Universiteit Leiden

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Pao-Yi Yang


Dr. P.Y. Yang MA
+31 71 527 2727

Pao-Yi Yang is a lecturer at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.

More information about Pao-Yi Yang

Pao-Yi Yang completed her PhD at Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society in 2021. Titled Framing China: Performativity and Narrative in Museum Displays of Chinese Porcelain, her dissertation explores how display techniques affect the meanings and values attributed to Ming and Qing porcelain as part of museum narratives of transculturation, appropriation, domestication, and exoticization.

Her research interests include the museum presentation of Chinese art, museum histories as reflected in changing display strategies, and the interplay between exhibition narratives and viewing experiences. She has written articles on and reviews of Chinese art, museum histories, and the interplay between exhibition designs and viewing experiences. Her ORCID ID is https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6734-2687.  

List of publications:


2021 “The Trans-Border Arrangement of Ming Pilgrim Flasks and the Narrative of Transculturation in the British Museum,” Museum and Society 19(1): 32-47.


2021 “Harmony and Simplicity: Aesthetics of Display of the Royal Asian Art Society’s Collection,” Aziatische Kunst, 51(3): 22-29.

2021 “The Changing Presentations in the Rijksmuseum’s Gallery of Honor (1885-2013),” Artist 549: 340-343 (in Chinese)

2014 “On the Relationship between Sutra and Pagoda Building,” The National Palace Museum Monthly of Chinese Art 373: 74-85 (in Chinese)

Exhibition Review:

Forthcoming 2022 “The Rijksmuseum’s Slavery Exhibition,” Journal of Visual Communication

2021 “Mauritshuis’ Fleeting—Scents in Colour,” Artist 556: 196-203 (in Chinese)

2017 “The World of Enlightenment: Constructing a Sense of Ritual Scene,” Curator: The Museum Journal 60(4): 527-540


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Centre for the Arts in Society
  • KG Moderne beeldende kunst

Work address

Arsenaalstraat 1
2311 CT Leiden


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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