Nina Adriaanse
- Name
- N. Adriaanse
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3451

Nina Adriaanse is a PhD-candidate at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at Leiden University. Nina completed her master’s degree in Cultural Anthropology at Leiden University in 2005. Her master project was titled: When praying becomes taboo: The entanglement of spirit possession and Christianity in Toliara, Madagascar. In 2006 Nina completed her educational master’s in teaching social studies at the Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON). She has worked as a secondary education teacher in Social Science at several institutions. Currently, Nina also works as a teacher trainer at the Social Science department at Rotterdam University of Applied Science. Her project is funded by the NWO Grant for Teachers (Promotiebeurs voor Leraren).
PhD research
Nina’s project is titled: The hidden life of labels. The working of classifications on the educational careers of students at a University of Applied Science. Her longitudinal research examines the (hidden) working of formal and informal classifications on the educational careers of students at the Rotterdam University of Applied Science. Insights into these workings will help us answer the question of how educational classifications of difference are connected to the rising inequity in the Dutch educational system, the declining study success and rising dropout rate of particular groups within higher vocational education in the Netherlands.
Prof. dr. Peter Pels (Leiden University)
Dr. Igor Boog (Leiden University)
Dr. Bowen Paulle (University of Amsterdam)
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Culturele Antropologie/ Ontw. Sociologie