Paul Corstjens
- Name
- P.L.A.M. Corstjens
- Telephone
- +31 71 526 9111

- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Cel en Chemische biologie
- Dijk J.H.M. van, Hooij A. van, Groot L.M., Geboers J., Moretti R., Verhard-Seymonsbergen E., Jong D. de, Marel G.A. van der, Corstjens P.L.A.M., Codée J.D.C. & Geluk A. (2021), Synthetic Phenolic Glycolipids for application in diagnostic tests for leprosy, ChemBioChem 22(8): 1487-1493.
- Brouwers G.J., Vijgenboom E., Corstjens P.L.A.M., Vrind J.P.M. de & Vrind-de Jong E.W. de (2000), Bacterial Mn2+ oxidizing systems and multicopper oxidases: an overview of mechanisms and functions, Geomicrobiology Journal 17(1): 1-24.
- Marin F., Corstjens P.L.A.M., Gaulejac B. de, Vrind-de Jong E.W. de & Westbroek P. (2000), Mucins and molluscan calcification - Molecular characterization of mucoperlin, a novel mucin-like protein from the nacreous shell layer of the fan mussel Pinna nobilis (Bivalvia, Pteriomorphia), Journal of Biological Chemistry 275(27): 20667-20675.
- Brouwers G.J., Corstjens P.L.A.M., Vrind J.P.M. de, Verkamman A. & Kuyper M. de (2000), Stimulation of Mn2+ oxidation in Leptothrix discophora SS-1 by Cu2+ and sequence analysis of the region flaning the gene encoding putative multicopper oxidase MofA, Geomicrobiology 17: 25-33.
- Brouwers G.J., Vrind J.P.M. de, Corstjens P.L.A.M., Cornelis P., Baysse C. & Vrind-de Jong E.W. de (1999), CumA, a gene encoding a multicopper oxidase, is involved in Mn2+ oxidation in Pseudomonas putida GB-1, Applied Environmental Microbiology 65: 1762-1768.
- Vrind J.P.M. de, Brouwers G.J., Corstjens P.L.A.M., Dulk J. den & Vrind-de Jong E.W. de (1998), The cytochrome c maturation operon is involved in manganese oxidation in Pseudomonas putida GB-1, Applied Environmental Microbiology 64: 3556-3562.
- Corstjens P.L.A.M., Kooij A. van der, Linschooten C., Brouwers G.J., Westbroek P. & Vrind-de Jong E.W. de (1998), GPA, a calcium-binding protein in the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi (prymnesiophyceae), Journal of Phycology 34: 622-630.
- Brouwers G.J., Vrind J.P.M. de, Corstjens P.L.A.M. & Vrind-de Jong E.W. de (1998), Involvement of genes in the two-step protein secretion pathway in the transport of the manganese-oxidizing factor across the outer membrane of Pseudomonas putida GB-1, American Mineralogist 83: 1573-1582.