Otto Spijkers
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. O. Spijkers
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9500
- 0000-0003-4384-314X

Otto Spijkers is assistant professor of international and European law at Leiden University College (LUC), Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs of Leiden University. Before joining Leiden University College, Otto was professor of international law at Wuhan University’s China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies as well as its Research Institute of Environmental Law. Prior to joining Wuhan University, he worked at the Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law and Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea of Utrecht University, Netherlands. He wrote his doctoral dissertation, entitled The United Nations, the Evolution of Global Values and International Law, at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies of Leiden University.
Assistant professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Leiden University College
- Pinto e Netto L.C. & Spijkers O. (29 October 2024), Het Internationaal Gerechtshof en de Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken adviseren Nederland over het beleid ten aanzien van het Israëlisch-Palestijns conflict [The International Court of Justice and the Advisory Council on International Affairs advise the Netherlands on policy regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.]. Nederland Rechtsstaat. Tilburg (Tilburg University). [blog entry].
- Spijkers O. (2024), Introduction to the Collection of Papers on Reparations. The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence.
- Spijkers O. (2024), De F-35-zaak en het Genocideverdrag, Ars Aequi : .
- Spijkers O. & Zhang F. (2024), Teaching to Wuhan in the Time of Corona. In: Gauci J.P. & Sander B (Eds.), Teaching International Law: Reflections on Pedagogical Practice in Context.
- Spijkers O. (25 September 2024), Legal consequences for all United Nations Member States arising from the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on Israel’s policies and practices in the Palestinian Territories. [blog entry].
- Spijkers O., Wentholt N. & Mustafić A. (12 September 2024), F35-zaak voor de Hoge Raad der Nederlanden. Nederland Rechtsstaat. [blog entry].
- Spijkers O. (2 August 2024), Juridische gevolgen voor Nederland voortvloeiend uit het beleid en de praktijken van Israël in de Palestijnse gebieden. Nederland Rechtsstaat. [blog entry].
- Trittenbach J., Dorsey J. & Spijkers O. (15 February 2024), Dutch Appeals Court Blocks Deliveries of F-35 Parts to Israel: Overview, Analysis and Initial Reflections. Opinio Juris. [blog entry].
- Spijkers O. (5 January 2024), Summary Proceedings About the Delivery from the Netherlands of Parts for F-35 Fighter Planes to Israel: Part I. Opinio Juris. [blog entry].
- Spijkers O. (5 January 2024), Summary Proceedings About the Delivery from the Netherlands of Parts for F-35 Fighter Planes to Israel: Part II. Opinio Juris. [blog entry].
- Spijkers O. (7 August 2024), Climate Anxiety in Human Rights Teaching. Human Rights Here. [blog entry].
- Spijkers O. (17 January 2024), Rechtstreekse werking en reflexwerking van Artikel I Genocideverdrag in de Nederlandse rechtsorde. Nederland Rechtsstaat. [blog entry].
- Pinto E Netto L.C. & Spijkers O. (12 November 2024), A piece of advice: why the Dutch Government needs to respond to advice given by the ICJ and AIV. Verfassungsblog. [blog entry].
- Spijkers O. (2023), United Nations General Assembly request for an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the obligations of States in respect of climate change, Chinese Journal of Environmental Law 7(1): 13-18.
- Spijkers O. (2023), Internationale erkenning van een mensenrecht op een schoon leefmilieu: Een gewenste juridisch-filosofische wending of toch niet?, Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 115: 305-309.
- Tigre M.A. & Spijkers O. (2023), Introduction to the Special Issue on Climate Litigation, Chinese Journal of Environmental Law 7: 163-171.
- Rieu-Clarke A. & Spijkers O. (2023), Checklist for Assessing the International Law Applicable to Transboundary Hydropower. Northumbria University: Northumbria University.
- Kong L., Maes F., Qin T. & Spijkers O. (2022), ‘Water Law as Environmental Law’: An Introduction to the Special Issue, Chinese Journal of Environmental Law 6: 117-123.
- Spijkers O. (10 December 2022), "New" human rights and human dignity. AsianSIL Voices: Asian Journal of International Law: Cambridge University Press (AsianSIL Voices - Asian Journal of International Law). [blog entry].
- Spijkers O. (2022), Application of world law by international courts and tribunals to protect the environment. In: , The environment through the lens of international courts and tribunals: T.M.C. Asser Press. 685-707.
- Shi Y. & Spijkers O. (2022), Review of: Chang V.K.L. (2020), Forgotten diplomacy: the modern remaking of Dutch-Chinese relations. Boston: Brill Nijhoff. Asian Journal of International Law 12(2): 421-422.
- Spijkers O. & Yu C. (2022), Global change and the development of sustainable floating cities: regulatory and legal implications. In: , Routledge handbook of marine governance and global environmental change: Routledge. 275-285.
- Spijkers O. & Devlaeminck J.D. (2022), Layers of regulation in transboundary water governance: exploring the role of third states in the Lancang–Mekong, Water International 47(1): .
- Lin F., Spijkers O. & Plank P. van der (2022), Legal framework for sustainable floating city development: a case study of the Netherlands. In: , Lecture notes in civil engineering: Springer Singapore. 433-460.
- Spijkers O. (2022), Participation of local actors in the governance of the Silala, New Zealand Yearbook of International Law : 133-152.
- Tang K. & Spijkers O. (2022), The human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment, Chinese Journal of Environmental Law 6(1): 87--107.
- Spijkers O. (2022), The influence of climate litigation on managing climate change risks: the pioneering work of the Netherlands courts, Utrecht Law Review 18(2): 127-144.
- Spijkers O. (2021), Chapter X.16: sustainability and international water law. In: , Volume X: Water Law. Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Spijkers O. (2021), Climate litigation as global law, The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence : .
- Spijkers O. (2021), Equity across generations in implementing international law on water. In: Cordonier Segger M.C., Szabó M. & Harrington A.R. (Eds.), Intergenerational justice in sustainable development treaty implementation advancing future generations rights through national institutions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 705-730.
- Spijkers O. (2021), Friends of the Earth Netherlands (Milieudefensie) v Royal Dutch Shell, 5(2): 237-256.
- Spijkers O. (2021), Legal monuments for Srebrenica in the Hague, Utrecht Journal of International and European Law 36(2): 118-126.
- Spijkers O. (2021), Participation of non-State actors and global civil society in international environmental law-making and governance. In: , Research handbook on international environmental law: Edward Elgar Publishing. 45-61.
- Spijkers O. (2021), Priority of uses in international water law, Sustainability 13(3): 1-15.
- Spijkers O. & Lubbe W.D. (2021), Taking stock of United Nations and African Union constitutionalism, African Journal of International and Comparative Law 29(1): 62-81.
- Spijkers O., Werner W.G. & Wessel R.A. (2021), The phenomenon of yearbooks in international law: an introduction. In: , Netherlands yearbook of international law: T.M.C. Asser Press. 1--6.
- Spijkers O. (2021), Value-based norms as the foundation for the pursuit of health in global solidarity. In: Murase S & Zhou S. (Eds.), Epidemics and International Law.
- Spijkers O. (2021), Wereldrecht, sekai-hō, en world law, Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis 2021(1): 5-14.
- Spijkers O. (2021), World law’s modern master builders. In: , Furthering the Frontiers of International Law: Sovereignty, Human Rights, Sustainable Development: Brill | Nijhoff. 336--359.
- Spijkers O Meerssche DVD (2021), ‘There Was an Idealism that This Information is Useful’—The Origins and Evolution of the Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, Netherlands Yearbook of International Law : 239--252.
- Spijkers O., Misiedjan D., Foot C. & Rijswick M. van (2020), Editorial for localising the sustainable human right to water, Utrecht Law Review 16(2): 1-6.
- Spijkers O. (2020), Een nieuwe dageraad van het wereldrecht, Podium voor bio-ethiek 27(3): .
- Pihl E., Alfredsson E., Bengtsson M., Bowen K., Cástan Broto V., Chou K., Cleugh H., Ebi K., Edwards C., Fisher E., Friedlingstein P., Godoy-Faúndez A., Gupta M., Harrington A., Hayes K., Hayward B., Hebden S., Hickmann T., Hugelius G., Ilyina T., Jackson R., Keenan T., Lambino R., Leuzinger S., Malmaeus M., McDonald R., McMichael C., Miller C., Muratori M., Nagabhatla N., Nagendra H., Passarello C., Penuelas J., Pongratz J., Rockström J., Romero-Lankao P., Roy J., Scaife A., Schlosser P., Schuur E., Scobie M., Sherwood S., Sioen G., Skovgaard J., Sobenes Obregon E., Sonntag S., Spangenberg J., Spijkers O., Srivastava L., Stammer D., Torres P., Turetsky M., Ukkola A., Vuuren D. van, Voigt C., Wannous C. & Zelinka M. (2020), Ten new insights in climate science 2020: a horizon scan, Global Sustainability : e5.
- Spijkers O. (2020), The case between Urgenda and the state of the Netherlands, Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law 8(1): 192-206.
- Spijkers O. & Oosterhuis S. (2020), The Dutch response to climate change: evaluating the Netherlands’ Climate Act and associated issues of importance. In: Muinzer T.L. (Ed.), National climate change acts: the emergence, form and nature of national framework climate legislation: Hart Publishing. 175-198.
- Spijkers O. (2020), The no significant harm principle and the human right to water, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 20(4): 699-712.
- Spijkers O. (2020), The public participant versus the populist government of an illiberal democracy. In: , European populism and human rights: Brill | Nijhoff. 72-91.
- Spijkers O. (2020), The sustainable human right to water as reflected in the sustainable development goals, Utrecht Law Review 16(2): 168-182.
- Blanchard C., Spijkers O. & Duan W. (2020), Three structural pillars of the future international legally binding instrument on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction. In: Ribeiro C., Loureiro Bastos F. & Henriksen T. (Eds.), Global challenges and the law of the sea. Cham: Springer. 351-378.
- Spijkers O. (2020), Wereldrecht, Weltrecht en droit mondial, Pro Memorie – Bijdragen tot de rechtsgeschiedenis der Nederlanden 22(2): 103-119.
- Blanchard C., Spijkers O. & Duan W. (2019), Designating marine protected areas as an institutional mechanism for the protection of biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction. In: Xue G. & Li Y. (Eds.), International protection of marine biodiversity: Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 99-145.
- Spijkers O. (2019), Equity across generations in international and domestic water law. In: , Intergenerational equity: environmental and cultural concerns: Brill | Nijhoff. 90-108.
- Spijkers O. (2019), Non-participation in Arbitral proceedings under Annex VII United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Arctic Sunrise and South China Sea compared. In: Vecchio A. del & Virzo R. (Eds.), Interpretations of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea by international courts and tribunals: Springer International Publishing Switzerland. 171-189.
- Spijkers O. (2019), Sustainable management of freshwater resources: linking international water law and the Sustainable Development Goals, GAiA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 28(2): 135-142.
- Ryngaert C. & Spijkers O. (2019), The end of the road: state liability for acts of UN peacekeeping contingents after the Dutch Supreme Court’s judgment in Mothers of Srebrenica (2019), Netherlands International Law Review 66: 537-553.
- Spijkers O. (2019), Urgenda tegen de Staat der Nederlanden: aan wiens kant staat de Nederlandse burger eigenlijk?, Ars Aequi 68(3): 191-198.
- Spijkers O. (2019), Water and the law: towards Sustainability, Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law 28(3): 361-362.
- Oude Elferink A. & Spijkers O. (2018), Analyse van het internationaalrechtelijk kader inzake kunstmatige eilanden in de Nederlandse exclusieve economische zone (EEZ). Utrecht: NILOS.
- Spijkers O. (2018), De relatie van de huidige en toekomstige generaties met de aarde volgens de Verenigde Naties, Podium voor bio-ethiek 25(4): 33-36.
- Spijkers O. (2018), Intergenerational equity and the sustainable development goals, Sustainability 10(11): .
- Spijkers O., Dai L. & Li X. (2018), Public participation in China’s water governance, Chinese Journal of Environmental Law 2(1): 28-56.
- Meereboer S., Meereboer K. & Spijkers O. (2018), Recognition of sign language under international law: a case study of Dutch sign language in the Netherlands. In: Amtenbrink F., Prévost D. & Wessel R.A. (Eds.), Netherlands yearbook of international law 2017. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law no. 48 411-431.
- Spijkers O. (2018), The Urgenda case: a successful example of public interest litigation for the protection of the environment?. In: Voigt C. & Makuch Z. (Eds.), Courts and the environment: Edward Elgar Publishing. 305-344.
- Hoogstraten S. van, Schrijver N.J., Spijkers O. & Jong A. de (Eds.) (2017), The Art of Making Peace: Lessons Learned from Peace Treaties. Leiden: Brill.
- Spijkers O. (2017), Consequenties van weigering door Rusland en China om deel te nemen aan zeerechtarbitrage, Ars Aequi : 1016--1023.
- Spijkers O. (2017), Global values and the institutions of the United Nations, ICL Journal 11(2): 211-255.
- Spijkers O. & Suykens C. (2016), Meaningful public participation in the management of transboundary river basins, Journal of Water Law 26(2): 62-69.
- Spijkers O. & Oude Elferink A. (2016), Potential for a new CMS Agreement on the European Eel. Galway: Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals.
- Spijkers O. (2016), Questions of legal responsibility for Srebrenica before the Dutch Courts, Journal of International Criminal Justice 14(4): mqw043.
- Rossem J. van & Spijkers O. (2016), Rechtstreekse werking van internationale verdragen, Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis 177(3): 136-152.
- Spijkers O. (2016), The cross-fertilization between the sustainable development goals and international water law, Review of European, Comparative {&} International Environmental Law 25(1): 39-49.
- Spijkers O. (2016), The world’s citizens get involved in global policymaking, Inter Gentes: McGill Journal of International Law & Legal Pluralism 1(1): 18--29.
- Spijkers O. (2016), Verplichtingen betreffende de onderhandelingen met betrekking tot de beëindiging van de nucleaire wapenwedloop en nucleaire ontwapening, NJB, Nederlands Juristenblad : .
- Spijkers O. (2015), De minuscule Marshalleilanden slepen de almachtige kernwapenstaten voor het Internationaal Gerechtshof, Ars Aequi : 281-293.
- Spijkers O. & Honniball A. (2015), Developing global public participation (1), International Community Law Review 17(3): 222-250.
- Spijkers O Honniball A (2015), Developing Global Public Participation (2), International Community Law Review 17(3): 251--296.
- Spijkers O. (2015), Het beschermd zeegebied rond de Chagos archipel: arbitrage in het geschil tussen de Republiek Mauritius en het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Nederlands Juristenblad 90(31): 2160--2165.
- Spijkers O. & Honniball A. (2015), Introduction: developing global public participation, International Community Law Review 17(3): 219-221.
- Howe B., Kondoch B. & Spijkers O. (2015), Normative and legal challenges to UN peacekeeping operations, Journal of International Peacekeeping 19(1-2): 1-31.
- Spijkers O. (2015), The evolution of United Nations peacekeeping in the Congo, Journal of International Peacekeeping 19(1-2): 88-117.
- Spijkers O. (2015), The sustainable development goals as catalyst for the sustainable management of water resources, Journal of Water Law 24: 115-125.
- Spijkers O. (2015), What’s wrong with the relationship between the International Court of Justice and the Security Council?. In: , What is wrong with international law?. Nova et Vetera luris Gentium no. 27: Brill | Nijhoff. 347-364.
- Spijkers O. (2014), Bystander obligations at the domestic and international level compared, Göttingen Journal of International Law : .
- Spijkers O. (2014) International organizations and internal conditionality: making norms matter, written by Rick Fawn. Review of: 25(4): 469-472.
- Spijkers O. & Honniball A. (2014), MDGs and SDGs, Vereinte Nationen 62(6): 251-256.
- Spijkers O. (2014), Responsibility of the Netherlands for the genocide in Srebrenica, Journal of International Peacekeeping 18(3-4): 281-289.
- Spijkers O. (2014), Selected bibliography on remedies and responsibility for the actions of international organizations (Hague Academy of International Law). In: Sarooshi D. (Ed.), Remedies and responsibility for the actions of international organizations (Hague Academy of International Law): Martinus Nijhoff. 577-640.
- Spijkers O. (2014), Staatsaansprakelijkheid voor Srebrenica, Overheid & Aansprakelijkheid 2014(2): 30-37.
- Spijkers O., Li X. & Dai L. (2014), Sustainable development in China's international and domestic water law, Journal of Water Law 24(5-6): 207-219.
- Spijkers O. (2013), Case note of the Dutch Supreme Court case between the State of the Netherlands and Hasan Nuhanovic, Militair Rechtelijk Tijdschrift (getPages): .
- Spijkers O. (2012), Global values in the United Nations charter, Netherlands International Law Review 59(3): 361-397.
- Spijkers O. (2012), The immunity of the United Nations before the Dutch Courts, The Military Law and the Law of War Review 51: 361-393.
- Spijkers O. (12 October 2011), The United Nations and the Evolution of Global Values (Dissertatie, Faculty of Law, Leiden University) School of Human Rights Research Series no. 47. Antwerpen: Intersentia. Supervisor(s): Schrijver N.J.
- Spijkers O (2011) Mark Mazower, No Enchanted Palace: The End of Empire and the Ideological Origins of the United Nations, Princeton and Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2009, 203pp., ISBN-9780691135212, $24.95/£16.95. Review of: . Leiden Journal of International Law 24(01): 261--266.
- Spijkers O. (2011), The Netherlands and the United Nations, legal responsibility for Srebrenica before the Dutch Courts, The Military Law and the Law of War Review 50: 517-534.
- Spijkers O. (2011), The United Nations and the evolution of global values. School of Human Rights Research Series no. 47. Antwerpen: Intersentia.
- Spijkers O. (2010), What’s running the world: global values, international law, and the United Nations, Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Rights Law 4(1): 67-87.
- Spijkers O. (2010), De notie van wereldrecht vóór, tijdens, en na de oprichting van de Verenigde Naties, Nederlands Juristenblad (1): 12-15.
- Spijkers O. (2010), Review of: Bowring B. (2008), The Degradation of the International Legal Order? The Rehabilitation of Law and the Possibility of Politics. Abingdon: Routledge. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 28(1): 140-145.
- Spijkers O. (2009), The Immunity of the United Nations in Relation to the Genocide in Srebrenica in the Eyes of a Dutch District Court, Journal of International Peacekeeping 13(1-2): 197-219.
- Spijkers O. (2007), Two Futures of Cosmopolitanism. Ulrich H.G., Poltier J.H., Heuser S., Barth G. & Vredenborg Paula (Eds.), Jahresbericht / Annual Report 43. Jahrestagung in Oxford. Political Ethics and International Order 23 August 2006 - 27 August 2006. Political Ethics and International Order no. 43. Uppsala: Societas Ethica / European Society for Research in Ethics. 134-149.
- Spijkers O. (2007), Legal mechanisms to establish accountability for the genocide in Srebrenica, Human Rights & International Legal Discourse 1(2): 231-265.