Niels Blokker
Professor of International Institutional Law
- Name
- Prof.dr. N.M. Blokker
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 8830
- 0000-0002-8156-9674
Niels Blokker has been a staff member of the Grotius Centre since the beginning, as Professor of International Institutional Law (holding the Schermers Chair, partly financed by the Prof. mr. H.G. Schermers Fund).
Niels Blokker has been a staff member of the Grotius Centre since the beginning, as Professor of International Institutional Law (Schermers Chair).
Curriculum vitae
Niels Blokker was appointed as Professor of International Institutional Law to the 'Schermers Chair' in 2003 (0.2 funded by the H.G. Schermers Fonds). Since August 2013 he has a full-time appointment (of which 0.2 FTE are funded by the H.G. Schermers Fonds).
He graduated from Leiden University (1984), where he also defended his PhD thesis (1989). From 1984 he was a lecturer, subsequently a senior lecturer in the law of international organizations at Leiden University. In 2000 he was appointed senior legal counsel at the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 2007 he became Deputy Legal Adviser at this Ministry. In August 2013 he left the Foreign Ministry and started working full-time at Leiden University.
His publications include International Regulation of World Trade in Textiles (dissertation, 1989), International Institutional Law (co-authored with the late Henry G. Schermers, 6th edition 2018), Proliferation of International Organizations (co-authored with the late Henry G. Schermers, 2000), The Security Council and the Use of Force (co-edited with Nico Schrijver, 2005), Saving Future Generations from the Scourge of War - the UN Security Council at 75 (2021). He is co-founder and co-editor-in-chief of the journal International Organizations Law Review. His main current research project is about the governance of international courts and tribunals.
For more information, see a podcast (Summer 2018):
Professor of International Institutional Law
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Grotius Centre for Intern Legal Studies
- Blokker N.M. (2024), Legal facets of the practice of international organizations. The Hague Academy Collected Courses = Recueil des Cours de l’Académie de La Haye no. 435. The Hague: Brill/Nijhoff.
- Blokker N.M. (2023), Review of: Wood M. & Sthoeger E. (2022), The UN Security Council and International Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. International Organizations Law Review 20(2): 229-232.
- Blokker N.M. (2022), Prosecuting the crime of aggression: the role of the UN Security Council. In: Bock S. & Conze E. (Eds.), Rethinking the crime of aggression: international and interdisciplinary perspectives. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press. 255-267.
- Rose C.E., Blokker N.M., Dam-de Jong D.A., Driest S. van den, Heinsch R.W., Koppe E. & Schrijver N.J. (2022), An introduction to public international law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Blokker N.M. & Schrijver N.J. (2022), Kroniek internationaal publiekrecht, Nederlands Juristenblad 97(15): 1161-1173 (NJB 2022/951).
- Blokker N.M. & Dam-de Jong D.A. (2022), Law on the use of force. In: Rose C. (Ed.), An introduction to public international law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 208-229.
- Blokker N.M., Dam-de Jong D. & Prislan V. (Eds.) (2021), Furthering the Frontiers of International Law: Sovereignty, Human Rights, Sustainable Development: Liber Amicorum Nico Schrijver no. 9. Leiden / Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
- Blokker N.M. & Schrijver N.J. (2021), Kroniek internationaal publiekrecht, Nederlands Juristenblad 96(16): 1306-1320 (NJB 2021/1220).
- Blokker N. (2021), Withdrawing from International Organizations. In: Blokker N., Dam-de Jong D. & Prislan V. (Eds.), Furthering the Frontiers of International Law: Sovereignty, Human Rights, Sustainable Development. Liber Amicorum Nico Schrijver. Leiden Boston: Brill Nijhoff. 1-20.
- Blokker N.M. (2020), Terugtrekkingen uit internationale organisaties, Ars Aequi 69(2): 124-125.
- Schrijver N.J. & Blokker N.M. (Eds.) (2020), Elected members of the Security Council: Lame Ducks or Key Players?. Nijhoff Law Specials no. 99. Boston-Leiden: Brill Nijhoff.
- Blokker N.M., Schrijver N.J. & Mead S. (2020), Introduction. In: Schrijver N.J. & Blokker N.M. (Eds.), Elected members of the Security Council: Lame Ducks or Key Players?. Nijhoff Law Specials no. 99. Boston-Leiden: Brill Nijhoff. 1-9.
- Blokker N.M. (2020), More Non-Permanent Members? On the Need for a Second Enlargement of the Security Council: a comparative perspective. In: Schrijver N.J. & Blokker N.M. (Eds.), Elected members of the Security Council: Lame Ducks or Key Players?. Nijhoff Law Specials no. 99. Boston-Leiden: Brill Nijhoff. 71-82.
- Blokker N.M. & Schrijver N.J. (2020), Kroniek internationaal publiekrecht, Nederlands Juristenblad 95(15): 1100-1112 (NJB 2020/959).
- Blokker N.M. (2020), Saving succeeding generations from the scourge of war - The United Nations Security Council at 75. Nijhoff Law Specials no. 100. Leiden-Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
- Blokker N.M. (2019), Governance of the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea: The Role of the Meeting of States Parties to the Law of the Sea Convention. In: Vecchio A. del & Virzo R. (Eds.), Interpretations of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea by International Courts and Tribunals. Switzerland: Springer Nature. 81-92.
- Blokker N.M. & Wessel R.A. (2019), Revisiting Questions of Organisationhood, Legal Personality and Membership in the OSCE: the Interplay Between Law, Politics and Practice. In: Steinbrueck Platise M., Moser C. & Peters A. (Eds.), The Legal Framework of the OSCE. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press. 135-164.
- Blokker N.M. (2019), Jurisdictional Immunities of International Organisations - Origins, Fundamentals and Challenges. In: Ruys T., Angelet N. & Ferro L. (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Immunities and International Law. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press. 185-200.
- Blokker N.M. & Schrijver N.J. (2019), Kroniek internationaal publiekrecht, Nederlands Juristenblad 94(15): 1058-1067 (NJB 2019/829).
- Blokker N.M. (2019), NATO as an International Organization: Ten Brief Observations, Emory International Law Review 34(0-The North Atlantic Treaty Organization's Seventieth Anniversary): 29-36.
- Blokker N.M. (2018), The Constitutional Role of the ICJ within the UN System. In: Hoogstraten S. van (Ed.), New Challenges to International Law: A View from The Hague. Nijhoff Law Specials no. 96. Leiden-Boston: Brill Nijhoff. 20-26.
- Blokker N.M. (2018), The Governance of International Courts and Tribunals: Organizing and Guaranteeing Independence and Accountability. In: Follesdal A. & Ulfstein G. (Eds.), The Judicialization of International Law: A Mixed Blessing?. European Society of International Law Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 26-44.
- Schrijver N.J. & Blokker N.M. (2018), Kroniek internationaal publiekrecht, Nederlands Juristenblad 93(15): 1038-1045 (NJB 2018/743).
- Schermers H.G. & Blokker N.M. (2018), International Institutional Law (Sixth Revised Edition). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
- Lawson R.A. & Blokker N.M. (2017), In memoriam prof. mr. Frits Kalshoven, Nederlands Juristenblad 92(37): 2744-2746 (NJB 2017/1982).
- Blokker N. & Barriga S. (2017), Conditions for the Exercise of Jurisdiction Based on Security Council Referrals. In: Kreß C. & Barriga S. (Eds.), The Crime of Aggression: A Commentary (Volume 1). Crime of Aggression Library. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 646-651.
- Blokker N.M. (2016), The Macro Level: The Structural Impact of General International Law on EU Law: International Legal Personality of the European Communities and the European Union: Inspirations from Public International Law, Yearbook of European Law 35(1): 471-483.
- Blokker N.M. (2016), Juridical Personality (Article I Section 1 General Convention). In: Reinisch A. & Bachmayer P. (Eds.), The Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies: A Commentary. Oxford Commentaries on International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 49-56.
- Blokker N.M. (2016), On the Nature and Future of Partnerships in the Practice of International Organizations, International Organizations Law Review 13(1): 21-36.
- Blokker N.M. (2016), Asian and Pacific International Organizations: Mainstream or Sui Generis? An International Institutional Law Perspective. In: Cheng C.-J. (Ed.), A New International Legal Order: In Commemoration of the Tenth Anniversary of the Xiamen Academy of International Law. Collected Courses of the Xiamen Academy of International Law no. 8. Leiden: Brill. 188-221.
- Blokker N.M. (2016), Conventies in het internationale recht. In: Verhey L. & Geertjes G.J. (Eds.), De constitutionele conventie: kwal op het strand of baken in zee?. Den Haag: Boom Juridisch. 119-132.
- Blokker N.M. & Schrijver N.J. (2016), Kroniek internationaal publiekrecht, Nederlands Juristenblad 91(35): 2620-2632 (NJB 2016/1820).
- Barriga S. & Blokker N.M. (2016), Entry into force and conditions for the exercise of jurisdiction: cross-cutting issues. In: Kreß C. & Barriga S. (Eds.), The Crime of Aggression. A Commentary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 621-645.
- Blokker N.M. (2016), Juridical Personality (Article II Section 3 Specialized Agencies Convention). In: Reinisch A. & Bachmayer P. (Eds.), The Conventions on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies, A Commentary. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 56-62.
- Blokker N.M. & Barriga S. (2016), Conditions for the exercise of jurisdiction based on Security Council referrals. In: Kreß C. & Barriga S. (Eds.), The Crime of Aggression. A Commentary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 646-651.
- Barriga S. & Blokker N.M. (2016), Conditions for the exercise of jurisdiction based on state referrals and proprio motu investigations. In: Kreß C. & Barriga S. (Eds.), The Crime of Aggression. A Commentary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 652-674.
- Blokker N.M. (2016), Constituent Instruments: creating a genie that may escape from the bottle?. In: Katz Cogan J., Hurd I. & Johnstone I. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Organizations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 943-961.
- Blokker N.M. (2016), Commentary on Section 1 of the 1946 Convention of the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations. In: Reinisch A. & Bachmayer P. (Eds.), The Conventions on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies, A Commentary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Amtenbrink F., Blokker N.M., Van den Bogaert S.C.G., Cuyvers A., Heine K., Hillion C.A.P., Kantorowicz J., Lenk H. & Repasi R. (2015), The European Union's Role in International Economic Fora Paper 1: The G20. Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Brussels: Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policy.
- Blokker N.M. & Schrijver N.J. (Eds.) (2015), Immunity of International Organizations. Legal Aspects of International Organizations no. 55. Boston: Brill.
- Blokker N.M. (2015), General introduction. In: Virzo R. & Ingravallo I. (Eds.), Evolutions in the Law of International Organizations. Leiden: Brill. 1-13.
- Blokker N.M. (2015), Outsourcing the Use of Force: Towards More Security Council Control of Authorized Operations?. In: Weller M. (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of The Use of Force in International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 202-226.
- Blokker N.M. (2015), Member State Responsibility for Wrongdoings of International Organizations: Beacon of Hope or Delusion?, International Organizations Law Review 12(2): 319-332.
- Blokker N.M. (2014), Kanttekeningen bij Kadi-II. Over de noodzaak van een zinvolle dialoog bij de Luxemburgse zoektocht in het labyrint van een vierlandenpunt. In: Blokker N.M., Boogaert S.C.G. van den, Koffeman N.R., Loenen M.L.P. & Ölçer F.P. (Eds.), Vijftig. Juridische opstellen voor een Leidse nachtwacht.. Meijers-reeks no. 233. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers. 19-25.
- Blokker N.M., Van den Bogaert S.C.G., Koffeman N.R., Loenen M.L.P. & Ölçer F.P. (Eds.) (2014), Vijftig. Juridische opstellen voor een Leidse nachtwacht. Meijers-reeks no. 233. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
- Blokker N.M. & Schrijver N.J. (Eds.) (2014), . International Organizations Law Review.
- Blokker N.M. (2014), The independence of international organizations from their host states: from theory to practice: Website of the Council of Europe.
- Blokker N.M. & Schrijver N.J. (2014), Afterwords, International Organizations Law Review 10(2): 601-616.
- Blokker N.M. & Schrijver N.J. (2014), Forword, International Organizations Law Review 10(2): 255-257.
- Blokker N.M. & Henley P.H. (2013), The Group of 20: A Short Legal Anatomy from the Perspective of International Institutional Law, Melbourne Journal of International Law 14(2): 550-607.
- Blokker N.M. (2013), International Organizations: the Untouchables?, International Organizations Law Review 10: 259-275.
- Blokker N.M. & Schermers H.G. (2011), International Institutional Law: unity within diversity. Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
- Blokker N.M. (2011), Preparing articles on responsibility of international organizations: Does the International Law Commission take international organizations seriously? A mid-term review. In: , Research Handbook on the Law of International Organizations: Edward Elgar. 313-341.
- Blokker N.M. (2009), Reviewing the Review: Did the European Court of Justice in Kadi Indirectly Review Security Council Resolutions? On the Downside of a Courageous Judgment. In: Bulterman M., Hancher L., McDonnell A. & Sevenster H. (Eds.), Views of European Law from the Mountain Liber Amicorum Piet Jan Slot. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer. 315-326.
- Schermers H.G. & Blokker N.M. (2009), International Organizations or Institutions, Membership. In: Wolfrum R. (Ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law no. VI. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 37-43.
- Blokker N.M. (2009), International Organizations or Institutions, Implied Powers. In: Wolfrum R. (Ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law no. VI. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 18-27.
- Blokker N.M. (2009), International Organizations or Institutions, Secretariats. In: Wolfrum R. (Ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law no. VI. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 84-89.
- Schermers H.G. & Blokker N.M. (2009), International Organizations or Institutions, Financing of. In: Wolfrum R. (Ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law no. V. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1117-1126.
- Schermers H.G. & Blokker N.M. (2009), International Organizations or Institutions, Voting Rules and Procedures. In: Wolfrum R. (Ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law no. VI. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 103-109.
- Blokker N.M. (2009), International Organizations or Institutions, Decision-Making Bodies. In: Wolfrum R. (Ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law no. V. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1092-1098.
- Blokker N.M. (2007), Recht van internationale organisaties. In: Horbach N., Lefeber R. & Ribbelink O. (Eds.), Handboek internationaal recht. Den Haag: T.M.C.Asser Press. 437-468.
- Blokker N.M. (2007), The Crime of Aggression and the United Nations Security Council, Leiden Journal of International Law 20(4): 867-894.
- Blokker N.M., Lefeber R.J.M., Lijnzaad L. & Bladel I. van (2006), The Netherlands in Court. Essays in Honour of Johan G. Lammers. Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
- Blokker N.M. (2006), From a Dispute about the Use of Force to a Non-Dispute about Jurisdiction. Blokker N.M., Lefeber R.J.M., Lijnzaad L. & Bladel I. van (Eds.), The Netherlands in Court. Essays in Honour of Johan G. Lammers. . Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. 19-49.
- Blokker N.M. (2005), Unity and Diversity in Headquarter Agreements: On Agreements. In: Krieken P.J. van & McKay D. (Eds.), The Hague: Legal Capital of the World. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press. 61-75.
- Blokker N.M. (2005), The Security Council and the Use of Force: On Recent Practice. Blokker N.M. & Schrijver N.J. (Eds.), The Security Council and the Use of Force: Theory and Reality - A Need for Change?. . Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. 1-29.
- Blokker N.M. (2005), Towards a Second Enlargement of the Security Council ? A Comparative Perspective. Blokker N.M. & Schrijver N.J. (Eds.), The Security Council and the Use of Force, Theory and Reality - A Need for Change?. . Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. 253-260.
- Schrijver N.J. & Blokker N.M. (Eds.) (2005), The Security Council and the Use of Force. Theory and Reality - A Need for Change? Overige publicatie in de Meijers-reeks. Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff/Brill.
- Blokker N.M. (2004), International Organizations and their Members, International Organizations Law Review 1(1): 139-161.
- Bever H., Blokker N.M. & Roording J. (2003), The Netherlands and the International Criminal Court: On Statute Obligations and Hospitality, Leiden Journal of International Law 16(1): 135-156.
- Blokker N.M. & Muller S. (2003), Hague Yearbook 2002. Dordrecht: Nijhoff.
- Blokker N.M. & Schermers H.G. (2003), International Institutional Law (4th rev. edition). Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
- Blokker N.M. & Schermers H.G. (2000), Proliferation of International Organizations: Legal Issues. Den Haag: Kluwer Law International.
- Blokker N.M. (2000), Het recht der internationale organisaties. In: , Internationaal Publiekrecht in vogelvlucht. Deventer: Kluwer. 147-167.
- Blokker N.M. (2000), De Verenigde Naties. In: , Internationaal Publiekrecht in vogelvlucht. Deventer: Kluwer. 169-193.
- Blokker N.M. (2000), Is the authorization authorized? Powers and practice of the UN Security Council to authorize the use of force by 'coalitions of the able and willing, European journal of international law 11: 541-568.
- Blokker N.M. (1999), Internationale Organisaties, handbook volkenrecht. . handboek volkenrecht. Den Haag: TMC Asser Instituut.
- Blokker N.M. (1999), Decisions of International Organizations: the case of the European Union, Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 1: .
- Blokker N.M.
- Blokker N.M. (1999), Mensenrechten, Kosovo, de NAVO en de Veiligheidsraad. Over gesloten gelederen, 6(48): 467-471.
- Blokker N.M. (1999), Over gesloten gelederen- Kosovo, de NAVO en de Veiligheidsraad, juni: 467-471.
- Blokker N.M. & Schermers H.G. (1998), Mission impossible? On the immunities of staff members of international organizations on mission. In: , Liber Amicorum professor Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern 37-53.
- Heukels T., Blokker N.M. & Brus M.M.T.A. (Eds.) (1998), The European Union after Amsterdam - A legal analysis. Den Haag: Kluwer Law International.
- Heukels T. & Blokker N.M. (1998), The European Union: Historical Origins and Institutional Challenges. In: Heukels T. & Blokker N.M. (Eds.), The European Union after Amsterdam - A Legal Analysis. Den Haag: Kluwer Law International. 09-50.
- Blokker N.M. & Muller A.S. (1998), The 1966 elections to the international court of justice: new tendencies in the post-cold war era?, International & Comparative Law Quarterly : 211-223.