Universiteit Leiden

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Pascale Ehrenfreund

Professor Astrobiology

Prof.dr. P. Ehrenfreund
+31 71 527 5737

Pascale Ehrenfreund holds degrees from the University of Vienna (Master of Science degree in Molecular Biology; PhD in Astrophysics, Habilitation in Astrochemistry) and Webster Leiden (Master of Art degree in Management and Leadership). She was the first woman president of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and was elected as CEO for German Aerospace Center, which makes her the first woman to lead a major research facility in Germany.

More information about Pascale Ehrenfreund

Ehrenfreund's intrest lies in Interstellar Chemistry, Interstellar and Solar System ices, Organic molecules in comets and meteorites and Astrobiology.

Her expertises are the characterization of cosmic dust in the laboratory with spectroscopic techniques and analytical methods relevant to interstellar chemistry and Solar System research, astronomical observations (optical, IR, mm) of ices and organic material in interstellar and circumstellar regions and the comparison of organics in the interstellar medium, comets and meteorites; Analysis of meteorites; Prebiotic chemistry.


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Professor Astrobiology

  • Science
  • Sterrewacht
  • Sterrewacht

Work address

Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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