Pelin Onar Valk
- Name
- Dr. P. Onar Valk
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9512

Pelin Onar Valk is a Lecturer at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies.
More information about Pelin Onar Valk
Fields of interest
- Sociolinguistics
- Intercultural communication
- Language contact
- Contact-induced change
- Multiculturalism
- Turkish
- Multi-/bi-lingualism
- Language acquisition
- Dutch Turkish
- Converging evidence
- Mixed methods research
- Faculty of Humanities
- Faculteitsbureau
- International Studies
- Onar Valk P. (2018), ‘Why do Turkish-Dutch bilinguals report like the Dutch do? Contact-induced change in Reported Speech of Dutch Turkish: Heading from indirect to a more direct speech type’. Turcologica, Studies on Turkic Structures and Language Contacts. In: Akıncı Mehmet Ali & Yağmur Kutlay (Eds.), Turcologica, Studies on Turkic Structures and Language Contacts no. 114: Harrassowitz.
- Onar Valk P. (27 May 2015), Transformation in Dutch Turkish Subordination? Converging evidence of change regarding finiteness and word order in complex clauses (Dissertatie, Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences, Tilburg University) no. 394: Tilburg University. LOT Dissertation series 394.. Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Backus Ad, Yağmur Kutlay.
- Onar Valk P. (2014), ‘Convergent Developments in Dutch Turkish word order: A comparative study using ‘elicited production’ and ‘judgment’ data: Converging evidence?’, Applied Linguistics Review 5(2): .
- Onar Valk P. & Backus A. (2013), ‘Syntactic change in an immigrant language: from non-finite to finite subordinate clauses in Turkish’, Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics; Areal linguistics, grammar and contacts 4(2): .
- Onar Valk P. (2013), ‘Dutch Turkish diverging from Turkey-Turkish: A judgment task study on how Dutch Turkish employs subordination and word order’, Working Papers of the Linguistics Circle of the University of Victoria 23(1): .
- Onar Valk P. (2012), Third Language Acquisition and Cross-Linguistic Influence: Language Transfer in English Word Order Acquisition of Turkish-Dutch Bilinguals. Is it from L1 or L2? (MA Thesis). Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
- Backus A., Doğruöz S., Onar Valk P. & Şahin H. (2012), ‘Talen staan nooit stil: hoe het Turks in Nederland vernederlandst’, Vaktaal. Tijdschrift van de Internationale Vereniging voor Neerlandistiek 24(4): .