issue of concern. In 2010 he advised E.ON in a dispute with the European Commission. He also advised the German Network Authority on trans-border electricity connections.
Main Publications in English (for a full publication list, please see the Annex):
- The application of the EU Merger Control rules to state owned enterprises, ECLR 2015 p 484
- International Competition Law, European Law Review, Vol 36 Issue 9, 2015
- Public Distortions of Competition: The Importance of Article 106 TFEU and the State Action Doctrine. In: Ulla Neergaard, Erika Szyszczak, Johan Willem van de Gronden and Markus Krajewski, Social Services of General Interest in the EU, Springer 2013, p.245-263
- EC State Aids, 4th edition Thomson Sweet & Maxwell, 2012, together with Leigh Hancher and Tom Ottervanger pp. 1 -908, i-xcviii pp.3-1179
- Arbitrating Competition Law Related Issues under Article 3 (1) (b) TFEU, 4 (3) TEU, and 106 TFEU, in: EU and US Antitrust Arbitration – A Handbook for Practitioners, edited by Gordon Blanke and Philip Landolt, 2011, Chapter 29, p 1019 – 1046
- The Past, Present and Future of Competition law in the European Union, in: A constitutional Order of States? – Essays in EU Law in Honour of Alan Dashwood, Hart Publishing, 2011, p 375 – 397
- Does the Tedeschi Principle also Apply in the Field of EU Competition Law? In: Today’s Multilayered Legal Order: Current Issues and Perspectives, Paris Legal Publishers, 2011, p 307 – 325
- The General Block Exemption for State Aid, in: Structure and Effects in EU Competition Law – Studies on Exclusionary Conduct and State Aid, Kluwer 2011, p 193 – 205
- The Energy Crisis, in: L’Union europeenne et les crises, Bruylant, 2010, p 87 – 104
- Free movement of persons between Turkey and the EU: the hidden potential of Article 41(1) of the Additional Protocol. CLEER Working Papers (pp. 1-19). The Hague: TMC Asser Instituut, Centre for the Law of EU External Relations.(Article in monograph or in proceedings) , Idriz, N.F. & Slot, P.J. 2010
- Public capital and private capital in the internal market. Madrid: FIDE. (External research report), 2010
- Recent developments in case law concerning free movement rights of persons under the EEC-Turkey Association Agreement. Turkey-EC Association Law: Developments Since Ankara Agreement (The Rights of EU Citizens in Turkey and of Turkish Citizens in the EU Countries (pp. 111-136). Istanbul: Koc University. (Article in monograph or in proceedings), Slot, P.J. & Idriz, N.F. 2010
Annex One
Publications in English in a chronological order:
- Technical and administrative obstacles to trade in the EEC, PhD dissertation Utrecht. Sijthoff, Leiden/ T.M.C. Asser Institute, Den Haag, 1975.
- National Regulation of maritime transport and international public law, In: Netherlands International Law Review, vol. 25, 1979, p. 329-346.
- Guidelines for maritime legislation. ESCAP, Bangkok 1982, 2nd ed. 1986, 3rd ed. 1992.
- Extra-territoriality and Jurisdiction. In: CML Rev (1986), 545 et seq.
- The application of Articles 3(f), 5 and 85 to 94 EEC, European Law Review, vol. 12, no.3, June 1987.
- Case 13/83, Shipping, Freedom to Provide Services and Non-discrimination. In: Europäische Verkehrspolitiek, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Tübingen 1987.
- Exploiting the internal market: co-operation toward 1992, edited by P.J. Slot and M.H. van der Woude, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, Deventer 1988.
- Toward a Community Air Transport Policy: The legal dimension, edited by P.J. Slot and P.D. Dagtoglou, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, Deventer 1989.
- Procedural Aspects of State Aids: the guardian of competition versus the subsidy villains? In: 27 CML Review (1990), 741-760.
- The Regulation of the Electricity Sector in the Netherlands. In: Energy Law '90; Changing Energy Packets - the Legal Consequences, Proceedings of the 9th Advanced Seminar on Petroleum, Mineral and Energy Resources Law of the International Bar Association, London, Graham and Trotman 1990.
- Procedure and Enforcement in E.C. and U.S. Competition Law, Proceedings of the Leiden Europa Instituut Seminar on User-friendly Competition Law, edited by P.J. Slot and A. McDonnell, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 1993.
- Relaunching the Debate on EC Energy Policy, Views from Industry, together with C. Egenhofer. A CEPS White Paper, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels, August 1993.
- Energy and competition. In: 31 CML Rev (1994), 511-54
- The institutional provisions of the EMU. In: Institutional dynamics of European integration, Essays in honour of H.G. Schermers, Vol. II, edited by D. Curtin and T. Heukels, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, 1994
- Festschrift fur Ulrich Everling; The concept of undertaking in EC Competition Law. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, augustus 1995, pp. 1413‑1426. Sonderdruck
- Long Term contracts from a national and EC perspective, in: ERA Trier – series of publications voluime 13 p. 95, Bundesanzeiger
- Case C‑18/93, Corsica Ferries Italia SRL v Corpo dei Piloti di Genoa, (Full Court) Judgment of 17 May 1994, ECR I‑1783, 32 Common Market Law Review (1995), 1287‑1294.
- Case C-194/94, CIA Security International SA v. Signalson SA and Securitel SPRL, (Full Court), judgment of 30 April 1996, n.y.r., 33 Common Market Law Review (1996), 1035-1050.
- Harmonisation of Law, 5 European Law Review (1996), 378-397.
- The enforcement of EC Competition Law in arbitral proceedings, 1 Legal issues of European integration (1996), 101-113.
- Competition and Public Service Obligations: The Example of the Energy Sector, in: Current and Future Perspectives on EC Competition Law, 14 European Monographs (1997), 109-120.
- Regulation of Prices in the Energy Sector of the EC; in: Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, March 1997, pp. 263‑282. Vol 15, no 3.
- Cases C-157/94, Commission v. Netherlands; C-158/94, Commission v. Italy; C-159/94, Commission v. France; C-160/94 Commission v. Spain; C-189/95, Harry Franzén, [1997] ECR 1-5699; I-5789, I-I-5815, I-5851, I-5909, in: 35 CMLRev. 1998, 1183-1203.
- The identity of the European Union from the perspective of third countries (Editorial comments). In: 36 CML Rev, 881-886, 1999.
- A. Sinnaeve & P.J. Slot, The new regulation on state aid procedures. In: 36 CML Rev, 1153-1194, 1999.
- Case C-367/95 P, Commission v. Chambre Syndicale Nationale (Sytraval), Judgment of the full court of 1998, [1998] ECR I-1719, and Case T-95/96, Gestevision Telecino S.A. v. Commission, judgment of the Court of First Instance of 1998, [1998] ECR II-3407, In: 36 CML Rev, 1335-1344, 1999.
- P.J. Slot & A.M.Skudder, The position of the complainant in EC State aid cases. In: Mélanges en hommage à Michel Waelbroeck, 1999, Brussel: Bruylant,
- State aid in the energy sector in the EC: The application of the market economy investor principle. In: S.Bilal and P. Nicolaides (eds.), Understanding Sate Aid Policy in the European Community, 143-157, 1999 Kluwer Law International.
- EC Policy on state aid: are the procedures User-Friendly? The rights of third parties. In: S.Bilal and P. Nicolaides (eds.), Understanding Sate Aid Policy in the European Community, 81-97, 1999 Kluwer Law International.
- EC State Aids, together with T. Ottervanger and L. Hancher, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 1999, 2 nd edition. Pp. 1-669
- P.J. Slot, Energy (Electricity and Natural Gas), In: The liberalization of State Monopolies in the European Union and Beyond. D. Geradin (Ed.), 23 European Monographs, Kluwer, 2000.
- P.J. Slot and A. Skudder, The Community Regulation of Ports and Airports. In: Judicial Review in International Perspective. Liber Amicorum in Honour of Lord Slynn of Hadley. Kluwer Law International, 2000.
- P.J. Slot, The impact of liberalisation on long-term energy contracts. In: Journal of Network Industries, nr. 3, 2000, pp. 287-303. Kluwer Law International.
- P.J. Slot & A.M. Skudder, Common features of community law regulation in the network-bound sectors, in CMLRev. 38: 87-129, 2001.
- Case T-102/96, Gencor Ltd. V. Commision, Judgment of the CFI of 25 March 1999, [1999] ECR II-753, 38 CMLRev. 1573-1586, 2001.
- P.J. Slot, L.Hancher and E.D.Cross, EC Energy Law, in: M.M. Roggenkamp, A.Ronne, C.Redgwell and Inigo del Guayo, eds. Energy Law in Europe, OUP, 2001, 213-320. 2 nd edition 2008
- P.J. Slot, B. van Bockel, A case of Borderline Schizophrenia? An interesting case of interaction between the rules of state aid and the competition rules in the Dutch downstream oil market. In: Das neue Energierecht in der Bewährung. Bestandsaufnahme und Perspectiven. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Professor Dr. Jürgen F. Baur. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 2002, Ulrich Büdenbender / Gunther Kühne (Hrsg.)
- A contribution to the Constitutional Debate in the EU in the light of the Tobacco judgment – What can be learned from the USA? In: European Business Law Review, 2002 VOL 13, number 1, pp 1-27
- Is decentralization of competition law enforcement dangerous? Drawing lessons from the US experience. In: International Antitrust Law & Policy, 2002, Fordham University School of Law, Chapter 5, pp. 101-114.
- Netherlands. In: Limits and control of competition with a view to International harmonization, J. Basedow (Ed.), Kluwer Law International, 2001, pp. 295-306.
- Case C-205/99, Asociación Profesional de Empresas Navieras de Líneas Regulares (Analir) and Others v. Administracíon General del Estado, Judgments of the Full Court of 20 February 2001, [2001] ECR I-1271. In: 40 CML Rev: 159-168, 2003.
- Case C-466/98, Commission v. United Kingdom; C-467/98, Commission v. Denmark; C-468/98, Commission v. Sweden; C-469/98, Commission v. Finland; C-471, Commission v. Belgium;, C-472/98, Commission v. Luxemburg; C-475/98, Commision v. Austria; C-476/98, Commision v. Germany. (Open skies judgments) with annotation by P.J. Slot and J. Dutheil de la Rochère. In: 40 CML Rev: 697-713, 2003.
- Applying the competition Rules in the Healthcare sector. In: European Competition Law Review, Vol 24: Issue 11 – November 2003, pp. 580-593
- Oral evidence. 20 January 2003. In: 17 th report of the House of Lords, Select committee on the European Union: “Open skies”or open markets? The effect of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) judgments on aviation relations between the European Union (EU) and the United States of America (USA). Session 2002-03. Pp. 1-6
- Overview of Sate Aids in the French Electricity Sector, together with N.Chebel-Horstmann, Oil, Gas & Energy Law, Vol I – issue 5, December 2003
- A view from the mountain: 40 years of developments in EC competition law, 41 CMLRev. 2004, 443-473
- Globalisation and Jurisdiction, ed. With Mielle Bulterman, Kluwer 2004.
- Harmonization of legislation on migrating EU citizens and third country nationals: towards a uniform evaluation framework? // Fordham International Law Journal (2006) nr. 4, pp 747-789. together with Mielle Bulterman
- An Introduction to Competition Law, together with Angus Johnson, Hart, Oxford, 2006, pp.1-367, i-xlvi
- EC State Aids, 3 rd edition Thomson Sweet & Maxwell, 2006, together with Leigh Hancher and Tom Ottervanger pp. 1 -908, i-xci
- Energy and Transport in Kapteyn/Verloren van Themaat, The law of the European Union and the European Community, 4 th ed. 2008,P.1176-1275
- The Energy Crisis, in: L’Union europeenne et les crises, Bruylant, 2010, p 87 – 104.
- Free movement of persons between Turkey and the EU: the hidden potential of Article 41(1) of the Additional Protocol. CLEER Working Papers (pp. 1-19). The Hague: TMC Asser Instituut, Centre for the Law of EU External Relations.(Article in monograph or in proceedings) , Idriz, N.F. & Slot, P.J. 2010.
- Public capital and private capital in the internal market. Madrid: FIDE. (External research report), 2010.
- Recent developments in case law concerning free movement rights of persons under the EEC-Turkey Association Agreement. Turkey-EC Association Law: Developments Since Ankara Agreement (The Rights of EU Citizens in Turkey and of Turkish Citizens in the EU Countries (pp. 111-136). Istanbul: Koc University. (Article in monograph or in proceedings), Slot, P.J. & Idriz, N.F. 2010.
- Arbitrating Competition Law Related Issues under Article 3 (1) (b) TFEU, 4 (3) TEU, and 106 TFEU, in: EU and US Antitrust Arbitration – A Handbook for Practitioners, edited by Gordon Blanke and Philip Landolt, 2011, Chapter 29, p 1019 – 1046.
- The Credit Crisis and the Community Efforts to deal with it. In: Revista de Concorrencia E Regulacao, July –September 2010
- The Past, Present and Future of Competition law in the European Union, in: A constitutional Order of States? – Essays in EU Law in Honour of Alan Dashwood, Hart Publishing, 2011, p 375 – 397.
- Does the Tedeschi Principle also Apply in the Field of EU Competition Law? In: Today’s Multilayered Legal Order: Current Issues and Perspectives, Paris Legal Publishers, 2011, p 307 – 325.
- The General Block Exemption for State Aid, in: Structure and Effects in EU Competition Law – Studies on Exclusionary Conduct and State Aid, Kluwer 2011, p 193 – 205.
- EC State Aids, 4th edition Thomson Sweet & Maxwell, 2012, together with Leigh Hancher and Tom Ottervanger pp. 1 -908, i-xcviii pp.3-1179
- Public Distortions of Competition: The Importance of Article 106 TFEU and the State Action Doctrine. In: Ulla Neergaard, Erika Szyszczak, Johan Willem van de Gronden and Markus Krajewski, Social Services of General Interest in the EU, Springer 2013, p.245-263
- Bilateral Treaties in the Field of Competition Law, in: The European Union in the World. Essays in Honour of Marc Maresceau, Martinus Nijhoff 2014, p. 399 -417
Publications in Dutch after 2000:
- Jaarverslag Nma en Dte over 1999. In: Markt & Mededinging, 2000/nr. 5, pp. 159-160.
- De Verordening procedureregels voor staatssteun, In: Markt & Mededinging, 2000/nr. 1, pp. 11-17.
- Recente ontwikkelingen in het publieke zeevervoersrecht. In: Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht, december 2000/ nr. 6. met J. Goossen.
- De Nederlandse Mededingingswet in perspectief. Deventer: Kluwer, 2000. met Ch.R.A. Swaak.
- Europees vrij verkeer versus polisvoorwaarden. In: Verzekering en maatschappij, T. Hartlief en M.M. Mendel (redactie), Deventer: Kluwer, 2000, pp. 343-370. met G.H.A.M. Straetmans.
- De luis in de pels? Statelijk antitrustbeleid in de Verenigde Staten, M&M 2001, 209-215.
- United States v. Microsoft, M&M 2001, 21-222.
- Inleiden in Leiden, maar waarin? Over de integratie van het recht van de Europese Unie/Gemeenschap in het juridisch onderwijs, in: It ain’t necessarily so, Opstellen aangeboden aan Prof. mr. H Franken, Kluwer 2001.pp.213-225.
- Het materiële recht van de Europese Gemeenschap, in: P.H.Kooijmans, “Internationaal Publiekrecht in vogelvlucht”, 9e druk, 2002, pp. 311-350.
- Life with an Idiot, in Mok-aria, Opstellen aangeboden aan Prof. mr. M.R. Mok, Kluwer Deventer 2002, 293-306.
- Harmonisatie van wetgeving in de EG, samen met G.Straetmans, TPR, 2003, 691-839.
- Mede-auteur van: Inleiding tot het recht van de Europese Gemeenschappen, Kapteyn – VerLoren van Themaat, voor de onderdelen vervoer, energie, euratom, industriepolitiek, onderzoek en technologische ontwikkeling en transeuropese netwerken, 4e, 5e, 6e druk 2003.
- Harmonisatie van wetgeving betreffende migrerende EU-burgers en derdelanders: op weg naar een uniform toetsingskader, samen met M.K. Bulterman, SEW 2005, blz. 346-362.
- Inleiding Mededingingsrecht. Den Haag: Boom juridische Uitgever,1e,2e, 3e, 4 e, 5 e en 6 e druk 2012. met Ch.R.A. Swaak
- Tekst en Commentaar, met J.K. de Pree, Mededingingswet tweede druk, 2008, pp. 1-1286.
- Tekst en Commentaar, Mededingingswet derde druk, 2014,, pp. 1- 22; 25-50, 83 - 94.
- Inleiding Europees Recht 2 e druk, samen met R. Barents. R.A. Lawson en J.Meeusen, Noordhoff uitgevers, 2008.
- Inleiding Mededingingsrecht. Den Haag: Boom juridische Uitgever, 6e druk 2012. met Ch.R.A. Swaak.
- Diverse annotaties over arresten van het Hof van Justitie van de EU in Ars Aequi, 2010, 2011, 2012 , 2013, 2014 en 2015
Emeritus professor European Substantive Law and Competition Law
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Europees Recht
- Rechter plaatsvervanger
- SER Commissie ISEA