Otto Boele
Senior University Lecturer
- Name
- Dr. O.F. Boele
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2085
- 0000-0003-4825-0685

Otto Boele is a Senior University Lecturer with expertise on Russian literature, film and popular culture. In addition to publishing scholarly articles, he serves a wider audience through lectures, film reviews and podcasts (for instance the Home Academy), often with a historical dimension.
Fields of interest
Literary Reception and Reception History
Contemporary Russian Literature
Russian Cinema
One of my most persistent fascinations with Russian literature is its ability to function as an interpretative framework for “explaining” events in reality. Realist literature in particular is capable of creating the illusion that it depicts life “as it really is,” while laying bare its very “quintessence.” As the famous anarchist Piotr Kropotkin once put it: “In order to understand Russia, one shouldn’t read its newspapers, but its novels.” From a twenty-first century perspective, Kropotkin’s statement may strike us as naïve, but this position has shaped the reception and global reputation of Russian literature for over 150 years; from the publication of Gogol’s St. Petersburg stories in the 1830s to well into the twentieth century when socialist-realism was the only artistic method allowed.
As a scholar, I take this “old-fashioned” belief in literature very seriously as it allows us to appreciate how reality was perceived and interpreted through the plots and larger-than-life characters provided by contemporary novels. My fascination with the nexus between literature and reality resulted in a monograph entitled Erotic Nihilism in Late Imperial Russia. The Case of Mikhail Artsybashev's "Sanin" (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2009), in which I focus on what is arguably the greatest scandal in pre-revolutionary literature. Currently, I am working on the reception of Thaw literature (1953-64), more specifically on the early cult novels of Vasily Aksionov and the popular plays of Viktor Rozov. Here, too, we observe a tendency among readers and critics to interpret fictional works of literature as meticulous chronicles of contemporary life and its protagonists as “typical” representatives of their generation.
My second research interest goes back to my time as a graduate student at Groningen University where, under the guidance of Professor Joost van Baak, I studied the ideological and symbolic functions of the “North” in Russian romantic literature (1802-1841). The issue of national identity and its expression through spatial images and metaphors have fascinated me ever since. I still consider Yurii Lotman’s semiotics of space to be a highly useful approach, but one that can benefit from the “new spatial history” that has emerged in the 2000s. Since the late 1990s, I have published and presented papers on such topics as the depiction and conceptualization of the Russian provinces, the travel columns of contemporary author Dmitrii Danilov and the local Brezhnev cult in the city of Novorossiisk.
Finally, I have become increasingly interested in Russian cinema, particularly pre-revolutionary cinema and the genre of the historical film.
Key publications
2011 “Remembering Brezhnev in the New Millennium: Post-Soviet Nostalgia and Local Identity in the City of Novorossiisk,” The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review 38 (2011) 3-29.
2009 Erotic Nihilism in Late Imperial Russia. The Case of Mikhail Artsybashev's "Sanin" (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press), 255 pp.
2008 “Muskuly v obmen na den’gi: studenty i bortsy mezhu dvumia revoliutsiiami (1907-1917)” [Muscles for Money: Students and Wrestlers between Two Revolutions (1907-1917)], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie no. 90 (pp. 17-30).
2007 De zwijgende kastelen op jouw heuvels. Nederland door Russische ogen (ed. Otto Boele en Sjeng Scheijen) (Amsterdam: Wereldbibliotheek), 175 pp.
1996 The North in Russian Romantic Literature, SSLP 26 (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi), 310 pp.
Curriculum vitae
After receiving my M.A. (University of Amsterdam, 1989) and Ph.D. in Russian literature (University of Groningen, 1996), I held a number of positions inside and outside of Academe. In 1997-1998, I spent a year as a visiting scholar at the University of California at Berkeley, and from 1999 until 2002, I was a postdoctoral fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). My relationship with Leiden began in 2003 when I was hired as project manager by IDC Publishers, an academic publisher of rare books and primary sources. Two years later, I rebooted my career as a literary scholar when I joined the Slavic Department of the University of Leiden, first as an assistant professor and, since 2009, as an associate professor of Russian literature.
Courses taught (MA and BA)
The Historical Film of the Soviet and the Post-Soviet Period
Early Russian Cinema
Russian Romanticism
The Russian Realist Novel (1840-1880)
Russian Modernism (1890-1932)
Russian Grammar
Russian Reading Skills
Senior University Lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Russische T&L
- Boele O.F. (2024), Maria Ignatenko: Achrome (Prizrachno-belyi, 2022): Film review, Kinokultura (83): .
- Boele O. & Schellens D. (Eds.) (2024), Reading Russian Literature, 1980-2024: Literary Consumption, Memory and Identity. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Boele O.F. & Schellens D.E.A. (2024), Introduction: Reading Russian Literature, 1980-2024 - Literary Consumption, Memory and Identity. In: Boele O. & Schellens D. (Eds.), Reading Russian Literature, 1980-2024: Literary Consumption, Memory and Identity. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan. 1-8.
- Boele O.F. (2024), Reading and Worshiping Nikolai Rubtsov: Evolution of a Literary Cult. In: Boele O.F. & Schellens D.E.A. (Eds.), Reading Russian Literature, 1980-2024: Literary Consumption, Memory and Identity. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan. 59-84.
- Boele O. (2024), Sarik Andreasian: Emergency Landing (Na solntse vdol’ riadov kukuruzy, 2023), Kinokultura (86): .
- Boele O.F. (2023), Лев Толстой и голландский отказчик совести (Lev Tolstoy and the Dutch conscientious objector), Fifth Wave/ Пятая волна I(3): 163-180.
- Boele O.F. (2023), Semen Serzin: a similar man (Pokhozhii chelovek, 2022): film review, Kinokultura (82): .
- Boele O.F. (2023), Near-disasters and a looming catastrophe : reimagining the year 1985 in two Russian blockbusters, Wiener Slawistischer Almanach (90): 45-74.
- Boele O.F. (2023), Thanatophobia on the Soviet Screen: Tolstoy’s Death of Ivan Il’ích and Aleksandr Kaidanovsky’s A Simple Death. In: Smith A. & Sobolev O. (Eds.), Film Adaptations of Russian Classics: Dialogism and Authorship. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 184-204.
- Boele O.F. 30 May 2022, Rusland heeft de wereld niets gegeven: de 'Filosofische brieven' van Pjotr Tsjaadajev (1830). Schandaal en controverse in de Russische literatuur 1. Universiteit Leiden [podcast].
- Boele O.F. 30 May 2022, De slechtste roman aller tijden: 'Wat te doen?' van Nikolaj Tsjernysjevski (1863). Schandaal en controverse in de Russische literatuur 2. Leiden Universiteit [podcast].
- Boele O.F. 30 May 2022, Gij zult niet neuken!: ‘De Kreutzersonate’ van Lev Tolstoj (1890). Schandaal en controverse in de Russische literatuur 3. Leiden Universiteit [podcast].
- Boele O.F. 30 May 2022, Een pornografische ideeënroman: ‘Sanin’ van Michail Artsybasjev (1907). Schandaal en controverse in de Russische literatuur 4. Universiteit Leiden [podcast].
- Boele O.F. 30 May 2022, Het berouw van een terrorist: 'Het vale paard’ van Boris Savinkov (1909). Schandaal en controverse in de Russische literatuur 5. Leiden Universiteit [podcast].
- Boele O.F. 30 May 2022, Vier snotneuzen in Tallinn: ‘Een kaartje naar de sterren’ van Vasili Aksjonov (1961). Schandaal en controverse in de Russische literatuur 6. Leiden Universiteit [podcast].
- Boele O.F. 30 May 2022, Een inktzwarte roman: ‘De droevige detective’ van Viktor Astafjev (1986). Schandaal en controverse in de Russische literatuur 7. Leiden Universiteit [podcast].
- Boele O.F. 30 May 2022, Vaarwel Europa: 'Een Russische geschiedenis’ van Ljoedmila Oelitskaja (2011). Schandaal en controverse in de Russische literatuur 8. Leiden Universiteit [podcast].
- Boele O.F. (2021), Aging Kings on the Soviet screen: Disappointment and selfdoubt in Stagnation-era cinema. In: Rojavin M. & Harte T. (Eds.) Soviet Film of the 1970s and Early 1980s. Conformity and Non-conformity Amidst Stagnation Decayt. no. 95 London and New York: Routledge. 75-94.
- Boele O.F. (2021), «There is Nothing There»: Dmitrii Danilov’s travel writing and the lure of the Russian provinces, Enthymema (XXVIII): 65-76.
- Boele O.F. (2021), Maria Ignatenko: In Deep Sleep (Gorod usnul, 2020), Kinokultura (73): .
- Boele O.F. (2021), "Dear comrades! is prachtige en integere film over 'bloedige zaterdag'", : .
- Boele O.F. (2021), Tachtig jaar na Operatie Barbarossa: Russische oorlogsfilm niet uitsluitend heroïek, : .
- Boele O.F. (2019), Ekran nikogda ne lzhet. Bor'ba s literaturotsentrichnost'iu v do-revoliutsionnom kino = The screen never lies. The struggle against literature centrism in pre-revolutionary cinema. In: Boele O.F. & Noordenbos B. (Eds.), Sluzhiv orlichno blagorodno = Having served excellently, nobly. Festschrift for Sander Brouwer. Pegasus Oost-Europese Studies no. 33. Amsterdam: Pegasus. 51-65.
- Boele O.F. & Noordenbos B. (Eds.) (2019), Sluzhiv otlichno blagorodno/ Having Served Excellently. Nobly Festschrift for Sander Brouwer no. 33. Amsterdam: Pegasus.
- Boele O.F. (2019), Introduction. In: Savinkov Boris (Ed.), Pale Horse. A Novel of Revolutionary Russia. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Pittsburgh University Press. ix-xxx.
- Boele O.F., Noordenbos B. & Robbe K. (Eds.) (2019), Post-Soviet Nostalgia. Confronting the Empire's Legacies no. 76. New York and London: Routledge.
- Boele O.F. (2019), "Perestroika and the 1990s - those were the best years of my life!": Nostalgia for the post-Soviet Limbo. In: Boele O.F., Noordenbos N. & Robbe K. (Eds.), Post-Soviet nostalgia. Confronting the empire's legacies. Routledge Studies in Cultural History no. 76. New York/London: Routledge. 203-223.
- Boele O.F., Noordenbos B. & Robbe K. (2019), Introduction: the many practices of post-Soviet nostalgia: affect, appropriation, contestation. In: Boele O.F., Noordenbos B. & Robbe K. (Eds.), Post-Soviet nostalgia. Confronting the empire's legacies. Routledge Studies in Cultural History no. 76. New York/London: Routledge. 1-17.
- Boele O.F. (2019), Watching Thaw Cinema in Post-Soviet Russia, or What Can Be Done with Online Discussion Lists?. In: Haard E. de, Honselaar W. & Weststeijn W.G. (Eds.), Leaving the Stage. Festschrift for Jenny Stelleman no. 34. Amsterdam: Pegasus. 1-14.
- Boele O.F. (2018), A Genre in Crisis? Satirical Comedy during Perestroika. In: Beumers B. & Zvonkine E. (Eds.), Ruptures and Continuities in Soviet/Russian Cinema. Styles, Characters and Genres Before and After the Collapse of the USSR. London and New York: Routledge. 166-182.
- Boele O.F. (2018), The Arctic in Russia's Fin-de-Siècle Imagination: the Paintings and Writings of Aleksandr Borisov. In: Tynkkynen V., Tabata S., Gritsenko D. & Goto M. (Eds.), Russia's Far North. The Contests Frontier. London and New York: Routledge. 216-227.
- Boele O.F. (2018), Sigizmoend Krzjizjanovski, Tijdschrift voor Slavische Literatuur 79: 3-4.
- Boele O.F. (2016), The North as a Symbol of National Identity in Russian Culture. Myklebost K.A., Nielssen J.P., Tevlina V.V. & Komarov A.A. (Eds.), Net Severa, a Est' Severá. The Manifold Ideas of the North in Norway and Russia. . Moscow: URSS. 114-131.
- Boele O.F. (2016), "The Soviet Abroad (That We Lost)": The Fate of Vasilii Aksenov's Cult Novel "A Starry Ticket" on Paper and on Screen. In: Burry Alexander & White Frederick H. (Eds.), Border Crossing. Russian Literature into Film. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 223-238.
- Boele O.F. (2016), Vasilij Slepcov's Commune on Znamenskaja Street (1863-1864); Harem or Monastery?. In: Dhooge B. & Dobbeleer M. de (Eds.), Uslyshat' os' zemnuju. Festschrift for Thomas Langerak no. 26. Amsterdam: Pegasus. 33-41.
- Boele O.F. (2015), Elem Klimov. In: Beumers B. (Ed.), Directory of World Cinema. Russia2. Bristol: Intellect Books. 48-49.
- Boele O.F. (2015), Kings Can do Anything. In: , Directory of World Cinema. Russia2. Bristol: Intellect Books. 204-205.
- Boele O.F. (2015), Sequels & Remakes. In: Beumers B. (Ed.), Directory of World Cinema. Russia2. Bristol: Intellect Books. 185-187.
- Boele O.F. (20 March 2015), Complottheorieën in Rusland: de zaak Nemtsov. Leiden Rusland Blog. [blog entry].
- Boele O.F. (2014), Iskrennost' s soboi, iskrennost' vo vsem: artsybashevshchina i eroticheskii nigilizm v tvorchestve neprofessional'nykh avtorov (1907-1911), Russian Literature LXXVI(I/II): 117-133.
- Houppermans S., Liebregts P., Baetens J. & Boele O.F. (2014), Modernism Today no. 72. Amsterdam - New York: Rodopi.
- Boele O.F. (2014), 'Me Spiritual Life Is Not at All in the Best Spirit...' The Correspondence between Lev Tolstoj and John van der Veer. In: Honselaar W., Stelleman J. & Weststeijn W.G. (Eds.), To the Point. Festschrift for Eric de Haard no. 22. Amsterdam: Pegasus. 61-78.
- Boele O.F. (24 August 2014), Radicale polyfonie: de Russische productieroman 2.0. Leiden: Leiden Ruslandblog. [blog entry].
- Boele O.F. & Mastenbroek K. (2014), Tolstoj en de weerbarstige schutter. CD. Amsterdam: Electrical Films. [audio].
- Boele O.F. (10 October 2014), Oktober 1993: een open wond in de Russische samenleving: Leiden Ruslandblog. [blog entry].
- Boele O.F. (23 October 2014), De wet op ‘obsceen taalgebruik’ en de consequenties voor de Russische film: Leiden Ruslandblog. [blog entry].
- Boele O.F. (2014), Pavel Parkhomenko: Gagarin. The First Man in Space, Kinokultura (43): .
- Boele O.F. (2014), Natalia Meshchaninova: Hope Factory, Kinokultura (46): .
- Boele O.F. (2014), Artsybashev, Mikhail, The Literary Encyclopedia and Post-communist Writing and Culture in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, 1917-present): .
- Liebregts P.T.M.G., Baetens Jan, Boele Otto & Houppermans Sjef (Eds.) (2013), Modernism Today. Amsterdam/ New York: Rodopi.
- Andrejev L. (2013), Groot slem en andere verhalen. London: Glagoslav.
- Boele O.F. (2013), Op zoek naar de ware 'GenSek'- De wisselende waardering voor Leonid Brezjnev in post-communistisch Rusland, Leidschrift 28(3): 77-90.
- Boele O.F. (2013), Op zoek naar de ware 'GenSek'- De wisselende waardering voor Leonid Brezjnev in post-communistisch Rusland, Leidschrift 28(3): 77-90.
- Boele O.F. (2013), Sergei Mokritskii: Protest Day, Kinokultura (39): .
- Boele O.F. (2012), Vladimir Zjabotinski's joods-Russische tendensroman "De vijf". Een vergeten hoogtepunt uit het oude Odessa, Armada: tijdschrift voor wereldliteratuur (67): 51-59.
- Boele O.F. (2012), Aleksandr Proshkin: Expiation, Kinokultura (38): .
- Boele O.F. (2012), Review of: (2011), Space, Place and Power in Modern Russia: Essays in the New Spatial History no. 3. Slavic and East European Journal 55: 493-494.
- Boele O.F. (2011), "Melodrama". In: Beumers B. (Ed.), Directory of World Cinema. Russia. Bristol: Intellect. 146-149.
- Boele O.F. (2011), "Rasputin (Agoniia)". In: Beumers B. (Ed.), Directory of World Cinema. Russia. Bristol: Intellect. 206-208.
- Boele O.F. (2011), Review of: Tussing Orwin D. (2010), Anniversary Essays on Tolstoy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Nexus 57: 190-193.
- Boele O.F. (2011), Sarik Andreasian: Office Romance. Our Time, Kinokultura (34): .
- Boele O.F. (2011), Remembering Brezhnev in the New Millennium: Post-Soviet Nostalgia and Local Identity in the City of Novorossiisk, The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review 38(1): 3-29.
- Boele O.F. (2010), "After Death, the Movie (1915) - Ivan Turgenev, Evgenii Bauer and the Aesthetics of Morbidity". Reid Robert & Andrew Joe (Eds.), Turgenev. Art, Ideology and Legacy. Trugenev and His Contemporaries. Amsterdam - New York: Rodopi. 253-268.
- Boele O.F. (2010), Review of: (2008), Sofja Kovalevskaja "Herinneringen aan mijn kindertijd". Amsterdam: Artemis & co. Tijdschrift voor Slavische Literatuur 53: 77-79.
- Boele O.F. (2010), "Yusup Razykov: Gastarbeiter" (film review), Kinokultura (30): .
- Boele O.F. (2010), "Het orakel van Rusland. Tolstoj, zijn volgelingen en de Nederlandse connectie", Tijdschrift voor Slavische Literatuur 57: 47-55.
- Boele O.F. (2009), Erotic Nihilism in Late Imperial Russia. The Case of Mikhail Artsybashev's "Sanin". Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
- Boele O.F. (2009), "New Times Require New People". The Demise of the Epoch-making Hero in Late Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature. Brouwer S. (Ed.), Dutch Contributions to the Fourteenth International Congress of Slavists, Ohrid, September 10-16, 2008. . Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi. 133-149.
- Boele O.F. (2009), Aleksei Balabanov: Morphia (Morfii, 2008), Kinokultura (25): .
- Boele O.F. (2008), "Ja alkach?"- The western slavist in Russian Film. Haard E. de, Honselaar W. & Stelleman J. (Eds.), Literature and Beyond. Festschrift for Willem G. Weststeijn. . Amsterdam: Pegasus. 161-171.
- Boele O.F. (2008), Het biokosmisme in de Russische avant-garde: een literair cul-de-sac of de weg naar de onsterfelijkheid?. Baetens J., Houppermans S. & Liebregts P. (Eds.), Arriere-garde. Modernisme(n) in de Europese Letterkunde, deel 3. . Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers. 69-82.
- Boele O.F. & Fortuin E.L.J. (25 March 2008), Echte talenstudies brokkelen af. NRC Handelsblad: 6-6.
- Boele O.F. (2008), Muskuly v obmen na den'gi: studenty i bortsy mezhdu dvumia revoliutsiiami (1907-1917)["Spieren voor geld: studenten en worstelaars tussen twee revoluties (1907-1917)"], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie (New Literary Review) 90: 17-30.
- Boele O.F. & Scheijen S. (2007), De zwijgende kastelen op jouw heuvels. Nederland door Russische ogen. Amsterdam: Wereldbibliotheek.
- Boele O.F. (2007), De dekabristen en de "Nederlandse Revolutie. Boele O.F. & Scheijen S. (Eds.), De zwijgende kastelen op jouw heuvels. Nederland door Russische ogen. . Amsterdam: Wereldbibliotheek. 96-111.
- Boele O.F. (2007) Boekbespreking. Review of: Bugaeva L. & Hausbacher E. (2006), Bugaeva, Lyubov and Eva Hausbacher, eds. Ent-Grenzen: Intellektuele Emigration in der russischen Kultur des 20. Jahrhunderts/ Za predelami: Intellektual'naia emigratsiia v russkoi kul'ture 20 veka no. 3. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. Russian Review 66: 507-508.
- Boele O.F. (2007), De massamedia van het Russische keizerrijk: film- en theatertijdschriften tijdens het fin de siecle, Tijdschrift voor Tijdschriftstudies 22: 34-41.
- Boele O.F. (2006), Slozhnye prodazhi. Russkaia literatura v Gollandii (Lastige sales: Russische literatuur in Nederland), Oktiabr (Oktober) 10: 171-177.
- Boele O.F. (2006), "Slozhnye prodazhi: russkaja literatura v Gollandii" [Problematische verkoop: Russische literatuur in Nederland], Oktiabr (Oktober) 10: 171-177.