Nicky van de Beek
NINO Visiting Research Fellow
- Name
- N. van de Beek MA
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-0907-5944

Nicky van de Beek is a guest researcher at the Faculty of Humanities.
Nicky van de Beek is a NINO Visiting Research Fellow working on two projects that are closely linked together and tied to the field of Egyptology at large as it developed in Leiden during the 20th century:
- Digital epigraphy and collation of facsimile drawings of the tomb chapel of Hetepherakhty at the National Museum of Antiquities, in cooperation with Dr. René van Walsem. Preparation of a manuscript for publication by Sidestone Press in the museum’s PALMA series. The book will include a chapter on the history of the mastaba tomb as it was excavated and transported to Leiden, where it was studied by Herta Mohr during the 1930s.
- Continuation of research on archival materials in the Netherlands, especially correspondence between Herta Mohr and Arie Kampman. Preparation of one or more new publications about the first female Egyptologist in Leiden, after whom NINO’s new location is named.
Visit Nicky's NINO profile here.
NINO Visiting Research Fellow
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- Beek N. van de (2023), Braving the odds: Egyptologist Herta Mohr during the Second World War. In: Navratilova H., Gertzen T.L., De Meyer M.J.C., Dodson A. & Bednarski A. (Eds.), Addressing diversity: inclusive histories of Egyptology. Investigatio Orientis. Beiträge zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Orientalistik no. 9. Münster: Zaphon. 181-203.
- Beek N. van de (2023), ‘De woestijn was door het hele land’: landschap en klimaat in het oude Egypte, Phoenix: bulletin uitgegeven door het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux 69(1): 40-51.
- Beek N. van de (2020), Verwantschap met het landschap: klimaat en omgeving in het Oude Egypte, Ta-Mery Jaarlijks magazine voor de vrienden van het oude Egypte 2020/2021: 53-69.
- Beek N. van de (2018), De wonderbaarlijke reizen van Alexine Tinne, Phoenix: bulletin uitgegeven door het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux 64(3): 35-47.
- Beek N. van de (2017), Herta Mohr and the Mastaba of Hetepherakhty. In: Demarée C., Stuart A.J. & Verschoor V. (Eds.), Imaging and imagining the Memphite Necropolis: Liber Amicorum René van Walsem. Egyptologische Uitgaven no. 30. Leiden: NINO Publications. 233-238.