Universiteit Leiden

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Pascal Flohr

Digital Scholarship Librarian

Dr. P. Flohr
+31 71 527 2727

Pascal Flohr is a Digital Scholarship Librarian with the Centre for Digital Scholarship (CDS), Leiden University Libraries. She is part of the Research Data Management team and is the community manager of the Leiden Data Management Network. Like the other team members, she gives training and advice about multiple aspects of data management, such as writing Data Management Plans.

Pascal worked as research data management specialist at DANS-KNAW and has a background as a researcher. She studied Near Eastern archaeology in Leiden and did her PhD in archaeological science in Reading, UK. After this several postdocs followed at the Universities of Reading, Oxford, and Kiel, Germany, with the common theme of past human-environment interactions in Southwest Asia (or the ancient Near East). Data management and training also played a role in these postdocs and in 2022 Pascal returned to the Netherlands to focus more on these topics.

Digital Scholarship Librarian

  • Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
  • Collecties & Onderzoek
  • Centre for Digital Scholarship

Work address

University Library
Witte Singel 27
2311 BG Leiden
Room number 0.28


  • . Cyprus University of Technology. Limassol, Cyprus. [conference attendance]. Congresdeelname
  • ex oriente lux editor Phoenix
  • University of Oxford, School of Archaeology visiting researcher
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