Nidesh Lawtoo
Professor Modern/Contemporary European Literature and Culture
- Name
- Prof.dr. N. Lawtoo
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2644
- 0000-0003-0083-3208

Nidesh Lawtoo is Professor of Modern and Contemporary European Literature and Culture at Leiden University.
More information about Nidesh Lawtoo
Trained in comparative literature, continental philosophy, and film/media studies, I held positions at the University of Lausanne, Johns Hopkins University, and KU Leuven, where I led an ERC-funded project titled Homo Mimeticus: Theory and Criticism (2017-2022). My interdisciplinary work reframes the ancient concept of “mimesis” beyond realism by exploring the modern/contemporary avatars of imitation. These include identification, influence, mimicry, contagion, simulation, empathy/sympathy, mirror neurons, plasticity, posthuman mimesis among other phenomena that show how imitation is central to human originality--for good and ill. Areas of interest include philosophies of mimesis (from Plato and Aristotle to Girard and Lacoue-Labarthe), European modernism (e.g., Conrad, Wilde), subject formation and identity, Nietzsche and his French legacy (e.g., Bataille, Foucault), poststructuralism, science fiction film, political theory (fascism, crowd behavior), posthumanism, literature and neuroscience, and environmental studies. The general goal of my research is to open up the new transdisciplinary field of “mimetic studies” and create new concepts (mimetic pathos, patho(-)logy, hypermimesis) to account for the metamorphoses of homo mimeticus in the present and future.
Academic publications include numerous articles and chapters, edited specials issues and volumes as well as six monographs that set philosophical, literary, and political foundations for mimeticus studies, including, Homo Mimeticus: A New Theory of Imitation (Leuven UP 2022, Open Access). I am currently PI of a project on contemporary feminist philosophy titled Gendered Mimesis and I recently finalized a diptych on the contagious and cathartic effects of (new) media violence, from Greek tragedy to video games. For the general audience I have started dialogues on imitation with key figures in literary studies (J. Hillis Miller), philosophy (Jean-Luc Nancy), political theory (William Connolly), complexity theory (Edgar Morin), feminist philosophy (Adriana Cavarero), neuroscience (Vittorio Gallese) among others, available on the HOM Videos Channel.
Ancillary activities:
Part-time Research Professor at the Institute of Philosophy (HIW), KU Leuven, and PI of the Gendered Mimesis project
Key Publications
- Mimetic Posthumanism: Homo Mimeticus 2.0 in Arts, Philosophy, and Technics, ed. by Nidesh Lawtoo
- Homo Mimeticus II: Re-Turns to Mimesis, eds. Nidesh Lawtoo and Marina Garcia-Granero (Leuven: Leuven UP, 2024)
- Mimetic Posthumanism: Art, Philosophy, Technics, ed. Nidesh Lawtoo (Leiden: Brill, 2024)
- The Mimetic Turn, ed. Nidesh Lawtoo, MLN 138.3 (2023)
- Violence and the Mimetic Unconscious (Michigan State University Press 2023)
- Violence and the Oedipal Unconscious (Michigan State University Press 2023)
- Homo Mimeticus: A New Theory of Imitation (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2022)
- The Mimetic Condition, ed. N. Lawtoo, CounterText 8.1 (2022)
- Posthuman Mimesis ed. N. Lawtoo, Journal of Posthumanism 2.2 (2022, Open Access)
- (New) Fascism: Contagion, Community, Myth (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2019; Italian trans. Mimesis ed.)
- Poetics and Politics: with Lacoue-Labarthe, ed. N. Lawtoo, MLN
- Conrad’s Shadow: Catastrophe, Mimesis, Theory (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2016; Adam Gillon Award)
- The Phantom of the Ego: Modernism and the Mimetic Unconscious (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2013).
Scholarships, Grants, Awards
- 2020-ongoing C1 (Internal Funding) KU Leuven. Project title: Gendered Mimesis: Rethinking the Feminist Subject
- 2016-2022 ERC (European Research Council), Starting Grant. Project Title: Homo Mimeticus: Theory and Criticism
- 2018 Adam Gillon Book Award for best book in Conrad Studies, Joseph Conrad Society of America
- 2013-2016 SNSF (Swiss National Science Foundation) Fellowship for Advanced Postdoc Mobility, Johns Hopkins University.
- 2009 Bruce Harkness Young Conrad Scholars Award, Joseph Conrad Society of America.
- 2007-2008 Visiting Fellowship to Pembroke College, University of Cambridge.
- 2006-2007 Chester William Fritz Scholarship, University of Washington.
- 2004-2005 Graduate School Dissertation Fellowship University of Washington.
- 2002 Prix de Faculté, Université de Lausanne.
Professor Modern/Contemporary European Literature and Culture
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Literatuurwetenschap
- Lawtoo N. & Antonelli E. (2025), Homo Mimeticus: Una nuova teoria dell'imitazione. Roma: Carocci Editore.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), [Nieuw] Fascisme: besmetting, gemeenschap, mythe. Gorredijk: Noordboek.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Ancient foundations for mimetic studies: 1 birth of philosophy out of mimetic wisdom short film. [film].
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Ancient foundations for mimetic studies: II. Dionysian pathos and critical distance short film. [film].
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Ancient foundations for mimetic studies: III. philosophy as a way of life short film. [film].
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Vibrant mimesis: new materialism to mimetic studies. In: Isar N. (Ed.), Phenomenology, new materialism and advances in the pulsative imaginary: rites of disimagination . London: Palgrave Macmillan. 219–245.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Introducing mimetic studies, MLN 138(5): 1379 (1391).
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Hypermimetic police violence: racist somatechnics in the case of Rayshard Brooks, Somatechnics 12(1): 26-44.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), The Mimetic Faculty Reloaded: Contagion,Immunization, Conspiracies in the Age of Viral Reproduction. In: Nicoletti M. & Palazzo A. (Eds.), Epidemics and pandemics: philosophical perspectives. Turhout: Brepols. 253-278.
- Lawtoo N. 17 August 2024, Il potere dell'imitazione. Incontri. RSI, Rete Uno [podcast].
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Homo Mimeticus: Eine neue Theorie der Imitation [Homo Mimeticus: A New Theory of Imitation ] (translation: Lawtoo N.). Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie : Religion – Gewalt – Kommunikation – Weltordnung no. 35. Berlin: Lit Verlag.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Das Phantom von Ego: Nietzsche, Modernismus und das mimetische Unberwusste. Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie : Religion – Gewalt – Kommunikation – Weltordnung no. 36. Berlin: Lit Verlag.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Nietzsche contra Girard: agonistic steps for mimetic studies, Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 31: 145-176.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Violenza e catarsi: vol.1, l'inconscio edipico [Violence and the Oedipal Unconscious: vol.1 The Catharsis Hypothesis] (translation: Lawtoo N. & Caroni S.). Milan: Mimesis ed.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Violenza e contagio: vol.2, l'inconscio mimetico [Violence and the Mimetic Unconscious: vol.2, The Affective Hypothesis] (translation: Antonelli E. & Lawtoo N.). Milan: Mimesis ed.
- Lawtoo N. & Garcia-Granero M. (2024), Introduction: Mapping mimetic studies. In: Lawtoo N. & Garcia-Granero M. (Eds.), Homo Mimeticus II: Re-Turns to Mimesis. Leuven: Leuven University Press. 11-33.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Prelude: The discus and the bow: Homer, Machiavelli and the Grandissimi Esempli. In: Lawtoo N. & Garcia-Granero M. (Eds.), Homo Mimeticus II: Re-Turns to Mimesis. Leuven: Leuven University Press. 35-54.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Bataille on mimetic heterology. In: Lawtoo N. & Garcia-Granero M. (Eds.), Homo Mimeticus II: Re-Turns to Mimesis. Leuven: Leuven University Press. 183-206.
- Lawtoo N. & Gallese V. (2024), Coda. Beyond brain and body: a dialogue with Vittorio Gallese. In: , Homo Mimeticus II: Re-Turns to Mimesis. Leuven: Leuven University Press. 343-375.
- Lawtoo N. & Garcia-Granero M. (Eds.) (2024), Homo Mimeticus II: re-turns to mimesis. Leuven : Leuven University Press.
- Lawtoo N. & Blanqued J.V. (2024), Homo Mimeticus: Una nueva teoría de la imitación. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
- Lawtoo N. (Ed.) (2024), Mimetic Posthumanism: Homo Mimeticus 2.0 in Art, Philosophy and Technics. Critical Posthumanisms no. 5: Brill.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Mimetic posthumanism: an Introduction. In: Lawtoo N. (Ed.), Mimetic posthumanism : Homo Mimeticus 2.0 in art, philosophy and technics . Critical Posthumanisms no. 5. Leiden: Brill. 1-36.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), A genealogy for Homo Mimeticus 2.0. In: Lawtoo N. (Ed.), Mimetic posthumanism : Homo Mimeticus 2.0 in art, philosophy and technics . Critical Posthumanisms no. 5. Leiden: Brill. 153-169.
- Hayles K.N. & Lawtoo N. (2024), Posthuman mimesis: a dialogic prelude with Katherine Hayles. In: Lawtoo N. (Ed.), Mimetic Posthumanism : Homo Mimeticus 2.0 in art, philosophy and technics . Critical Posthumanisms no. 5. Leiden: Brill. 47-50.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Che effetto hanno film e videogiochi violenti?. azione.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Technics and mimesis: Promethean self-knowledge in the Anthropocene. In: Lawtoo N. (Ed.), Mimetic Posthumanism : Homo Mimeticus 2.0 in art, philosophy and technics . Critical Posthumanisms no. 5. Leiden: Brill. 239-267.
- Ferrando F & Lawtoo N. (2024), Philosophical and mimetic posthumanism: a dialogue. In: Lawtoo N. (Ed.), Mimetic posthumanism : Homo Mimeticus 2.0 in art, philosophy and technics . Critical Posthumanisms no. 5. Leiden: Brill. 339-350.
- Lawtoo N. & Caroni S. (2024), Violenza Mediatica: Tra Cultura e Società.
- Lawtoo N (2024), Homo Mimeticus: een geschiedenis van ons kopieergedrag [Homo Mimeticus: A New Theory of Imitation] (translation: Lawtoo N. & Voorstenbosch B.). Gorredijk: Noordboek.
- Lawtoo N. (2023), Violence and the Oedipal unconscious: vol.1 the catharsis hypothesis. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.
- Lawtoo N. (2023), The patho-logies of exclusion: politics, media, (new) fascism. In: Regensburger D. & Wandinger N. (Eds.), Imagining the other: mimetic theory, migration, exculsionary politics, and the ambiguous other: Insbruck University Press.
- Lawtoo N. (2023), Shared voices: Lacoue-Nancy's mimetic methexis. In: Lindberg S., Magun A & Tatari M. (Eds.), Thinking with: Jean-Luc Nancy: Diaphanes.
- Lawtoo N. (Producer) (2023), The neuroscience of mimesis, Vittorio Gallese: I. History of a discovery short film. [film].
- Lawtoo N. (Director) (2023), The neuroscience of mimesis, Vittorio Gallese: II. Mirror neurons now and then short film. [film].
- Lawtoo N., Verkerk W. & Cavarero A. (2023), Mimetic inclinations: an introduction, Critical Horizons 24(2): 103-114.
- Lawtoo N. & Cavarero A. (2023), Inclining mimesis: continuing the dialogue with Adriana Cavarero, Critical Horizons 24(2): 195-213.
- Lawtoo N., The neuroscience of imitation: Vittorio Gallese, III beyond brain and body (interview): Youtube (HOM Videos ERC Project Homo Mimeticus).
- Lawtoo N. (24 September 2023), The Neuroscience of Imitation: Vittorio Gallese, IV. Experience, Aesthetics, Hypermimesis (Interview) (HOM Videos ERC Project Homo Mimeticus).
- Lawtoo N. (2023), Violence and the mimetic unconscious: vol. 2, the affective hypothesis. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.
- Lawtoo N. (4 November 2023), Posthuman Mimesis. Critical Posthumanism: Genealogy of the Posthuman. [web article].
- Lawtoo N. (2023), Wilde's mime acts: performing minor mimesis, MLN 138(5): 1438-1459.
- Lawtoo N. & Maggiore V. (2023), Homo Mimeticus and the need for a mimetic turn: interview with Nidesh Lawtoo, Itinerario 26: .
- Lawtoo N. (2023), The insurrection moment: intoxication, conspiracy, assault, Theory & Event 26(1): 5-35.
- Lawtoo N. (2023), The angel as host: J. Hillis Miller's last flight , Symplokē 30(1-2): 223-251.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Caillois on mimicry, Effects 2022(3): 20-33.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Review of: Alloa E., This obscure thing called transparency: politics and aesthetics of a contemporary metaphor. Tijdschrift voor Filosofie : 350-355.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Phd-thesis promotor: Hadikoesoemo, N.; Figurations of the Mime. Between Imitation and Production in Derrida, Lacoue-Labarthe and Irigaray. Leuven, (KU Leuven). [other].
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Bataille et la communauté mimétique, Europe: Revue Litteraire Mensuelle (1121): 99-119.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Homo mimeticus: a new theory of imitation. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Posthumanism and mimesis: an introduction, Journal of Posthumanism 2(2): 87-100.
- Lawtoo N. (Ed.) (2022), Posthuman Mimesis: special issue. Journal of Posthumanism: Transnational Press.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Posthuman mimesis I: concepts for the mimetic turn, Journal of Posthumanism 2(2): 101-114.
- Hayles K.N. & Lawtoo N. (2022), Posthuman mimesis II - connections: a dialogue between Nidesh Lawtoo and Katherine Hayles, Journal of Posthumanism 2(2): 181-191.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Birth of homo mimeticus: Nietzsche, genealogy, communication, CounterText 8(1): 61-87.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Jean-Luc Nancy: Tal vez la democracia sea una mímesis sin modelo = Jean-Luc Nancy: perhaps democracy is a mimesis without a model, Revista de Occidente (493): 99-126.
- Nancy J.L. & Lawtoo N. (2022), The CounterText interview: Jean-Luc Nancy Mimesis: a Singular-Plural Concept, CounterText 8(1): 23-45.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), The Mimetic Condition: Theory and Concepts , CounterText 8(1): 1-22.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Viral Mimesis: the Patho(-) Logies of the Coronavirus, Paragrana 30(2): 155-168.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Conrad on epidemics: from the shadow-line to Covid-19 (and back). In: Elze J. (Ed.), Realism: aesthetics, experiments, politics. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. 81-104.
- Lawtoo N. (2021), Black mirrors: reflecting (on) hypermimesis, Philosophy Today 65(3): 523-547.
- Lawtoo N. (2021), The case of Eichmann restaged: arendt, evil, and the complexity of mimesis, Political Research Quarterly 74(2): 479-490.
- Lawtoo N. (2021), The human chameleon: zelig, Nietzsche and the banality of evil, Film-Philosophy 25(3): 272-295.
- Connolly W.E. & Lawtoo N. (2021), Planetary Conrad: William Connolly and Nidesh Lawtoo in dialogue, The Conradian: The Journal of the Joseph Conrad Society (UK) 46(2): 144-171.
- Lawtoo N. (2021), Mimesis: Un Concept Singulier Pluriel, entretien avec Jean-Luc Nancy, l'esprit createur 61(2): 147-167.
- Lawtoo N. (2021), De kracht van mimesis: Nidesh Lawtoo’s perspectif op het werk van William Connolly. In: Alma H. & Suransky C. (Eds.), Verwevenheid: essays over een verbindend humanisme. Brussel: VUBPress. 149-168.
- Lawtoo N. & Cavarero A. (2021), Mimetic inclinations: a dialogue with Adriana Cavarero. In: Benso S. & Roncalli E. (Eds.), Contemporary Italian women philosophers: stretching the art of thinking. Albany: SUNY. 183-199.
- Lawtoo N. (2020), Lawrence contra (new) fascism, College Literature 47(2): 287-317.
- Lawtoo N. (2020), The critic and the mime J. Hillis Miller in dialogue with Nidesh Lawtoo, The Minnesota Review (95): 93-119.
- Lawtoo N. (2020), The excess of mimesis: reframing the picture of Dorian Gray, Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas 18(2): 213-238.
- Lawtoo N. (2020), (Neo)fascismo: contagio, comunità, mito. Milan: Mimesis Edizioni.
- Lawtoo N. (2020), "This Is No Simulation!" : Hypermimesis from being John Malkovich to Her, Quarterly Review of Film and Video 37(2): 116-144.
- Lawtoo N. (2019), The Shadow of the Symposium: Sameness and Difference Replayed, MLN 134(5): 898-909.
- Lawtoo N. (2019), Violence and the Mimetic Unconscious (Part Two) The Contagious Hypothesis: Plato, Affect, Mirror Neurons, Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 26: 123-159.
- Lawtoo N. (2019), (New)fascism : contagion, community, myth . East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.
- Lawtoo N. (2019), The powers of mimesis: simulation, encounters, comic fascism, Theory & Event 22(3): 722-746.
- Lawtoo N. (2019), The double meanings of violence: catharsis and mimesis. In: Lauwaert L., Smith L.K. & Sternad C. (Eds.), Violence and meaning. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 137-165.
- Lawtoo N. (2018), Review of: Hillis Miller J. (2017), Reading Conrad: The Ohio State University Press. Conradiana 50(3): 299-311.
- Lawtoo N. (2018), Bataille and the homology of heterology, Theory, Culture & Society 35(4-5): 41-68.
- Lawtoo N. (2018) An exemplary reader: J. Hillis Miller on criticism as performance. Review of: Hillis Miller J. (2017), Reading Conrad: The Ohio State University Press. Conradiana 50(3): 227-242.
- Lawtoo N. (2018), The critic as mime: Wilde’s theoretical performance, Symplokē 26(1-2): 307-328.
- Lawtoo N. (2018), Violence and the Mimetic Unconscious (Part One) The Cathartic Hypothesis: Aristotle, Freud, Girard, Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 25: 159-191.
- Lawtoo N. (2018), Il Fantasma dell'io: la massa e l'inconscio mimetico. Milan: Mimesis Edizioni.
- Lawtoo N. (2018), Conrad in the anthropocene: steps to an ecology of catastrophe. In: Schneider-Rebozo L., McCarthy J.M. & Peters J.G. (Eds.), Conrad and nature: essays. New York: Routledge.
- Lawtoo & N. (2017) The swarming of mimesis. A review of William Connolly, facing the planetary : entangled humanism and the politics of swarming . Review of: Connolly W. (2017), Facing the Planetary: Entangled Humanism and the Politics of Swarming: Duke University Press. Postmodern Culture 28(1).
- Lawtoo N. (2017), Poetics and politics (with Lacoue-Labarthe): introduction, MLN 132(5): 1133-1139.
- Lawtoo N. (2017), The Plasticity of Mimesis, MLN 132(5): 1201-1224.
- Lawtoo N. (2017), The power of myth (reloaded): from Nazism to new Fascism, L'Esprit Creáteur 57(4): 64-82.
- Lawtoo N. (2017), Adriana Cavarero: introduction, Joseph Conrad Today 42(2): 11-12.
- Lawtoo N. (2016), Conrad's mimetic turn, Conradiana 48(2-3): 129-142.
- Lawtoo N. (2016), Conrad's neuroplasticity, Modernism/modernity 23(4): 771-788.
- Gogwilt C., Harrington E.B. & Lawtoo N. (Eds.) (2016), . Conradiana: Texas Tech University Press.
- Lawtoo N. (2016), Conrad's shadow : catastrophe, mimesis, theory . East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.
- Lawtoo N. (2016) The dispossession of character. Review of: Omri M. (2014), Out of character: modernism, vitalism, psychic life: Stanford University Press. Novel: a forum on fiction 49(2): 403-407.
- Lawtoo N. (2015), Avatar simulation in 3Ts: techne, trance, transformation, Science Fiction Studies 42(1): 132-150.
- Lawtoo N. (2015), Dueling to the end/ending "The Duel": Girard avec Conrad, Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 22: 153-184.
- Lawtoo N. (2014), Fear of the dark: surrealist shadows in The Nigger of the “Narcissus”, Modern Fiction Studies 60(2): 227-250.
- Lawtoo N. (2013), A picture of Africa: frenzy, counternarrative, mimesis, Modern Fiction Studies 59(1): 26-52.
- Lawtoo N. (2013), Review of: Watts C. (2012), Conrad's Heart of Darkness: a critical and contextual discussion no. 2. Amsterdam: Rodopi. Conradiana 45(3): 83-88.
- Lawtoo N. (2013), The phantom of the ego: modernism and the mimetic unconscious. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.
- Lawtoo N. (2012), A picture of Europe: possession trance in heart of darkness, Novel: a forum on fiction 45(3): 409-432.
- Lawtoo N. (Ed.) (2012), Conrad's Heart of Darkness and contemporary thought: revisiting the horror with Lacoue-Labarthe. London: Bloomsbury.
- Lawtoo N. (2011), Bataille and the birth of the subject : out of the laughter of the socius, Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities 16(2): 73-88.
- Lawtoo N. (2010), The horror of mimesis: "Enthusiastic Outbreak[s]" in Heart of Darkness, Conradiana 42(1-2): 45-74.
- Lawtoo N. (2006), Dissonant voices in Richard Rodriguez's 'Hunger of Memory' and Luce Irigaray's 'This Sex Which is Not One', Texas Studies in Language and Literature 48(3): 220-249.
- Lawtoo N. (2006), Death of the subject, birth of dialogue: Bakhtin and his French reception, Lingua Romana 5(1): 1-18.
- Lawtoo N. (2005), Bataille and the suspension of being, Lingua Romana 4(1): 1-19.
- Lawtoo N. (2005), Desires trespassing identities in Nella Larsen's passing, Utah Foreign Language Review 14: 61-68.
- Lawtoo N. (2004), Rewriting identities in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's 'The Yellow Wallpaper' : a reader response approach, Utah Foreign Language Review 13: 51-61.