Paz Gonzalez Gonzalez
University Lecturer
- Name
- Dr. P. Gonzalez Gonzalez
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2054
- 0000-0002-8352-8649

Paz Gonzalez Gonzalez is a University Lecturer at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics.
- SLA research
- Aspect and tense research; mainly from a crosslinguistic perspective
- Language (Spanish) variation
Teaching activities
- Introduction to Linguistics
- Sociolinguistics of Latin America
- SLA and bilingualism
- Fonology and Morphology
- Dialectology
- Research Methodology
Curriculum Vitae
1999 - 2003 | PhD researcher (AIO) at UiL OTS (Utrecht Instituut voor Linguïstiek, Onderzoek van Taal en Spraak), University of Utrecht |
1997 - 1998 | PhD researcher at HIL (Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
1994 - 1997 | M.A. Degree ( = ‘Doctorandus’) In Modern Linguistics, English Language and Literature, Universiteit van Amsterdam |
1991 - 1996 | M.A. Degree ( = ‘Licenciatura’) In Anglogermanic Philology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona |
2003 - present |
Instructor of linguistics (UD) at several departments (Linguistics, Latin American Studies and International studies), Universiteit Leiden |
2003 - 2005 | Instructor of linguistics and Spanish language at the Spanish department, Universiteit Amsterdam |
2003 | Instructor of linguistics at the Spanish department, Universiteit Utrecht |
University Lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P., Wal G.J. van der, Berruti C., Doorn V.T. van, Morozova I., Raesfeld Meyer J.M.M. von & Vorisek T.J. (2024), Using virtual reality for linguistic fieldwork, Semantic Fieldwork Methods 6(1): .
- Andringa S., Mos M., Beuningen C. van, Gonzalez Gonzalez P., Hornikx J. & Steinkrauss R. (2024), Diamond is a scientist’s best friend: counteracting systemic inequality in open access publishing, Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 13: .
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P., Arens S. & Simmonsz A. (2024), A way to collaborative learning in humanities: a student journal. EAPRIL 22 November 2023 - 24 November 2023 no. 9.
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P., Mayans D. & Berg H. van den (2022), Nominal agreement in the interlanguage of Dutch L2 learners of Spanish, IRAL 60(2): 363-382.
- Rodríguez Y., Elizaincín A. & Gonzalez Gonzalez P. (2022), The Spanish component of Falkland Islands English, English World-Wide 44(1): 118-145.
- Fuchs M. & Gonzalez Gonzalez P. (2022), Perfect-perfective variation across Spanish dialects: a parallel-corpus study, Languages 7(3): 166.
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P. & Salaberry R. (2022), Default past tense revisited, Book of Abstracts. 39o Congreso internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA) 27 April 2022 - 29 April 2022. Gáldar, 27/04/2022-29/04/2022: 39o Congreso internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA). 36-37.
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P. & Bruil M. (2021), The Ecuadorian Spanish benefactive and its inherent aspect: A reconstruction, Spanish in Context 18(3): 459-478.
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P. & Kleinherenbrink C. (2021), Target variation as a contributing factor in TAML2 production, Circulo de Linguistica Aplicada a la Comunicacion 87: 39-51.
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P., Diaubalick T. & Jong N.H. de (2020), Introduction: current visions of TAML2, Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 8(1): 1-4.
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P. & Diaubalick T. (2020), Subtle differences, rigorous implications: German and Dutch representation of tense-aspect features in SLA research of Spanish. In: Vogelaer G., Koster D. & Leuschner T. (Eds.), German and Dutch in Contrast: Synchronic, Diachronic and Psycholinguistic Perspectives. Konvergenz und Divergenz: Sprachvergleichende Studien zum Deutschen no. 11. Berlin: De Gruyter . 299–328.
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P., Yupanqui M.J. & Kleinherenbrink C. (2019), The microvariation of the Spanish perfect in three varieties, Isogloss 4(1): 115-133.
- Sun Y., Gonzalez Gonzalez P., Carmen Parafita Couto M. del, Mauder E., Child M.W., Díaz L. & Taulé M. (2019), La adquisición del aspecto en español por aprendices chinos, Circulo de Linguistica Aplicada a la Comunicacion (78): 287-315.
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P. & DIaubalick T. (2019), Task and L1 effects: Dutch students acquiring the Spanish past tenses, Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 8(1): 24-40.
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P. & Diaubalick T. (Eds.) (2019), Current Visions of TAML2. Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics no. 8. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
- Rodríguez Gutiérrez Y. V. & González Gonzalez P. (2019), Review and classification of Hispanicims in the English of the Falkland/Malvinas Islands. Language and Territory. 64TH Annual Conference of the International Linguistic Association, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina. , : .
- González P., Yupanqui M.J. & Kleinherenbrink C. (2019), The microvariation of the Spanish perfect in three varieties, Isogloss 4(1): 115-133.
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P. & Quintana Hernandez L. (2018), Inherent aspect and L1 transfer in the L2 acquisition of Spanish grammatical aspect, Modern Language Journal 102(4): 611-625.
- Bellamy K., Child M., Gonzalez Gonzalez P., Munteda A. & Parafita M. (Eds.) (2017), Multidisciplinary approaches to bilingualism in the Hispanic and Lusophole World. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P. & Yupanqui M.J. (2017), Microvariation of the Spanish Present Perfect [Spadisyn, Madrid, Spain, April 20-11 2017], : .
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P. & Diaubalick T. (2017), Subtle differences but rigourous implications: German and Dutch representation of tense-aspect features. Evidence from SLA [Germanic Sandwich, Munster, Germany, 16-18 March 2017], : .
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P. & Verkuyl H. (2017), A binary approach to Spanish tense and aspect: on the tense battle about the past, Borealis : An International Journal of Hispanic Linguistics 6(1): 97-138.
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P. (2016), Interlanguage of nominal agreement of Dutch L2 learners of Spanish [AAAL Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, April 2016], : .
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P. & Quintana L. (2016), Inherent Aspect and L1 transfer in the acquistion of Spanish as a second language [TAML2, York, UK, June 2016], : .
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P. & Diaubalick T. (2016), Differences in L1 effects between near related languages: the acquisition of the past tenses by German and Dutch learners of Spanish [TAML2, York, UK, June 2016], : .
- Sun Y. & Gonzalez Gonzalez P. (2016), The SLAof Spanish Aspect by Chinese Mandarin speakers [TAML2, York, UK, June 2016], Unknown Journal : .
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P. & Bruil M. (2016), The Ecuadorian Spanish benefactive and the inherent aspect of the verb [TAM-E in Paris, France, November 2016], : .
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P. & Quintana L. (2015), The role of aspectual features in aspectual interlanguage [BHL, Leiden, The Netherlands, 14-16 January 2015], : .
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P. & Quintana L. (2015), El uso de la morfología verbal de pasado en aprendices de español como segunda lengua [2nd colloquium: aspect and its acquisition in second languages, Sevilla, Spain, 20 May 2015], : .
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P. (2014), Understanding the SLA of aspec. [Colloquium: Aspect and its acquisition in second languages, Sevilla, Spain, 16 December 2014], : .
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P. (2013), A two-way predicational system is better than a four-way approach. In: Salaberry R. & Comajoan L. (Eds.), Research design and methodology in studies on second language tense and aspect. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 159-186.
- Salaberry M., Comajoan L. & Gonzalez Gonzalez P. (2013), Research findings and pedagogical practices on the teaching of L2 tense-aspect. In: Salaberry R. & Comajoan Ll. (Eds.), Research design and methodology in studies on second language tense and aspect. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 423-450.
- Gonzalez Gonzalez P. (2013), The Microvariation of aspectual grammaticalization [International Workshop: The syntactic variation of Catalan and Spanish Dialects, Barcelona, Spain, 26-27 June 2013], : .
- González P. (2011), A two-way predicational system is better than a four-way approach Year: 2013. In: Salaberry R. (Ed.), Research design and methodology in studies on second language tense and aspect: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Cornips L., Hulk A., Reijers C. & Gonzalez Gonzalez P. (2010), When semantics meets morpho-syntax. The role of count/mass feature in acquiring HET as definite determiner in monolingual and bilingual Dutch, Linguística: Revista de Estudos Linguísticos da Universidade do Porto (6/7): 75-89.
- González P. (2008), Towards an effective instruction on aspect, International Review of Applied Linguistics 46(2): .
- González P. (2006), Argentina: Language situation. In: , Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. UK: Elsevier.
- González P. (2006), Andorra: Language Situation. In: , Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. UK: Elsevier.
- Doetjes J.S. & González P. (Eds.) (2006), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2004. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- González P. (2005), Distribución de los morfemas de aspecto gramatical en interlenguaje, Actas del II Congreso de la Región Noroeste de Europa de la Asociación de Lingüística y Filología de América Latina (ALFAL). .
- González P. & Olga Borik (2001), Comparing aspectual systems, Linguistics in the Netherlands : .
- González P. (1998), Learning a third language in a second language environment, Toegepaste taalwetenschap in artikelen 59: 31–40.
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