Universiteit Leiden

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Piet Hein van der Graaf

Professor Systems Pharmacology

Prof.dr. P.H. van der Graaf
+31 71 527 2727

Piet van der Graaf was appointed as Professor of Systems Pharmacology in 2012. He is also Vice President and Head of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) at Certara.

More information about Piet Hein van der Graaf

Between 2013-2016, he was the Director of Research of the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR).

From 1999 – 2013 he held various leadership positions at Pfizer in Sandwich (United Kingdom) in Discovery Biology (Head of Sexual Health Therapeutic Area), Pharmacokinetics and Drug Metabolism (Head of Translational Quantitative Pharmacology) and Clinical Pharmacology/Pharmacometrics. He was involved in a large number of drug discovery and development programs in multiple therapeutic areas and responsible for the nomination of more than 10 clinical development candidates.  He holds several patents in the field of target discovery.

Between 1990-1994 he received his doctorate training in quantitative receptor pharmacology with Nobel laureate Sir James Black at King's College London and thereafter worked as a postdoctoral fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences at Leiden University on the development of mechanism-based pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PKPD) approaches. 

He is founding Editor-in-Chief of CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology, responsible for the successful launch of this new Open Access journal.

Piet is Fellow of the British Pharmacological Society, has (co-)authored more than 100 papers and book chapters in the area of quantitative and translational pharmacology and has given more than 100 lectures at international symposia and workshops. 

Piet is currently also member of the Expert Review Panel of the Singapore Biomedical Council Asset Review (A*STAR) and member of the Leo Foundation Nomination Committee.








Professor Systems Pharmacology

  • Science
  • Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
  • LACDR/Pharmacology


  • Immune Boost Capital Director
  • American Society for Clinical Pharmacology (ASCPT) Editor-in-Chief Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (CPT)
  • Leo Foundation Member Grant Review Committee
  • Certara Senior Vice President
  • Saltwood Consultants Consultancy
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