Peter Börnert
Professor by special appointment Experimental Clinical MRI
- Name
- Prof.dr. P. Börnert
- Telephone
- +31 71 526 9111
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Peter Börnert, studied physics at the Technical University of Dresden (Germany) receiving his Diploma degree in 1985. Then he joined the Academy of Sciences (Berlin) where he finished his PhD theses on 19F imaging in perfluorocarbones in 1990, moving after that on a post-doc position at the University of Bremen and worked on ultra-fast TSE imaging. In 1991, he joined Philips Research Hamburg working on a variety of methodological projects over a broad range of field strengths (0.01 – 7.0 T). He focused on fast and ultra-fast MRI acquisition techniques (EPI, spiral and UTE imaging), on RF pulse design, on parallel reception and parallel transmission. Philips Research promoted him to a Principal Scientist in 2001 being responsible for methodological innovations, supporting pre-clinical evaluation projects and future product integration. Peter Börnert’s scientific activity has resulted in more than 100 peer-reviews scientific papers, numerous patents and roughly 400 conference abstracts. He had the pleasure to work with many students (master and PhD degree) to support and supervise them. He is an active member of the ISMRM and helped to organise many international workshops and scientific meetings. He became an ISMRM Fellow in 2011. In May 2012 Peter Börnert became a Professor for experimental clinical MR at the LUMC, a challenge next to his Philips Research obligations. He is working in the Radiology Department of the LUMC and at the Groter centre for high field imaging pursuing different research activities. One direction is obesity imaging to reveal underlying mechanisms and consequences for the heart and the whole body. Another topic is ultra-short and zero TE imaging to visualise tissue components and structures that are invisible to conventional clinical MRI. On top of this he is interested in advanced sampling, motion compensation strategies and quantitative imaging (MR fingerprinting) to improve image quality in high field applications. More recently he started looking into the application of AI to MRI. These activities are conducted in very close collaboration with Groter centre aiming to pave the way for ultra high field clinical MRI to patient’s benefit.
Experimental clinical MRI
In May 2012 Peter Börnert became a Professor for experimental clinical MRI at the LUMC, a challenge next to his Philips Research obligations. He is working in the Radiology Department of the LUMC and at the Groter centre for high field imaging pursuing different research activities. One direction is obesity imaging to reveal underlying mechanisms and consequences for the heart and the whole body. Another topic is ultra-short and zero TE imaging to visualise tissue components and structures that are invisible to conventional clinical MRI. On top of this he is interested in advanced sampling, motion compensation strategies and quantitative imaging (MR fingerprinting) to improve image quality in high field applications. More recently he started looking into the application of AI to MRI. These activities are conducted in very close collaboration with Groter centre aiming to pave the way for ultra high field clinical MRI to patient’s benefit.
Professor by special appointment Experimental Clinical MRI
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 2
- Radiologie
- Riedel, M.; Setsompop, K.; Mertins, A. & Bornert, P. (2021), Segmented simultaneous multi-slice diffusion-weighted imaging with navigated 3D rigid motion correction, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 86(3).
- Dong, Y.M.; Koolstra, K.; Riedel, M.; Osch, M.J.P. van & Bornert, P. (2021), Regularized joint water-fat separation with B-0 map estimation in image space for 2D-navigated interleaved EPI based diffusion MRI, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 86(6).
- Rahmer, J.; Schmale, I.; Mazurkewitz, P.; Lips, O. & Bornert, P. (2021), Non-Cartesian k-space trajectory calculation based on concurrent reading of the gradient amplifiers' output currents, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 85(6): 3060-3070.
- Koolstra, K.; Bornert, P.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F.; Webb, A. & Dzyubachyk, O. (2021), Stochastic neighbor embedding as a tool for visualizing the encoding capability of magnetic resonance fingerprinting dictionaries, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 35.
- Koolstra, K.; O'Reilly, T.; Bornert, P. & Webb, A. (2021), Image distortion correction for MRI in low field permanent magnet systems with strong B-0 inhomogeneity and gradient field nonlinearities, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 34.
- Koolstra, K.; Webb, A.G.; Veeger, T.T.J.; Kan, H.E.; Koken, P. & Bornert, P. (2020), Water-fat separation in spiral magnetic resonance fingerprinting for high temporal resolution tissue relaxation time quantification in muscle, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 84(2).
- Bornert, P. & Norris, D.G. (2020), A half-century of innovation in technology-preparing MRI for the 21st century, British Journal of Radiology 93(1111).
- Koolstra, K.; Webb, A.G.; Veeger, T.T.J.; Kan, H.E.; Koken, P. & Bornert, P. (2020), Water-fat separation in spiral magnetic resonance fingerprinting for high temporal resolution tissue relaxation time quantification in muscle, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 84(2).
- Steinhoff, M.; Nehrke, K.; Mertins, A. & Bornert, P. (2019), Segmented diffusion imaging with iterative motion-corrected reconstruction (SEDIMENT) for brain echo-planar imaging, NMR in Biomedicine.
- Koolstra, K.; Gemert, J. van; Bornert, P.; Webb, A. & Remis, R. (2019), Accelerating compressed sensing in parallel imaging reconstructions using an efficient circulant preconditioner for cartesian trajectories, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 81(1): 670-685.
- Beenakker, J.W.M.; Wezel, J.; Groen, J.; Webb, A.G. & Bornert, P. (2019), Silent volumetric multi-contrast 7 Tesla MRI of ocular tumors using Zero Echo Time imaging, PLoS ONE 14(9).
- Koolstra, K.; Beenakker, J.W.M.; Koken, P.; Webb, A. & Bornert, P. (2019), Cartesian MR fingerprinting in the eye at 7T using compressed sensing and matrix completion-based reconstructions, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 81(4): 2551-2565.
- Koolstra, K.; Gemert, J. van; Bornert, P.; Webb, A. & Remis, R. (2019), Accelerating compressed sensing in parallel imaging reconstructions using an efficient circulant preconditioner for cartesian trajectories, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 81(1): 670-685.
- Koolstra, K.; Beenakker, J.W.M.; Koken, P.; Webb, A. & Bornert, P. (2019), Cartesian MR fingerprinting in the eye at 7T using compressed sensing and matrix completion-based reconstructions, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 81(4): 2551-2565.
- Koolstra, K.; Bornert, P.; Brink, W. & Webb, A. (2018), Improved image quality and reduced power deposition in the spine at 3 T using extremely high permittivity materials, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 79(2): 1192-1199.
- Brink, W.M.; Bornert, P.; Nehrke, K. & Webb, A.G. (2014), Ventricular B-1(+) perturbation at 7 T - real effect or measurement artifact?, NMR in Biomedicine 27(6): 617-620.
- Nehrke, K.; Versluis, M.J.; Webb, A. & Bornert, P. (2014), Volumetric B-1(+) Mapping of the Brain at 7T Using DREAM, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 71(1): 246-256.
- Eggers, H. & Bornert, P. (2014), Chemical Shift Encoding-Based Water-Fat Separation Methods, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 40(2): 251-268.
- Bornert, P.; Koken, P.; Nehrke, K.; Eggers, H. & Ostendorf, P. (2014), Water/Fat-Resolved Whole-Heart Dixon Coronary MRA: An Initial Comparison, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 71(1): 156-163.
- Wang, J.N.; Chen, H.J.; Maki, J.H.; Zhao, X.H.; Wilson, G.J.; Yuan, C. & Bornert, P. (2014), Referenceless Acquisition of Phase-Sensitive Inversion-Recovery with Decisive Reconstruction (RAPID) Imaging, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 72(3): 806-815.
- Gdaniec, N.; Eggers, H.; Bornert, P.; Doneva, M. & Mertins, A. (2014), Robust Abdominal Imaging with Incomplete Breath-Holds, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 71(5): 1733-1742.
- Sprinkart, A.M.; Nehrke, K.; Traber, F.; Block, W.; Gieseke, J.; Schmitz, G.; Willinek, W.A.; Schild, H. & Bornert, P. (2014), Ultrafast Volumetric B-1(+) Mapping for Improved Radiofrequency Shimming in 3 Tesla Body MRI, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 40(4): 857-863.
- Dzyubachyk Oleh, van der Geest Rob J., Staring Marius, Boernert Peter, Reijnierse Monique, Bloem Johan L. & Lelieveldt Boudewijn P. F. (2013), Joint Intensity Inhomogeneity Correction for Whole-Body MR Data, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 8149: 106-113.
- Versluis, M.J.; Sutton, B.P.; Bruin, P.W. de; Bornert, P.; Webb, A.G. & Osch, M.J. van (2012), Retrospective image correction in the presence of nonlinear temporal magnetic field changes using multichannel navigator echoes, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 68(6): 1836-1845.