Nico Verloop
Professor emiritus Educational science
- Name
- Prof.dr. N. Verloop
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 4017
- 0000-0002-1953-7890

Nico Verloop completed his Master's in Education Sciences in 1977 (cum laude) at Utrecht University. He worked as a educational researcher at Nijmegen University and at CITO National Institute for Educational Measurement. He received his PhD in 1989 (cum laude) from Leiden University. In 1991 he was appointed full professor at Leiden University. He was head of the department of teacher education and director of the Institute for Research in Higher Education. In 1995 these were merged into the ICLON, Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching. From 1995 to 2010 he has been the dean of ICLON. He has been president of the Dutch Educational Research Association, is on the editorial board of 7 international journals and was a member of the management team of the National Educational Research School ICO.
Professor emiritus Educational science
- Onderzoek
- Oonk W., Gravemeijer K.P.E. & Verloop N. (2020), Analyzing student teachers' use of theory in their reflections on mathematics teaching practice, Mathematics Education Research Journal 32: 568-588.
- Hu Y., Rijst R.M. van der, Veen K. van & Verloop N. (2019), Integrating research into language teaching: Beliefs and perceptions of university teachers, Innovations in Education and Teaching International 56(5): 594-604.
- Hu Y., Rijst R.M. van der, Veen K. van & Verloop N. (2018), Integrating research into language teaching: Beliefs and perceptions of university teachers, Innovations in Education and Teaching International 56(5): 594-604.
- Ginkel G. van, Driel J.H. van & Verloop N. (2018), Mentor teachers' views of their mentees, Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 26(2): 122-147.
- Claessens L., Van Tartwijk J., Pennings H., Want A.C. van der, Verloop N., Den Brok P. & Wubbels T. (2016), Beginning and experienced secondary school teachers’ self- and student schema in positive and problematic teacher-student relationships, Teaching and Teacher Education 55: 88-99.
- Ginkel G. van, Verloop N. & Denessen E.J.P.G. (2016), Why mentor? Linking mentor teachers’ motivations tot their mentoring conceptions, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 22(1): 101-116.
- Kan C. van, Ponte P. & Verloop N. (2016), Ways in which teachers express what they consider to be in their pupils’ best interest. In: Wilkinson J., Bristol L. & Ponte P. (Eds.), Education for all as praxis. Professional Development in Education. Oxford: Routledge. 124-145.
- Dadi Chen, Tigelaar E.H. & Verloop N. (2016), The intercultural identities of nonnative English teachers: An overview of research worldwide, Asian Education Studies 1(2): 9-25.
- Ginkel G. van, Oolbekkink H., Meijer P.C. & Verloop N. (2016), Adapting mentoring to individual differences in novice teacher learning: the mentor’s viewpoint, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 22(2): 198-218.
- Hu Y., Rijst R.M. van der, Veen K. van & Verloop N. (2016), The purposes and processes of master's thesis supervision: a comparison of Chinese and Dutch supervisors, Higher Education Research & Development 35(5): 910–924.
- Vink C.C., Van Tartwijk J., Verloop N., Gosselink M.J., Driessen E. & Bolk J.H. (2016), The articulation of integration of clinical and basic sciences in concept maps: differences between experienced and resident groups, Advances in Health Sciences Education 21(3): 643-657.
- Verberg C.P.M., Tigelaar E.H., Veen K. van & Verloop N. (2016), Teacher agency within the context of formative teacher assessment: an in-depth analysis, Educational Studies 42(5): 534-552.
- Ginkel G. van, Verloop N. & Denessen E. (2016), Why mentor? Linking mentor teachers' motivations to their mentoring conceptions, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 22: 101-116.
- Vink S.C., Tartwijk J. van, Bolk J.H. & Verloop N. (2015), Integration of clinical and basic sciences in concept maps: a mixed-method study on teacher learning, BMC Medical Education 15(20): .
- Verberg C.P.M., Tigelaar D.E.H. & Verloop N. (2015), Negotiated assessment and teacher learning: an in-depth exploration, Teaching and Teacher Education 49: 138-148.
- Oonk W., Verloop N. & Gravemeijer P.E. (2015), Enriching practical knowledge: Exploring student teachers' competence in integrating theory and practice of mathematics teaching, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 46(5): 559-598.
- Vink C.C., Tartwijk J. van, Verloop N., Gosselink M., Driessen E. & Bolk J. (2015), Concept maps en integratie van klinische vakken en basisvakken: expertiseverschillen in kaart gebracht. NVMO 12 November 2015 - 13 November 2015. Rotterdam: NVMO.
- Hu Y., Rijst R.M. van der, Veen K. van & Verloop N. (2015), The role of research in teaching: A comparison of teachers from research universities and those from universities of applied sciences, Higher Education Policy 28: 535-554.
- Vink S.C., Tartwijk J. van, Verloop N., Gosselink M.J., Driessen E. & Bolk J.H. (2015), The articulation of integration of clinical and basic sciences in concept maps: differences between experienced and resident groups, Advances in Health Sciences Education : .
- Rijst R.M. van der, Veen K. van & Verloop N. (2014), ‘And never the two shall meet’? Comparing Chinese and Dutch university teachers about the role of research in teaching, Higher Education : .
- Rijst R.M. van der, Visser-Wijnveen G.J., Verloop N. & Van Driel J.H. (2014), Development of a tool to evaluate lecturers’ verbal repertoire in action, Teaching in Higher Education 19(6): 657-670.
- Belo N.A.H., Van Driel J.H., Veen K. van & Verloop N. (2014), Beyond the dichotomy of teacher- versus student-focused education: A survey study on physics teachers' beliefs about the goals and pedagogy of physics education, Teaching and Teacher Education 39: 89-101.
- Verberg C.P.M., Tigelaar E.H. & Verloop N. (2013), Teacher learning through participation in a negotiated assessment procedure, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 19(2): .
- Rijst R.M. van der, Visser-Wijnveen G.J., Verloop N. & Driel J.H. van (2013), Undergraduate science coursework: teachers’ goal statements and how students experience research, Innovations in Education and Teaching International 50(2): 178–190.
- Beijaard D., Meijer P & Verloop N. (2013), The emergence of research on teachers' professional identity: A review of literature from 1988 to 2000. In: Craig J., Meijer P.C. & Broeckmans J. (Eds.) Advances in Research on Teaching. no. 19: Bingley Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.. 205-230.
- Jong R.J. de, Tartwijk J. van & Verloop N. (2013), Persoonlijkheid, self-efficacy, disciplineringsstrategieën en de leerkracht-leerlingrelatie bij leerkrachten in opleiding, Pedagogische Studiën 90(1): 21-39.
- Dobber M., Vandyck I., Akkerman S., De Graaff R., Beishuizen J., Pilot A., Verloop N. & Vermunt J. (2013), The development of community competence in the teacher education curriculum, European Journal of Teacher Education 36(3): 346-363.
- Visser G.J., Driel J.H. van, Rijst R.M. van der, Visser A. & Verloop N. (2012), Relating academics' ways of integrating research and teaching to their students' perceptions, Studies in Higher Education 37(2): 219–234.
- Dobber M., Akkerman S.F., Verloop N., Admiraal W. & Vermunt J.D. (2012), Developing designs for community development in four types of student teacher groups, Learning Environments Research 15(3): 279-297.
- Dobber M., Akkerman S.F., Verloop N. & Vermunt J.D. (2012), Student teachers' collaborative research: Small-scale research projects during teacher education, Studies in Higher Education 28(4): 609-617.
- De Jong R.J., Van Tartvvijk J., Verloop N., Veldman I. & Wubbels T. (2012), Teachers' expectations of teacher-student interaction: Complementary and distinctive expectancy patterns, Teaching and Teacher Education 28(7): 948-956.
- Endedijk M.D., Vermunt J.D., Verloop N. & Brekelmans M. (2012), The nature of student teachers' regulation of learning in teacher education, British Journal of Educational Psychology 82(3): 469-491.
- Dadi Chen, Tigelaar D.E.H. & Verloop N. (2011), Theorizing non-native ESP/EGP teacher intercultural identity: A way out of confusion. International Conference on English for Specific Purposes in Asia 21 October 2011 - 23 October 2011. Xi’an.
- Bakker M.E.J., Roelofs E.C., Beijaard D., Sanders P.F., Tigelaar D.E.H. & Verloop N. (2011), Video portfolios: the development and usefulness of a teacher assessment procedure, Studies in Educational Evaluation 37(2-3): 123-133.
- Beijaard D., Meijer P.C. & VerloopN. (2011), Reconsiderando a pesquisa sobre indentidade profissional de professores. In: Reis K., Veen K. van & Gimenez T. (Eds.) Identidades de professores de linguas. London: Eduel. 3-45.
- Meirink J.A., Meijer P.C., Verloop N. & Bergen T. (2010), How do teachers learn in the workplace? An examination of teacher learning activities, European Journal of Teacher Education 32: 209-225.
- Rajuan M., Beijaard D. & Verloop N. (2010), The match and mismatch between expectations of student teachers and cooperating teachers: exploring different opportunities for learning to teach in the mentor relationship, Research Papers in Education 25(2): 201-223.
- Janssen F.J.J.M., Van Driel J.H. & Verloop N. (2010), Towards practical design support for teachers, Pedagogische Studien 87(6): 412-431.
- Visser-Wijnveen G.J., Driel J.H. van, Rijst R.M. van der, Verloop N. & Visser A. (2010), The ideal research-teaching nexus in the eyes of academics: Building profiles, Higher Education Research & Development 29(2): 195-210.
- Janssen F.J.J.M., Driel J.H. van & Verloop N. (2010), Naar praktische ontwerpondersteuning voor docenten, Pedagogische Studiën 87(6): 412-431.
- Platteel T.L., Hulshof H., Ponte P., Driel J.H. van & Verloop N. (2010), Forming a collaborative action research partnership, Educational Action Research 18(4): 429 — 451.
- Van Kan C.A., Ponte P. & Verloop N. (2010), How to conduct research on the inherent moral significance of teaching: A phenomenological elaboration of the standard repertory grid application, Teaching and Teacher Education 26(8): 1553-1562.
- Visser-Wijnveen G.J., Driel J.H. van, Rijst R.M. van der, Verloop N. & Visser A. (2009), The relationship between academics' conceptions of knowledge, research and teaching - a metaphor study, Teaching in Higher Education 14(6): 673-686.
- Nijveldt M, Beijaard D., Brekelmans M., Wubbels T. & Verloop N. (2009), Assessors' perceptions of their judgement processes: Successful strategies and threats underlying valid assessment of student teachers, Studies in Educational Evaluation 35(1).
- Rajuan M., Beijaard D. & Verloop N. (2008), The match and mismatch between expectations of student teachers and cooperating teachers: Exploring different opportunities for learning to teach in the mentor relationship. , Research Papers in Education 25(2): 1-22.
- Rajuan M., Beijaard D. & Verloop N. (2008), What do student teachers learn? Perceptions of learning in mentoring relationships, New Educator 4(2): 133-151.
- Nijveldt M.,Brekelmans M., Beijaard D., Wubbels T. & Verloop N. (2008), Validiteit in paarsgewijze beoordelingen van docentcompetenties, Pedagogische Studiën 85(4): 261-279.
- Schaaf M. van der, Stokking K. & Verloop N. (2008), De validiteit van het beoordelen van docentcognities en docentgedrag in docentportfoliobeoordelingen, Pedagogische Studiën 85(4): 222-239.
- Bakker M.E.J., Sanders P., Beijaard D., Wubbels T. & Verloop N. (2008), De betrouwbaarheid en generaliseerbaarheid van competentiebeoordelingen op basis van een videodossier, Pedagogische Studiën 85(4): 240-260.
- Van der Schaaf M.F., Stokking K.M. & Verloop N. (2008), Teacher beliefs and teacher behaviour in portfolio assessment, Teaching and Teacher Education 24(7): 1691-1704.
- Van Driel J.H., Bulte A.M.W. & Verloop N. (2008), Using the curriculum emphasis concept to investigate teachers' curricular beliefs in the context of educational reform, Journal of Curriculum Studies 40(1): 107-122.
- Beijaard Douwe Korthagen Fred Verloop Nico (2007), Understanding how teachers learn as a prerequisite for promoting teacher learning, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 13(2): 105-108.
- Meirink J. A., Meijer P. C. & Verloop N. (2007), A closer look at teachers’ individual learning in collaborative settings, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 13(2): 145-164.
- Oolbekkink-Marchand H.W., Driel J. van & Verloop N. (2007), Een vergelijking van de perspectieven van docenten in het voortgezet en wetenschappelijk onderwijs op onderwijzen en leren in de context van onderwijsvernieuwingen, Pedagogische Studiën 84(4): 393-307.
- Mansvelder-Longayroux D.D., Beijaard D., Verloop N. & Vermunt J.D. (2007), Functions of the learning portfolio in student teachers' learning process, Teachers College Record 109(1): 126-159.
- Henze I., Van Driel J.H. & Verloop N. (2007), Science teachers' knowledge about teaching models and modelling in the context of a new syllabus on public understanding of science, Research in Science Education 37: 99-122.
- Henze I., Driel J.H. van & Verloop N. (2007), The change of science teachers' personal knowledge about teaching models and modelling in the context of science education reform, International Journal of Science Education 29(15): 1819-1846.
- Mansvelder-Longayroux D.D., Beijaard D. & Verloop N. (2007), The portfolio as a tool for stimulating reflection by student teachers, Teaching and Teacher Education 23(1): 47-62.
- Oolbekkink‐Marchand H.W., Driel J. H. van & Verloop N. (2006), A breed apart? A comparison of secondary and university teachers' perspectives on self‐regulated learning, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 12(5): 593-614.
- Oolbekkink-Marchand H.W ., Driel J.H. van & Verloop N. (2006), Secondary and university teachers' perspectives on self-regulated learning. In: Oser F.K., Achtenhagen F. & Renold U. (Eds.) Competence oriented teacher training..
- Mansvelder-Longayroux D.D., Beijaard D. & Verloop N. (2006), The portfolio as a tool for stimulating reflection by student teachers, Teaching and Teacher Education 23(1): 47-62.
- Elen J., Verloop N. & Clarebout G. (2006), Meer dan didaktiek: evoluties in de onderwijskunde, Pedagogische Studiën 83(4): 255-259.
- Verloop N. & Kessels J. (2006), Opleidingskunde: ontwikkelingen rond het opleiden en leren van professionals in onderwijs en bedrijfsleven, Pedagogische Studiën 83(4): 301-321.
- Henze I.,Driel J.H. van & Verloop N. (2005), De praktijkkennis van ervaren bètadocenten in de context van de invoering van Algemene Natuurwetenschappen, Pedagogische Studiën 82(1): 59-76.
- Nijveldt M., Beijaard D., Brekelmans M., Verloop N. & Wubbels T. (2005), Assessing the interpersonal competence of beginning teachers: the quality of the judgement process, International Journal of Educational Research 43(1-2): 89-102.
- Schaaf M.F. van der, Stokking K.M. & Verloop N. (2005), Cognitive representations in raters' assessment of teacher portfolios, Studies in Educational Evaluation 31(1): 27-55.
- Hulshof H. & Verloop N. (2005), Do Teachers Need Instructional Analogies to Teach Mother-Tongue (L1)? – Teachers’ Perceptions and Representations of Difficult Topics in Mother-Tongue Education, L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature 5(1): 23-37.
- Schaaf M. van der, Stokking K. & Verloop N. (2005), De invloed van cognitieve representaties van beoordelaars op hun beoordeling van docentportfolio's, Pedagogische Studiën 82(1): 7-26.
- Jong O. de, Driel J.H. van & Verloop N. (2005), Preservice teachers' pedagogical content knowledge of using particle models in teaching chemistry, Journal of Research in Science Teaching 42: 947-964.
- Driel J.H. van, Bulte A.M.W. & Verloop N. (2005), The conceptions of chemistry teachers about teaching and learning in the context of a curriculum innovation, International Journal of Science Education 27(3): 303-322.
- Driel JH. van, Jong O. de & Verloop N. (2004), De Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) van scheikundedocenten-in-opleiding over het gebruik van deeltjesmodellen, Pedagogische Studiën 81(4): 273-289.
- Beijaard D., Meijer P.C. & Verloop N. (2004), Understanding teacher identity: An overview of issues in the literature and implications for teacher education, Teaching and Teacher Education 20(2): 107-1128.
- Beijaard D., Meijer P.C. & Verloop N. (2004), Reconsidering research on teachers' professional identity, Teaching and Teacher Education 20(2): 107-128.
- Verloop N. (2003), De leraar. In: Verloop N. & Lowyck J. (Eds.), Onderwijskunde. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff. 194-248.
- Zanting A., Vermunt J.D & Verloop N. (2003), How do student teachers elicit their mentor teachers' practical knowledge?, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 9(3): 197-211.
- Schaaf M.F. van der, Stokking K.M. & Verloop N. (2003), Developing Performance Standards for Teacher Assessment by Policy Capturing, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 28(4): 395-410.
- Oonk W., Goffree F. & Verloop N. (2003), For the enrichment of practical knowledge: good practice and useful theory for future primary teachers. In: Brophy J. (Ed.), Using video in teacher education. Advances in Research on Teaching no. 10. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 131-167.
- Janssen F. & Verloop N. (2003), De betekenis van perspectieven voor leren leren, Pedagogische Studiën 80(375-390).
- Meijer P.C., Beijaard D. & Verloop N. (2002), Examining teachers' interactive cognitions using insights from research on teachers' practical knowledge. In: Sugrue C. & Day C. (Eds.), Developing teachers and teacher practice.. London: Routledge-Falmer. 162-178.
- Driel J.H. van & Verloop N. (2002), Experienced teachers' knowledge of teaching and learning of models and modelling in science education, International Journal of Science Education 24(12): 1255-1272.
- Mansvelder-Longayroux D., Beijaard D. & Verloop N. (2002), Het portfolio als reflectie-instrument voor docenten-in-opleiding, Pedagogische Studiën 79: 269-286.
- Meijer P.C., Zanting A. & Verloop N. (2002), How can student teachers elicit experienced teachers' practical knowledge? Tools, suggestions, and significance, Journal of Teacher Education 53(5): 406-419.
- Verhoeven P. & Verloop N. (2002), Identifying changes in teaching practice: innovative curricular objectives in classical languages and the taught curriculum, Journal of Curriculum Studies 34(1): 91-102.
- Meijer P.C., Verloop N. & Beijaard D. (2002), Multi-method triangulation in a qualitative study on teachers' practical knowledge: An attempt to increase internal validity, Quality and Quantity 36: 145-167.
- Bulterman-Bos J., Terwel J., Verloop N. & Wardekker W. (2002), Observation in teaching: Toward a practice of objectivity, Teachers College Record 104(6): 1069-1100.
- Uhlenbeck A.M., Verloop N. & Beijaard D. (2002), Requirements for an assessment procedure for beginning teachers: Implications from recent theories on teaching and assessment, Teachers College Record 104(2): 242-272.
- Driel J.H. van, Jong O. de & Verloop N. (2002), The development of preservice chemistry teachers' pedagogical content knowledge, Science Education 86(1): 572-590.
- Hulshof H. & Verloop N. (2002), The use of analogies in language teaching: representing the content of teachers' practical knowledge, Journal of Curriculum Studies 34(1): 77-90.
- Meijer P.C., Beijaard D. & Verloop N. (2001), Examining teachers' interactive cognitions using insights from research on teachers' practical knowledge. In: Day C. & Sugrue C. (Eds.), Developing teachers' practical knowledge: international research perspectives. London: Routledge. 186-202.
- Verloop N., Driel J.H. van & Meijer P. (2001), Teacher knowledge and the knowledge base of teaching, International Journal of Educational Research 35(5): 441-461.
- Verloop N. (2001), Teacher professionalism, International Journal of Educational Research 35(5): 433-441.
- Van Driel J.H., Beijaard D. & Verloop N. (2001), Professional development and reform in science education: The role of teachers' practical knowledge, Journal of Research in Science Teaching 38(2): 137-158.
- Zanting A., Verloop N. & Vermunt J.D. (2001), Student teachers' beliefs about mentoring and learning to teach during teaching practice, British Journal of Educational Psychology 71: 57-80.
- Zanting A., Verloop N. & Vermunt J.D. (2001), Student teachers eliciting mentors' practical knowledge and comparing it to their own beliefs, Teaching and Teacher Education 17(6): 725-740.
- Hoeflaak A. & Verloop N. (2000), Vers une autonomie croissante de l'apprenant du francais langue étrangère?, Canadian Modern Language Review / Revue canadian des langues vivantes 56(4): 617-636.
- Meijer P.C., Beijaard D. & Verloop N. (2000), Praktijkkennis van ervaren talendocenten. Verschillen en gemeenschappelijkheden in praktijkkennis op het gebied van tekstbegriponderwijs in de bovenbouw van het vwo, Pedagogische Studiën 77(1): 85-100.
- Tanner R.., Longayroux D., Beijaard D. & Verloop N (2000), Piloting portfolios: using portfolios in pre-service teacher education, International Journal of English Language Teaching 54(1): 20-30.
- Beijaard D., Verloop N., Wubbels T. & Feiman-Nemser S. (2000), The professional development of teachers. In: Simons R.J., Linden J. van der & Duffy T. (Eds.) New Learning. Groningen: Kluwer. 261-274.
- Vermunt J.D. & Verloop N. (2000), Dissonance in students' regulation of learning processes. Journal of psychology in Education.. [other].
- Beijaard D., Verloop N. & Vermunt J.D. (2000), Teachers' perceptions of professional identity: an exploratory study from a personal knowledge perspective, Teaching and Teacher Education 16(7): 749-764.
- Beijaard D, Driel J. van & Verloop N (1999), Evaluation of story-line methodology in research on teachers' practical knowledge, Studies in Educational Evaluation 25(1).
- Beijaard D., Driel J. van & Verloop N. (1999), Evaluation of story-line methodology in research on teachers' practical knowledge, Studies in Educational Evaluation 25(1): 47-62.
- Beijaard D., Driel J. van & Verloop N. (1999), Evaluation of story-line methodology in research on teachers' practical knowledge, Studies in Educational Evaluation 25(1): 47-62.
- Vermunt J.D. & Verloop N. (1999), Congruence and friction between learning and teaching, Learning and Instruction 9: 257-280.
- Meijer P.C., Verloop N. & Beijaard D. (1999), Exploring language teachers' practical knowledge about teaching reading comprehension, Teaching and Teacher Education 15(1): 59-84.
- Van Driel J.H., De Vos W. & Verloop N. (1999), Introducing dynamic equilibrium as an explanatory model, Journal of Chemical Education 76: 559-561.
- Van Driel J.H. & Verloop N. (1999), Teachers' knowledge of models and modelling in science, International Journal of Science Education 21(11): 1141-1153.
- Driel J.H. van & Verloop N. (1998), Pedagogical content knowledge: een verbindend element in de kennisbasis van docenten, Pedagogische Studiën 75(4): 225-237.
- Verloop N., Beijaard D. & Driel J.H. van (1998), Beoordeling van docenten, Pedagogische Studiën 75(6): 171-187.
- Driel J.H. van, Vos W. de & Verloop N. (1998), Relating students' reasoning to the history of science: the case of chemical equilibrium, Research in Science Education 28(2): 187-198.
- Zanting A., Verloop N., Vermunt J.D. & Driel J.H. van (1998), Explicating practical knowledge: an extension of mentor teachers' roles, European Journal of Teacher Education 21(1): 11-28.
- Driel J.H. van, Verloop N. & Vos W. de (1998), Developing science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge, Journal of Research in Science Teaching 35(6): 673-695.
- Driel J.H. van, Vos W. de, Verloop N. & Dekkers H. (1998), Developing secondary students' conceptions of chemical reactions: the introduction of chemical equilibrium, International Journal of Science Education 20(4): 379-392.
- Driel J.H. van, Verloop N., Werven H.I. van & Dekkers H. (1997), Teachers' craft knowledge and curriculum innovation in higher engineering, Higher Education 34(1): 105-122.
- Beijaard D. & Verloop N. (1996), Assessing teachers' practical knowledge, Studies in Educational Evaluation 22(3): 275-286.
- Verloop N. (1995), De leraar. In: Lowyck J. & Verloop N. (Eds.), Onderwijskunde: een kennisbasis voor professionals. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff. 109-150.
- Krüger M.L. & Verloop N. (1995), Schoolleiders en hun gerichtheid op het primaire proces, Pedagogische Studiën 72(6): .
- Akker J. van den & Verloop N. (1994), Evaluation approaches and results in curriculum research and development in The Netherlands, Studies in Educational Evaluation 20(4): 421-436.
- Akker J van den & Verloop N. (1994), Curriculum evaluation in The Netherlands, Studies in Educational Evaluation 20(4): 419-434.
- Verloop N. (1994), The Netherlands, European Journal of Teacher Education 17(1-2): 99-104.
- Verloop N. (1992), Case study The Netherlands, European Journal of Teacher Education 15(1): 123-130.
- Verloop N. (1992), Praktijkkennis van docenten: een blinde vlek van de onderwijskunde, Pedagogische Studiën 69: 25-34.
- Verloop N. (1988), Investigating teacher cognitions, Journal of Curriculum Studies 20(1): 81-86.
- Hendriks T. & Verloop N. (1981), De functie van protocol-materiaal in de opleiding van onderwijsgevenden. Tijdschrift voor Lerarenopleiders. [other].
- Verloop N. (1979), Formatieve curriculumevaluatie en onderwijspsychologie, Pedagogische Studiën 56(4): 147-162.
- Verloop N. & Hendriks T. (1979), The use of protocol materials as an evaluation instrument, European Journal of Teacher Education 2(4): 187-197.
- Nelissen J., Verloop N. & Zwarts M. (1978), Intelligentie en rekenen: pleidooi voor een meer procesmatige benadering van het intelligentiebegrip, Pedagogische Studiën 55(1): .
- Assink E.M.H. & Verloop N. (1977), Het aanleren van deel-geheel relaties in het aanvankelijk rekenonderwijs, Pedagogische Studiën 54(4): 130-142.