Universiteit Leiden

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Nicole Stybnarova

Assistant professor

N. Stybnarova LLM MSc
+31 70 800 9500

Nicole Stybnarova teaches Public International Law courses (Sovereignty and Statehood; Comparative Legal Systems; International Migration Law and Foundations of EU Law) at the Leiden University College, Faculty of Global Governance and Affairs. She is also a research affiliate at Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford and at Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights, University of Helsinki. She also externally teaches doctoral seminar in Critical Legal Theory at the Law Faculty of Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.

More information about Nicole Stybnarova

Nicole researches in Public and Private International Law and Social Theory. She has published articles addressing topics within Migration Law, Private International Law, Human Rights, Post-colonial and Feminist Theory. Nicole’s PhD/DPhil focused on marriage recognition and reunification through the lens of Marxist feminism. Her current project focuses on women’s movements and International Law, particularly through the lens of linguistics and radical theory of social change.

Nicole has been a visiting fellow at University College London (2021), Copenhagen Business School (2021), Max Planck Institute of Social Anthropology (2019), and the University of Copenhagen (2019). In 2024, she will be visiting the Institute for Global Law and Policy at Harvard Law School.

Her publications can be accessed via this link 

Assistant professor

  • Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
  • Leiden University College

Work address

Anna van Buerenplein
Anna van Buerenplein 301
2595 DG The Hague


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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