Nico Kaptein
Professor Emeritus Islam in South East Asia
- Name
- Prof.dr. N.J.G. Kaptein
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0001-7646-6825

Nico Kaptein is Emeritus professor of Islam in South East Asia at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies.
Fields of interest
Relationship between Islam and local culture; Relations between the Middle East and South-East Asia in the religious domain; Islam in the Netherlands East Indies, Islam in Indonesia.
I am willing to supervise (Research) MA and PhD students on projects concerning Islam in Southeast Asia, both in its ritual and doctrinal facets, as well as in its social and political aspects. In particular, I welcome projects on the religious relations between the Middle East and Southeast Asia, in the past and in the present. I am also ready to supervise (Research) MA projects on `ulama’, fatwas, and Qur’an translation and interpretation in the Muslim world at large.
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum vitae (including publications)
Teaching activities
I teach some introductory courses in Islamic Studies, like Introduction to the study of Islam and the course Introduction to Qur’an and Hadith. At the MA level I give a seminar on fatwas (religious advices) focussing on Indonesia. Moreover, I do a lot of thesis supervision, mainly on the MA and PhD level, related in Islam in Indonesia.
Key publication
Islam, Colonialism and the Modern Age in the Netherlands East Indies: A Biography of Sayyid `Uthman (1822-1914), Leiden: Brill, 2014
- “Southeast Asian Debates and Middle Eastern Inspiration: European Dress in West Sumatra at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century”, in: Eric Tagliacozzo (ed.), Southeast Asia and the Middle East: Islam, Movement, and the Longue Durée, Singapore: NUS Press/Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2009, pp. 176-195
- “Grateful to the Dutch government: Sayyid `Uthman and the Sarekat Islam in 1913”, in Anthony Reid and Michael Gilsenan (eds.), Islamic Legitimacy in a Plural Asia, London :Routledge, 2007, pp. 98-116.
- together with Michael Laffan (eds.), Fatwâs in Indonesia, theme issue Islamic Law and Society Vol. 12 no. 1, 2005 (Leiden: Brill).
- “The voice of the `ulamâ’: fatwas and religious authority in Indonesia”, in: Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions, No. 125 (janvier-mars), 2004, pp. 115-130.
- together with Huub de Jonge (eds.), Transcending borders: Arabs, politics, trade and Islam in Southeast Asia, Leiden: KITLV Press, 2002.
- The Muhimmât al-nafâ'is: a bilingual Meccan fatwa collection for Indonesian Muslims from the end of the nineteenth century, introduced and presented by ..., Jakarta 1997 (= INIS Materials 32).
- "The berdiri mawlid issue among Indonesian Muslims in the period from circa 1875 to 1930", in: Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 149-1 (1993), pp. 124-153.
- Muhammad's Birthday Festival: Early History in the Central Muslim Lands and Development in the Muslim West until the 10th/16th Century, Leiden: Brill, 1993
Professor Emeritus Islam in South East Asia
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2022), Review of: Lücking M. (2021), Indonesians and their Arab World: Guided Mobility among Labor Migrants and Mecca Pilgrims: Cornell University Press. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 178(4): 133-135.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2022), My dear Professor `Abd al-Ghaffar’: The letters of Sayyid `Uthman to C. Snouck Hurgronje as a reflection of their relationship. In: Buskens L., Witkam L.J. & Sandwijk A. van (Eds.) Scholarship in Action: Essays on the Life and work of Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). Leiden: Brill. 387-404.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2022), "al-Munir". In: , Encyclodaedia of Islam.THREE.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2021), “Nawawî al-Bantanî”. In: , Encyclopaedia of Islam, 3rd edition no. 2021-6. Leiden: Brill. 141-142.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2021), The observer observed: Clifford Geertz on religion, Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 16(1): 1-14.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2021) Review of [Malay Seals from the Islamic World of Southeast Asia: Content, Form, Context, Catalogue] by [Annabel Teh Gallop]. Review of: Gallop A.T. (2019), Malay Seals from the Islamic World of Southeast Asia: Content, Form, Context, Catalogue. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 177(2-3): 418-420.
- N.J.G. Kaptein (2020), Review of: Bruckmayr Philipp (2019), Cambodia’s Muslims and the Malay World: Malay Language, Jawi Script, and Islamic Factionalism from the 19th Century to the Present. Brill's Southeast Asian Library no. 7. Leiden | Boston: Brill. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 176(2-3): 417-418.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2020), Ahmad ibn Zayni Dahlan. In: Thomas David & Chesworth John (Eds.), Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History Volume 16 North America, South-East Asia, China, Japan, and Australasia (1800-1914). Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Leiden: Brill. 564-566.
- N.J.G. Kaptein (2020), Sayyid `Uthman ibn `Aqil ibn Yahya al-`Alawi. In: Thomas David & Chesworth John (Eds.), Christian-Muslim Relations, vol. 16 North America, South-East Asia, China, Japan, and Australasia (1800-1914). Leiden: Brill. 548-550.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2020), The Arab Middle East and Religious Authority in Indonesia, Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society 1(1): 1-18.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2 May 2018), Jawi books in Cairo. Jawi books in Cairo: KITLV Blog. [blog entry].
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2018), Review of: Pradana Boy Zulian (2018), Fatwa in Indonesia: An Analysis of Dominant Legal Ideas and Modes of Thought of Fatwa-Making Agencies and their Implications in the Post-New Order Period. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018: Amsterdam University Press. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 174(4): 549-551.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2018), Review of: Formichi Chiara & Feener Michael (2015), Shi`ism in South East Asia: `Alid Piety and Sectarian Constructions, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015: Oxford University Press. Journal of Asian Studies 77(4): 1132-1133.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2017), Islam, Kolonialisme dan Zaman Modern di Hindia Belanda: Biografi Sayyid ‘Uthman (1822-1914), Yogyakarta: Suara Muhammadiyyah 2017 (Indonesian translation of Islam, Colonialism and the Modern Age in the Netherlands East Indies, 2014). ---: ---.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2017), Two Unknown Letters from the Kartini Family to M.J. de Goeje, Archipel: Études interdisciplinaires sur le monde insulindien 93: 109-117.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2017), The Atlas of Sayyid Uthman ibn Abd Allah ibn Yahya of Batavia (1822-1914). In: Brehony Noel (Ed.), Hadramaut and its diaspora: Yemeni politics, identity and migration. London: I.B. Tauris. 87-100.
- Kaptein N.J.G. & Yasrul Huda, “In search of Ahmad Khatib”. Leiden Islam Blog. Leiden. [blog entry].
- Kaptein N.J.G., “Een Arabisch ‘Ave Maria’ uit Suriname”. Caraïbisch Uitzicht: Blog Werkgroep Caraïbische Letteren. [blog entry].
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2017), al-Imam. In: , Encyclopaedia of Islam 141-2.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2017), “Arabic as a language of Islam Nusantara: The need for an Arabic Literature of Indonesia ”, Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage 6(2): 237-251.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2016), Review of: Daneshgar Majid, Riddell Peter G. & Rippin Andrew (2016), The Qur’an in the Malay-Indonesian World: Context and interpretation. London and New York: Routledge. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 173(2/3): 398-9.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2016), Review of: Taji-Farouki S. (2016), The Qur’an and its Readers Worldwide. Contemporary Commentaries and Translations. Qur’anic Studies Series no. 14. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Bibliotheca Orientalis LXXIII(5/6): 820-822.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2016), Review of: Menchik Jeremy (2016), Islam and Democracy in Indonesia: Tolerance without Liberalism. New York NY USA: Cambridge University Press. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 172(4): 580-1.
- Dijk K. van & Kaptein N.J.G. (2015), Islam, Politics and Change: The Indonesian Experience 1998-2013. Leiden: LUP.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2015), A taqrîẓ for a Nineteenth Century Indonesian Manuscript, Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage 4(1): 1-12.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2015), Review of: Chambert-Loir H. (2013), Naik Haji di Masa Silam: Kisah-kisah Orang Indonesia Naik Haji (1482-1964). Jakarta. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 171(1): 121-123.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2014), Islam, Colonialism and the Modern Age in the Netherlands East Indies: A Biography of Sayyid 'Uthman (1822-1914). Leiden: Brill.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2014), Islam, Colonialism and the Modern Age in the Netherlands East Indies: A Biography of Sayyid 'Uthman (1822-1914). Brill's Southeast Asian Library no. 4. Leiden Boston: Brill.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2014), The Arabs in the Netherlands East Indies and the House of Orange. In: Kerr R.M. & Milo T. (Eds.), Writings and writing from another world and another era (Festschrift J.J. Witkam). Cambridge: Archetype. 213-227.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2014) Atawneh, M. al-. Wahhabi, Islam Facing the Challenges of Modernity. Dar al-Ifta in the Modern Saudi State. Review of: Atawneh M. al-. Wahhabi (2010), Islam Facing the Challenges of Modernity. Dar al-Ifta in the Modern Saudi State. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. Bibliotheca Orientalis 71(5-6): 865-867.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2014) Ronit Ricci, Islam Translated: Literature, Conversion, and the Arabic Cosmopolis of South and Southeast Asia. Review of: Ronit Ricci (2011), Islam Translated: Literature, Conversion, and the Arabic Cosmopolis of South and Southeast Asia. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. History of Religions 54(2): 218-221.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2014), Dahlan, Kyai Haji Ahmad. In: , Encyclopaedia of Islam no. 1. Leiden: Brill. 73-75.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2012), “Some early Islamic posters from the Netherlands East Indies”. Sugahara Y. (Ed.), Comparative Study of Southeast Asian Kitabs: Papers of the Workshop held at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan, 23 October 2011. . Tokyo: Institute of Asian Cultures. 83-100.
- Kaptein N.J.G., Azra Azyumardi & Dijk C. van (Eds.) (2010), Varieties of religious authority: changes and challenges in 20th century Indonesian Islam. Singapore: ISEAS Press.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2010), “Afscheid van Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid (1943-2010)”, ZemZem. Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam 1/2010: .
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2010), Afscheid van Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid (1943-2010), ZemZem. Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam 1: .
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2009), The lament of an old man: Sayyid 'Uthmân of Batavia (1822-1914) on cars. In: Putten Jan van der & Kilcline Cody Mary (Eds.), Lost Times and Untold Tales from the Malay World. Singapore: NUS Press. 283-289.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2009), Arabophobia and the Aversion against the Tarekat: How Sayyid 'Uthmân became advisor to the Netherlands colonial administration. Ibrahim Ibrahim, Shouk Abu & Ibrahim Hassan Ahmed (Eds.), Hadhrami Diaspora in Southeast Asia. Identity Maintenance or Assimilation?. : Brill. 33-44.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2009), Southeast Asian Debates and Middle Eastern Inspiration: European Dress in West Sumatra at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century. Tagliacozzo Eric (Ed.), Southeast Asia and the Middle East: Islam, Movement, and the Longue Durée. . SIngapore: NUS Press/Stanford, Stanford University Press. 176-195.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2008) Boekbespreking. Review of: Campanini M. & Leaman O. (2007), The Qur’an. The basics no. 5-6. London/New York: Routledge. Bibliotheca Orientalis LXV: 812-813.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2008), Sayyid 'Uthmân: de adviseur. Hoefte Rosemarijn, Meel Peter & Renders Hans (Eds.), Tropenlevens: de (post)koloniale biografie. . Amsterdam/Leiden: Boom/KITLV. 195-215.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2008) Boekbespreking. Review of: (2006), Mystic Synthesis in Java: A History of Islamization from the Fourteenth to the early Nineteenth Centuries no. 2/3. EastBridge: Norwalk CT. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 164: 320-321.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (16 December 2008), “Dit boek is de cumulatie van alles wat ik weet”. Een interview met Hadîth-geleerde Dr. G.H.A. Juynboll. [web article].
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2007), 'Abd al-Samad al-Pâlimbânî, Encyclopaedia of Islam : 25-26.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2007), Grateful to the Dutch Government: Sayyid 'Utmân and the Sarekat Islam in 1913. Reid A. & Gilsenan M. (Eds.), Islam Legitimacy in a Plural Asia. . London: Routledge.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2007) Boekbespreking. Review of: Dammen McAuliffe J. (2006), The Cambridge Companion to the Qur'ân no. 5-6. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bibliotheca Orientalis LXIV: 783-784.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2007) Boekbespreking. Review of: Freitag U. (2003), Indian Ocean Migrants and State Formation in Hadhramaut: Reforming the Homeland no. 2. Leiden/Boston: Brill. Asian Journal of Social Science 35: 268-269.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2007) Boekbespreking. Review of: Proudfoot I. (2006), Old Muslim Calendars of Southeast Asia. Leiden/Boston: Brill. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia : 163-164.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2007) Boekbespreking. Review of: Dammen Mcauliffein J. (2006), Arabophobia and the Aversion against the Tarekat: How Sayyid `Uthmân became advisor to the Netherlands colonial administration no. 5-6. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bibliotheca Orientalis LXIV: 783-784.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2007) Boekbespreking. Review of: Freitag Ulrike (2003), Indian Ocean Migrants and State Formation in Hadhramaut: Reforming the Homeland no. 2. Leiden/Boston: Brill. Asian Journal of Social Science 35: 268-269.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2006), “Bericht uit Singapore”, Forum der Letteren 7(2006): .
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2005), Some early contributions to Arabic-Malay lexicography: Sayyid 'Uthmân of Batavia (1822-1913) as a lexicographer. Haji Omar A. (Ed.), Malay Images. . Tanjung Malim: UPSI. 120-142.
- Kaptein N.J.G. & Laffan M. (Eds.) (2005), Fatwâs in Indonesia. Theme issue Islamic Law and Society vol. 12 no. 1. Islamic Law and Society. Leiden: Brill.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2005), Introduction, Islamic Law and Society 12(1): 1-8.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2004), The voice of the 'ulamâ': fatwas and religious authority in Indonesia, Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 125: 115-130.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2004), Menemukan kembali kekayaan warisan Islam Indonesia: kasus Marâh Labîd karya Syaikh Nawawi Banten. Jakarta: Teraju.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2004), The Transformation of the Academic Study of Religion: Examples from the Netherlands and Indonesia. Jabali F. & Jamhari J. (Eds.), Islam in Indonesia: Islamic Studies and Social Transformation. . Montreal/Jakarta: Indonesia-Canada Islamic Higher Education Project. 55-64.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2004) Boekbespreking. Review of: Porter D.J. (2002), Managing Politics and Islam in Indonesia no. 2. London: Routledge. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 160: 380-381.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2004) Boekbespreking. Review of: Shome A.S.K. (2002), Malay Political Leadership no. 15. London: Routledge Curzon. Journal of Islamic Studies 3: 399-400.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2004) Boekbespreking. Review of: Adelkhah F. & Georgeon F. (2000), Ramadan et Politique no. 3-4. Paris: CNRS. Bibliotheca Orientalis LXI: 418-419.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2004), De Nederlandse bijdrage aan de studie van de Indonesische islam van ongeveer 1975 tot heden, Sharqiyyât: Journal of the Dutch Association for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 15(1-2): 199-220.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2004), Mawlid: in the Maghrib, Encyclopaedia of Islam (9-10): 613-614.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2004), Seasons, Encyclopaedia of the Qur'ân (4): 571-572.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2003), bid'a. In: Martin R.C. (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of Islam and the Muslim World. New York: Macmillan Reference USA. 107-108.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (Ed.) (2003), Kekacauan dan kerusuhan: tiga tulisan tentang Pan-Islamisme di Hindia-Belanda. Timur pada akhir abad kesembilan belas dan awal abad kedua belas. Leiden/Jakarta: INIS.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2003) review of Rihlatul Asfar: otobiografi ? (1287 H ? 1363 H). Review of: Abubakar bin Ali bin Shahabuddi Sayyid (2000), Rihlatul Asfar: otobiografi ? (1287 H ? 1363 H). Archipel: Études interdisciplinaires sur le monde insulindien 65: 208-210.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2002), The conflicts about the income of an Arab shrine: the Perkara Luar Batang in Batavia. In: Jonge H. de & Kaptein N.J.G. (Eds.), Transcending borders: Arabs, politics, trade and Islam in Southeast Asia. Leiden: KITLV press. 185-201.
- Jonge H. de & Kaptein N.J.G. (Eds.) (2002), Transcending borders: Arabs, politics, trade and Islam in Southeast Asia. Leiden: KITLV Press.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2002) review of Howard M. Federspiel, Islam and ideology in the emerging Indonesian state: the Persatuan Islam. Review of: Federspiel H.M. (2001), Islam and ideology in the emerging Indonesian state: the Persatuan Islam (PERSIS), 1923 to 1957 no. 2. Leiden/Boston/Koln: Brill. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 158: 338-339.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2002), Mevlud u vrijeme dinastije Fatimija, muallim III(10): 46-55.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2001), Fatwas as a unifying factor in Indonesian history. In: Meuleman J.H. (Ed.), Islam in the Era of Globalization: Muslim Attitudes Towards Modernity and Identity. Jakarta: INIS. 99-107.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2001) review of Moh. Taib Osman (ed.), Islamic Civilization in the Malay World. Review of: Osman M.T. (1997), Islamic Civilization in the Malay World no. 1. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 157: 193-195.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2000), Fatwas, moslims, christenen en de staat in Nederlands-Indie en Indonesie, Recht van de Islam 17: 15-35.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2000), Arabic influence on Malay linguistics. In: Auroux S., Koerner E.F.K., Niederehe H.-J. & Versteegh K. (Eds.), History of the Language Sciences. Berlijn/New York: Mouton De Gruyter. 333-336.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2000) revieuw of Mark R. Woodward, Toward a new Paradigm. Review of: Woodward M.R. (1996), Toward a new paradigm; Recent developments in Indonesian Islamic thought no. 4. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 156: 841-842.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2000) Boekbespreking. Review of: Abu Zeid N. (1999), Ein Leben mit dem Islam. Freiburg: Herder. Bibliotheca Orientalis 5/6: 734-736.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (2000), Acceptance, approval and agression: some fatwas concerning the colonial adminstration in the Dutch East Indies, Al-Jami'ah. Jurnal Ilmupengetahuan Agama Islam 38(2): 297-309.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1999) recensie. Review of: Iskandar T. (1999), Catalogue of Malay, Minangkabau, and South Sumatran Manuscripts in the Netherlands. Isim Newsletter 4: 37-37.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1999) recensie. Review of: Abdillah M. (1999), Responses of Indonesian Muslim intellectuals to the concept of democracy (1966-1993) no. 2. Hamburg. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 155: 286-288.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1999) recensie. Review of: Freitag U. (1999), Hadrami Traders, Scholars, and Statesmen in the Indian ocean, 1750s-1960s no. 1. Leiden: Brill. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 155: 157-158.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1999) recensie. Review of: Taylor C.S. (1999), In the Vicinity of the Righteous. Ziyâra and the Veneration of Muslim Saints in late Medieval Egypt no. 5/6. Leiden. Bibliotheca Orientalis LVI: 782-784.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1998), Tarîka. Indonesia. In: NN NN (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of Islam. NN: NN. 257-257.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1998) recensie. Review of: Riddell P.G. (1998), Islam: Essays on Scripture, Thought & Society: a Festschrift in Honour of Anthony H. Johns no. 4. Leiden: Brill. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 154: 662-665.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1998) recensie. Review of: Barton G. (1998), Nahdlatul Ulama, Traditional Islam and Modernity in Indonesia no. 3: Monash. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 154: 493-495.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1998), Islam en politiek in Nederlands Indië: een Islamitische heilbede voor Wilhelmina ter gelegenheid van haar inhuldiging, Indische Letteren : 117-127.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1998), The Sayyid and the Queen: Sayyid 'Utmân on Queen Wilhelmina's inauguration on the throne of the Netherlands in 1898, Journal of Islamic Studies 9(2): 158-177.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1997), The Muhimmat al-Nafa'is: A Bilingual Meccan Fatwa Collection for Indonesian Muslims from the End of the Nineteenth Century. Jakarta: INIS.
- Douwes D. & Kaptein N.J.G. (1997), Kata Pengantar. In: Douwes D. & Kaptein N.J.G. (Eds.), Indonesia dan Haji. Jakarta: INIS. xi-xiii.
- Kaptein N.J.G. & Douwes D. (Eds.) (1997), Indonesia dan Haji. Jakarta: INIS.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1997) The Believers Revisited: V.S. Naipaul's New Islamic TraveloguePublished in Dutch. Review of: Naipaul V.S. (1997), Meer dan Geloof no. 11. IIAS Newsletter (Special Issue, The Asia-Pacific War 60 Years On: History and Memory) 14.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1997) recensie. Review of: Amikan E. (1997), Medieval Jerusalem and Islamic Worship: Holy Places, Ceremonies, Pilgrimage no. 1/2. Leiden. Bibliotheca Orientalis 54: 235-237.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1997), Introductie and presentation. In: Kaptein N.J.G. (Ed.), The Muhimmât al-nafâ'is: a bilingual Meccan fatwa collection for Indonesian Muslims from the end of the nineteenth century. Jakarta: INIS.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1997) Islam and Identity in Eastern Indonesia. Review of: Hitchcock M. (1997), Islam and Identity in Eastern Indonesia no. 2. Hull. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 28: 423-424.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1997), Sayyid 'Uthmân on the legal validity of documentary evidence, Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 153(1): 85-102.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1996) recensie. Review of: (1996), Golden Roads. Migration, Pilgrimage and Travel in Mediaeval and Modern Islam no. 1/2. Richmond. Bibliotheca Orientalis 53: 255-257.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1996) recensie. Review of: Peters F.E. (1996), Mecca: a literary history of the Muslim holy land no. 3/4. Princeton. Bibliotheca Orientalis 53: 565-566.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1996) recensie. Review of: Peters F.E. (1996), The hajj: the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca and the holy places no. 1/2. Princeton. Bibliotheca Orientalis 53: 253-255.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1995), Circumcision in Indonesia: Muslim or not?. In: Platvoet J.G. & Toorn K. van der (Eds.), Pluralism and identity: studies in religious behaviour. Leiden: Brill. 285-302.
- Kaptein N.J.G. & Stokhof W.A.L. (1995), Prof.Dr. H. Munawir Sjadzali, MA and Leiden University. In: Sulastomo N. (Ed.), Kontekstualisasi Ajaran Islam. 70 Tahun Prof.Dr. H. Munawir Sjadzali, MA. Jakarta: NN. 445-451.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1995), The word setengah in Kitab-Malay. In: Baak C., Bakker M. & Meij D. van der (Eds.), Tales from a concave world; Liber amicorum Bert Voorhoeve. Leiden: NN. 542-552.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1995) recensie. Review of: Federspiel H.M. (1995), A Dictionary of Indonesian Islam. Athens, Ohio. Antara Kita 44: 8-10.
- Kaptein N.J.G. (1995), Circumcision in Indonesia: Musllim or Not?. In: Toorn K. van der & Platvoet J.G (Eds.), Pluralism and Identity; Studies in Ritual Behaviour. Leiden: Brill. 285-302.
- Kaptein N.J.G. & Meij D. van der (Eds.) (1995), Delapan tokoh ilmuwan Belanda bagi pengkajian Islam Indonesia: kumpulan nekrologi di bawah redaksi. Jakarta: NN.
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- section editor Southeast Asia Encyclopaedia of islam THREE