Nicole van Os
Education coordinator / study adviser
- Name
- Dr. N.A.N.M. van Os
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2937
- 0000-0002-4280-0167

In office
Monday 08:30-12:30h
Tuesday 08:30-12.00 and 12:30-17:00h
Wednesday 08:30-12:00 and 12:30-17:00h
Consultation hours
Preferably after scheduling an appointment by phone or email, but feel free to come in when the door is open.
- BA South and Southeast Asian Studies students: mail to
- (Res)MA Asian Studies en Middle Eastern Studies students: mail to
Education coordinator / study adviser
- Faculty of Humanities
- Faculteitsbureau
- OSZ Studieadvisering
Education coordinator / study adviser
- Faculty of Humanities
- Faculteitsbureau
- OSZ Studieadvisering
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- Os N.A.N.M. van & Kemaloğlu M.M. (2023), Feminizm Hayırseverlik ve Vatanseverlik: Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Kadınların Örgütlü Yaşamı. Istanbul: Alfa Yayınları.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2022), Once upon a time … : A personal narrative of my research into Ottoman women’s lives and activities. In: Adak H. & WIttmann R. (Eds.), Mapping gender: what’s new and what’s ahead in Ottoman and Turkish women's, gender and sexuality studies. Pera Blaetter no. 36. Istanbul: Orient Institute Istanbul. 68-73.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2020), "We Have to Admit We Remained Quite Inadequate": Ottoman Muslim Women and the Ottoman Red Crescent Society. In: Hacker Barton C. & Vining Margaret (Eds.), Cutting a New Pattern: Uniformed Women in The Great War. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. 251-276.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2019), From conspicuous to conscious consumers: Ottoman Muslim women, the Mamulat-ı Dahiliye İstihlakı Kadınlar Cemiyet-i Hayriyesi, and the national economy, Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association 6(2): 113-130.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2018), Viervoudig consument, en wat te doen daartegen. In: Gerritsen F.A. & Heijden H. van der (Eds.), Standplaats Istanbul. Lange lijnen in de cultuurgeschiedenis van Turkije. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Jurgen Maas. 192-199.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2018), Women's Mobilization for War (Ottoman Empire/ Middle East). In: Daniel U., Gatrell P., Janz O., Jones H., Keene J., Kramer A. & Nasson B. (Eds.), 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War. 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2016), ‘They can breathe freely now’: The International Council of Women and Ottoman Muslim Women, Journal of Women's History 28(3): 17-40.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2016), Gendering Jihad: Ottoman Muslim Women and War during the Early Twentieth Century. In: Zürcher E.J. (Ed.), Jihad and Islam in World War I: Studies on the Ottoman Jihad at the Centenary of Snouck Hurgronje’s “Holy War Made in Germany”. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 153-178.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2015), Féminisme. In: Georgeon F., Vatin N. & Veinstein G. (Eds.), Dictionnaire de l'Empire ottoman. Paris: Fayard. 441-442.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2015), Kara Fatma: An Ottoman Female Warrior. In: Dudink Stefan & Plate Liedeke (Eds.), Mythen van Gender: Essays voor Willy Jansen. Nijmegen: Uitgevery Vantilt. 247-252.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2015), Ottoman Muslim Women and Work during the First World War. In: Yavuz M.H. & Ahmad F. (Eds.), War & Collapse: World War I and the Ottoman State. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. 427-457.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (31 October 2013), Feminism, philanthropy and patriotism : female associational life in the Ottoman empire (Dissertatie. Leiden Institute for Area Studies (LIAS), Faculty of humanities, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Zürcher E.J. & Jansen W.H.M.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2012), Complimenteren en passagieren: Nederlandse marineofficieren en janmaats in Osmaanse wateren 1896-1897. In: Schmidt J. (Ed.), Nederland in Turkije, Turkije in Nederland: 400 jaar vriendschap. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 203-217.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2011), Aiding the Poor Soldiers' Families: the Asker Âilelerine Yardımcı Hanımlar Cemiyeti, Türkiyat Mecmuası 21(1): 255-289.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2007), Kumaya gitmek; Polygamy before and after the Introduction of the Swiss Civil Code in Turkey. In: Atabaki T. (Ed.), The State and the Subaltern; Society and Politics in Turkey and Iran. London: IB Tauris. 179-198.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2007), The Ottoman Empire. In: Zirin M., Livezeanu I., Worobec C. & Pachuta Farris J. (Eds.), Women and Gender in Russia and Eastern Europe: A Comprehensive Bibliography. Armonk, NY: M.E.Sharpe. 199-238.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2006), Mucīnsiz. In: Bearman P., Bianquis Th., Bosworth C.E., Donzel E. van & Heinrichs W.P. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Islam. Leiden, etc.: Brill Publishers.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2006), Nurturing soldiers and girls: Osmanlı Hanımları Cemiyet-i Hayriyesi. Abaci N. (Ed.), Papers of VIII’th International Congress on the Economic and Social History of Turkey. VIII’th International Congress on the Economic and Social History of Turkey. Morrisvelle: Lulu Press. 213-217.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2005), Ottoman Muslim and Turkish women in an international context, European Review XIII(3): 459-479.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2003), ’Bu da Ghejer’: Halide Edib’in Florence Billings’e yazdığı İngilizce Mektupları, Tarih ve Toplum XXXIX(234): 4-12.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2002), Millî Kıyafet: Müslüman Osmanlı Kadını ve Kıyafetinin Milliyeti. In: Güzel H.C. (Ed.), Türkler. Ankara: Yeni Türkiye Yayınları. 133-145.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2002), Millî Kıyafet: Ottoman Women and the Nationality of Their Dress. In: Güzel H.C. (Ed.), The Turks. Ankara: Yeni Türkiye Publications. 580-592.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2002), Osmanlı Kadın Cemiyetleri: geçmişten kalan kaynaklar, gelecek için kaynaklar, Toplumsal Tarih 17(99): 7-14.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2002), Osmanlı Hilal-i Ahmer ve Terakkiperver Cemiyet-i Nisvaniyesi ve Hilal-i Ahmer ve Fukuraperver Cemiyet-i Hayriye-i Nisvaniyesi: Dolandırıcıların “Sahte” Osmanlı Kadın Örgütü – 2, Tarih ve Toplum XXXXVIII(226): 22-27.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2001), Osmanlı Müslümanlarında Feminizm. In: Alkan Mehmet Ö. (Ed.), Cumhuriyet’e Devreden Düşünce Mirası: Tanzimat ve Meşrutiyet’in Birikimi. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları. 335-347.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2001), ‘A nation whose women are living in ignorance...’: the foundation of the Milli İnas Mektebi in Nişantaşı”. Çaksu A. (Ed.), International Congress on Education and Learning in the Ottoman Empire. International Congress on Education and Learning in the Ottoman Empire. Istanbul: IRCICA. 247-258.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2000), Müstehlik değil müstahsil (producers, not consumers): Ottoman Muslim women and Millî İktisat. In: Çiçek Kemal (Ed.), The Great Ottoman-Turkish Civilization. Ankara: Yeni Türkiye. 269-275.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2000), Vrouwenstrijd in Turkije; van het late Osmaanse Rijk tot heden, Justitiële Verkenningen 26(8): 98-109.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (2000), Ottoman Women’s Organizations: Sources of the Past, Sources for the, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 11(3): 369-383.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (1999), Ottoman Muslim Women’s Reaction to the Commercial and Cultural Intrusion of the West: The Quest for a National Dress. In: Füllberg-Stolberg K., Heidrich P. & Schöne E. (Eds.), Dissociation and Appropriation: Responses to Globalization in Asia and Africa. Berlin: Verlag das Arabische Buch. 291-308.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (1999), The Ottoman State as Breadgiver: the Muinsiz Aile Maaşı. In: Zürcher E.J. (Ed.), Arming the State. London: I.B. Tauris. 95-110.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (1997), Kandilli Sultânî-i İnâs: bir devlet adamının teşebbüs-ü şâhsisi nasıl sonuçlandı?, Tarih ve Toplum 28(163): 26-34.
- Os N.A.N.M. van (1997), Bursa'da kadın işçilerin 1910 grevi, Toplumsal Tarih 7(39): 7-10.