Peter Bruin
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. P.J. Bruin
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7142
- 0000-0002-1641-7818

Assistant professor
- Science
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Basold H., Bruin P.J. & Lawson D.R. (2024), The directed Van Kampen Theorem in Lean. Bertot Y., Kutsia T. & Norrish M. (Eds.), 15th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2024). 15th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2024) 9 September 2024 - 14 September 2024. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPICS) no. 309: Schloss Dagstuhl – LZI GmbH . 8:1-8:18.
- Bruin P.J. (2023), Extensions and torsors for finite group schemes, Expositiones Mathematicae 41(3): 514-530.
- Bruin P.J., Ducas L. & Gibbons S. (2023), Genus distribution of random q-ary lattices, Banach Center Publications 126: 137-159.
- Bruin P.J. & Najman F. (2022), Counting elliptic curves with prescribed level structures over number fields, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 105(4): 2415-2435.
- Bruin P.J. & Perucca A. (2021), Reductions of points on algebraic groups, II, Glasgow Mathematical Journal 63(2): 484-502.
- Bruin P.J., Derickx M. & Stoll M. (2021), Elliptic curves with a point of order 13 defined over cyclic cubic fields, Functiones et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici 65(2): 1191-197.
- Bruin P.J. & Ferraguti A. (2019), Strongly modular models of ℚ-curves, International Journal of Number Theory 15(3): 505-526.
- Bruin P.J. & Ferraguti A. (2018), On L-functions of quadratic Q-curves, Mathematics of Computation 87(309): 459–499.
- Bruin P.J. & Najman F. (2017), Fields of definition of elliptic curves with prescribed torsion, Acta Arithmetica 181: 85–95.
- Bruin P.J. & Najman F. (2016), A criterion to rule out torsion groups for elliptic curves over number fields, Research in Number Theory 2(3): 3.
- Bruin P.J. & Najman F. (2016), The growth of the rank of Abelian varieties upon extensions, The Ramanujan Journal 39(2): 259–269.
- Bruin P.J. & Najman F. (2015), Hyperelliptic modular curves X_0(n) and isogenies of elliptic curves over quadratic fields, LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics 18(1): 578–602.
- Bosman J.G., Bruin P.J., Dujella A. & Najman F. (2014), Ranks of elliptic curves with prescribed torsion over number fields, International Mathematical Research Notices 2014(11): 2885–2923.
- Bruin P.J. (2014), Explicit bounds on automorphic and canonical Green functions of Fuchsian groups, Mathematika 60(2): 257–306.
- Bruin P.J. (2013), Bornes optimales pour la différence entre la hauteur de Weil et la hauteur de Néron–Tate sur les courbes elliptiques sur Q, Acta Arithmetica 160: 385-397.
- Bruin P.J. (2013), Computing in Picard groups of projective curves over finite fields, Mathematics of Computation 82: 323-328.
- Bruin P.J. (2011), The Tate pairing for Abelian varieties over finite fields, Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 23(2): 323-328.
- Bruin P.J. (2011), Computing coefficients of modular forms, Publications Mathématiques de Besançon 2011: 19-36.