Paul Adriaanse
- Name
- Mr. P.C. Adriaanse
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727

Paul Adriaanse is a practising lawyer and parttime Associate Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law at Leiden University.
Paul Adriaanse is a practising lawyer and parttime Associate Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law at Leiden University.
General information
Before he worked as Assistant Professor at Leiden University and as Ph.D. researcher at VU University Amsterdam. In 2006 he graduated from this university with a Ph.D. thesis on Enforcement of EC law in situations of Unlawful State Aid. He studied at the VU University Amsterdam and obtained the degree of MA in Constitutional and Administrative Law, as well as in Private Law.
He also studied at the Université de Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne). He holds the degree of LL.M in Comparative, European and International Legal Studies from the European University Institute in Florence. He participates in the research programme The Legitimacy and Effectiveness of Law & Governance in a World of Multilevel Jurisdictions. Paul Adriaanse is an expert on issues of enforcement in the field of EU State aid law. He is the co-ordinator of the Leiden Expert Group on State Aid (LEGSA) and he often teaches in State aid courses for legal professionals.
Handhaving van EG-recht in situaties van onrechtmatige staatssteun (Enforcement of EC law in situations of unlawful State aid, written in Dutch with English summary), Deventer: Kluwer 2006 (ISBN-nummer 9013032753). Supervisors: Prof. H.J. de Ru and Prof. J.A. Winter.
This research raises the important question what contribution could be made by private parties, such as competitors of State aid recipients, to the enforcement of EC (EU) law in situations of unlawful State aid, by relying on directly effective provisions of Community law in procedures before national courts, in addition or as an alternative to public enforcement by the Commission.
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Staats- en Bestuursrecht
- Advocaat