Universiteit Leiden

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Pablo Isla Monsalve

University Lecturer

Dr. P.A. Isla Monsalve
+31 71 527 2061

Pablo Isla Monsalve is a university lecturer at the Institute of History.

More information about Pablo Isla Monsalve

Pablo Isla Monsalve conducted his graduate studies in Law at the University of Concepción, Chile. He obtained his Law Degree in 1996 and his professional title of lawyer in 1998. He received an MPhil Degree in Latin American Studies at Leiden University in 2007. He also earned a Master’s Degree of Latin American Linguistics at Leiden University in 2011, and his doctor title in 2012.


Fields of interest

- Nation building in Latin America
- Cultural and national identity and biopolitical issues
- Discourse and biopolitical issues
- Juvenile delinquency and citizen security in Latin America
- Spanish Linguistics and sociolinguistics


Teaching activities

1. Nation building in Latin America
2. Modernity in Latin America
3. Research techniques in Latin America
4. Research Seminar Modern History in Latin America



Dr. Pablo Isla Monsalve has worked as researcher in the design, implementation, and systematization of interdisciplinary research and community intervention projects. This took place in areas such as democratization, human rights, civil and political rights, citizens’ security and developmental cooperation, in Chilean public and private institutions as well as foreign organizations. He has also worked as lawyer in lobbying, advocacy and projects consulting in areas such as juvenile delinquency, domestic violence, gender equity and sexual and reproductive rights, in programmes developed by public and private academic institutions in Chile. He is currently doing research on the fields of immigration, integration, and social participation.
His doctoral thesis Orden y Patria es nuestro lema. Construcción de alteridad en la gramática del legalismo y del enemigo interno en Chile (2012), is an analyse of the discourse about alterity and the figure of the internal enemy in historical perspective in Latin America.

University Lecturer

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Institute for History
  • Latijns-Amerika studies

Work address

Reuvensplaats 3-4
2311 BE Leiden
Room number 1.03


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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