Peter Verhaar
Digital Scholarship Librarian
- Name
- Dr. P.A.F. Verhaar
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 8881
- 0000-0002-8469-6804

Peter Verhaar is Digital Scholarship Librarian and University Lecturer at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.
Fields of interest
My research focuses broadly on the various ways in which digital technologies transform and enhance scholarly practices in the Humanities. More specifically, I am interested in computer-assisted literary research, scholarly tools criticism, born-digital academic heritage, and scholarly publishing in the Humanities.
My PhD dissertation concentrated on the question of whether the tools and algorithms that have been developed in the field of data science can help us to interpret works of literature. To be able to explore the possibilities and the limitations of computer-based literary criticism at a practical level, I have conducted a case study which concentrated on the analysis of English poetry. As part of this case study, I have created software for the recognition and visualization of a number of widely used poetic techniques, such as rhyme, alliteration, enjambment, and onomatopoeia. My thesis has shown that quantitative analyses performed on data about literary devices can often reveal surprising qualities of poems, which can lead to new interpretative readings.
In one of my current research projects, I apply technologies in the field of text and data mining to develop metrics for determining the societal relevance of academic publications in the Humanities.
Lecturer, MA Book and Digital Media Studies, Leiden University
Digital Scholarship Librarian, Leiden University Libraries
Project Manager, Leiden University Libraries
Junior Lecturer and Research Assistant, Leiden University
Lecturer in Academic English, University of Amsterdam
BA and MA in English Language and Literature,Leiden University
I teach several courses about the technologies that we can use to search, visualize, and disseminate digital text. The course "Digital Text and Data Processing," for instance, is a basic introduction to text mining technologies. In this course, students are familiarized with the Python programming language, and learn how to use this technology to extract patterns from large text corpora. The course “Digital Media Technology” concentrates on the medium-independent markup of text through TEI and on the organization of digital content in relational databases. In 2018, I coordinated the course “Digital Access to Cultural Heritage,” which was organized in close collaboration with the National Library (KB) in The Hague. Additionally, I coordinate the course “From Gutenberg to Google” in the BA Minor “Boek, boekhandel en uitgeverij”.
University Lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Boekwetenschap
Digital Scholarship Librarian
- Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
- Collecties & Onderzoek
- Centre for Digital Scholarship
- Verhaar P.A.F. (2021), Opening new patterns from new disorders: a computational analysis of the poetry of Louis MacNeice. In: Bories A., Purnelle G. & Marchal H. (Eds.), Plotting Poetry. On Mechanically-Enhanced Reading no. 1: Presses Universitaires de Liège.
- Verhaar P.A.F. (2021), Unlocking Cultural Heritage during Lockdown and Beyond, TXT 2021: .
- Verhaar P.A.F. (2020), Opening up the black box: an analysis of the rationale of coding literacy, TXT : 9-21.
- Verhaar P.A.F., Companjen B.A., Donker van Heel K., Harmsen F.A.Z. & Archidona Ramírez J.J. (2019), Piloting the Abnormal Hieratic Global Portal. Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage (DATeCH) 2019, Brussels. 8 May 2019 - 10 May 2019. [conference poster].
- Verhaar P.A.F. (2018), Books without scent, shape or weight, TXT : .
- Schoots F., Sesink L., Verhaar P.A.F. & Frederiks F. (2018), Implementing a Research Data Policy at Leiden University, International Journal of Digital Curation 12(2): 256--265.
- Verhaar P.A.F., Schoots S.P., Sesink L. & Frederiks F. (2017), Fostering Effective Data Management Practices at Leiden University, LIBER Quarterly 27(1): 1-22.
- Verhaar P.A.F. & Sesink L.B.J. (2017), Wereldwijde toegang tot afbeeldingen. In: Verhaar P.A.F. & Sesink L.B.J. (Eds.), Handboek Informatiewetenschappen voor Bibliotheek en Archief: Springer Media B.V..
- Verhaar P. (2017), Towards a Methodology for Tools Criticism. .
- Verhaar P. (2017), Relations between data, algorithms and interpretation. .
- Verhaar P. (2017), The Library as a Centre of Expertise on Text and Data Mining. .
- Verhaar P. & Schoots S.P. (2017), Open Science in de hele onderzoekscyclus. .
- Verhaar P. (2017), The Heresy of Quantification. .
- Verhaar P.A.F. (2017) Een versmelting van theorie en technologie. Review of: Battershill Claire, Willson Gordon Elizabeth, Southworth Helen, Staveley Alice, Widner Michael & Wilson Nicola, Scholarly Adventures in Digital Humanities: Making the Modernist Archives Publishing Project.: Palgrave. Vooys: tijdschrift voor letteren .
- Verhaar P.A.F. (27 September 2016), Affordances and limitations of algorithmic criticism (Dissertatie. Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS), Humanities, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Weel A.H. van der & Dalen-Oskam K.H. van.
- Verhaar P.A.F. (2016), Grenzen aan het computationele lezen, Boeketje boekwetenschap : .
- Verhaar P.A.F. (2016), Fostering Effective Data Management Practices, Liber, Helsinki, 2016. .
- Verhaar P.A.F. (2015), Conjectures on Distance and Detail, TXT : .
- Verhaar P. (2015), Criticism by Numbers, TXT Launch 2015, Leiden, 2015. .
- Verhaar P. (2015), Quantitative Hermeneutics, Digital Humanities Benelux Conference, Antwerp, 2015. .
- Verhaar P.A.F. (2014), The costs of visibility, TXT (1) 2014: 63-33.
- Verhaar P. (2014), Peter Verhaar, Computational Criticism: Using Quantitative Methods for the Interpretation of Poetry, Digital Humanities Conference, Sheffield, 2014. .
- Verhaar P.A.F. (2011), Koppeling van objecten uit verschillende repositories, : 24-28.
- Verhaar P.A.F., Mitova M., Rutten P.W.M., Weel A.H. van der, Birnie F., Wagenaar A. & Gloerich J. (2010), Data Curation in Arts and Media Research. Utrecht: SURFfoundation.
- Verhaar P.A.F. (2010), Digitale bestanden overzichtelijk ordenen, InformatieProfessional 2010(6): 22-25.
- Verhaar P.A.F. & Vanderfeesten M. (2010), KE Usage Statistics Guidelines.
- Verhaar P.A.F. (2010), Sharing Tales of the Dutch Revolt in a Virtual Research Environment, Logos: The Journal of World Book Community 20(1-4): .
- Verhaar P.A.F. (2009), Encoded Archival Description voor de digitale toegang tot bibliotheekcollecties. In: , Handboek Informatiewetenschap voor bibliotheek en archief. Alphen aan de Rijn: Kluwer.
- Verhaar P.A.F. (2008), Report on Object Models and Functionalities. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Weel A.H. van der & Verhaar P.A.F. (2006), Book trade archives to book trade networks, Bibliologia 1: 151-166.