Petra de Bruijn
University Lecturer Turkish Studies
- Name
- Dr. P. de Bruijn
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2592
- 0000-0003-0492-8992

Petra de Bruijn teaches courses on Turkish literature, theatre, film and television drama at the department of Middle Eastern Studies of Leiden University. Her scholarly work focuses on nationalism in contemporary Turkish narrative culture.
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Leiden Islam Blog
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PhD candidates
Fields of interest
Turkish literature and performing art.
Dr. Petra de Bruijn obtained her PhD at Leiden University (1997) and she works at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies (LIAS) for the department of Middle Eastern Studies. She combines in her scholarly work research in the field of modern Turkish prose literature with research in the field of performing arts, especially modern Turkish theatre and Turkish film and television drama. Her current research concentrates primarily on the use of Islamic and nationalistic politics in Turkish television series. Between 2010 and 2021, she combined her scholarly work with a position as executive secretary of Leiden University Centre for the Study of Islam and Society (LUCIS). From 2010 to 2018 she has been involved in the Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies (NISIS) as executive secretary and from 2015-2018 as director ad interim. She has published on topics as diverse as the plays and novels of the Turkish author Adalet Ağaoğlu, the use of miniature painting as a post-modern technique in My name is red by Orhan Pamuk, the depiction of Islam in Turkish cinema and the use of politics in the television series of the Gülen Movement. In addition, she regularly contributes to the Encyclopaedia of Islam III, published by Brill. Moreover, she writes on topical issues for the Leiden Islam Blog and
1997: PhD in Turkish Studies at Leiden University (Dissertation: The Two Worlds of Eşber, Western Orientated Verse Drama and Ottoman Turkish Poetry by `Abdülhakk Hamid (Tarhan), supervisor: B.H. Flemming)
1988: MA in Turkish Studies at Leiden University
2010-present: Executive Secretary at LUCIS and NISIS
2004-present: Lecturer in Turkish Studies at Leiden University
1995-2004: Turkish Instructor at Leiden University
1989-1993: Research assistant at Leiden University (CNWS)
Key publications
2009: | Babushkas on a Turkish Beach: Postmodernist Elements in Adalet Agaoglu's Yazsonu. In Fenz, H. (Ed.) Strukturelle Zwange - Personliche Freiheiten. Osmanen, Turken, Muslime: Reflexionen zu gesellschaftlichen Umbruchen. Gedenkband zu Ehren Petra Kapperts (Structural Necessities - Personal Liberties. Ottomans, Turks, Muslims: Reflections on Social Upheavals. Memorial Volume in Honour of Petra Kappert) Vol. NF 21. Der Islam (pp. 47-64). Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter. |
2012: | Islam goes Hollywood. An exploratory study on Islam in Turkish cinema. Cinej Cinema Journal ISSN 2158-8724, pp. 20-41. |
University Lecturer Turkish Studies
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- Bruijn P. de (4 May 2023), Universitair docent Petra de Bruijn: 'Erdogan kan nog veel trucs uit de kast halen om deze verkiezingen te dwarsbomen'. Interviewed by Paul van Liempt for BNR's Big Five (BNR). [interview].
- Bruijn P. de (2 August 2022), Islamathemathica. Interviewed by Gideon Roggeveen for Radio Weetlust, aflevering 214 (Unity/Sleutelstad). [interview].
- Bruijn P. de (5 March 2016), Achtergrond: 'Turkije is hard op weg naar een autocratie'. Interviewed by Blokland Robbert. [interview].
- Bruijn P. de (22 June 2016), Petra De Bruijn over congres Interreligieuze Liefde. Interviewed by Terpstra IJsbrand for Science 071 (Sleutelstad Radio). [interview].
- Bruijn P. de (17 August 2016), Petra de Bruijn over Turkse James Bond. Interviewed by Slooten Lieuwe van for Science 071 (Sleutelstad Radio). [interview].
- Bruijn P. de (11 May 2016), Over Erik-Jan Zürcher die een onderscheiding heeft ingeleverd. Interviewed by Slooten Lieuwe van for Science 071 (Sleutelstad Radio). [interview].
- Bruijn P. de (2014), A Scandinavian Azrael. Re-emergence of Religiosity in Turkish Society through Soaps and Series. [lecture].
- Bruijn P. de (2014), Deep throat. Morality and politics through Turkish soaps and series. [lecture].