Universiteit Leiden

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Paul Gobée

O.P. Gobée arts
+31 71 526 6673

Paul Gobée is a physician, anatomy teacher and e-learning developer. Since 2000, he has developed the successful series of interactive e-learning lessons CASK (Clinical Anatomical Skills), for medical students and for anatomy training for surgeons. He also developed the website anatomicalterms.info, the entrance exam system Preclass and the CASK virtual microscopy viewer. In addition to developing digital education, he provides (physical) education on the anatomy of the chest and abdomen. He won the Leiden University Education Award in 2023. He was also nominated twice for the Prof. Tammeling Award for best LUMC teacher. He is a member of the Leiden Teachers Academy. Since 2015, he has been committed to Open Educational Resources (OER). He received three grants from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science for this purpose. With this, he set up the AnatomyTOOL platform for open anatomy learning materials together with other anatomy departments in the Netherlands and Flanders. Together with colleagues and students he collected thousands of open anatomical images and practice questions on AnatomyTOOL. With the anatomy department, he co-developed the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) 'Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis; a journey from basis to clinic'. Since 2022, he has been working with 4 universities on an open human anatomical 3D model. For his efforts in open education, he won a SURF Education Award and the public award in 2024.

More information about Paul Gobée

Paul Gobée is a physician, anatomy teacher and e-learning developer. Since 2000, he has developed the successful series of interactive e-learning lessons CASK (Clinical Anatomical Skills), for medical students and for anatomy training for surgeons. He also developed the website anatomicalterms.info, the entrance exam system Preclass and the CASK virtual microscopy viewer.

In addition to developing digital education, he provides (physical) education on the anatomy of the chest and abdomen. He won the Leiden University Education Award in 2023. He was also nominated twice for the Prof. Tammeling Award for best LUMC teacher. He is a member of the Leiden Teachers Academy.

Since 2015, he has been committed to Open Educational Resources (OER). He received three grants from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science for this purpose. With this, he set up the AnatomyTOOL platform for open anatomy learning materials together with other anatomy departments in the Netherlands and Flanders. Together with colleagues and students he collected thousands of open anatomical images and practice questions on AnatomyTOOL. With the anatomy department, he co-developed the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) 'Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis; a journey from basis to clinic'. Since 2022, he has been working with 4 universities on an open human anatomical 3D model. For his efforts in open education, he won a SURF Education Award and the public award in 2024.

  • Faculteit Geneeskunde
  • Divisie 4
  • Anatomie en Embryologie
  • No relevant ancillary activities
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